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Everything posted by gmurie

  1. Re: Suppress CSL Speaking for myself, I wouldn't do that. I'd like to reward the player who takes the skilled hero over the mass of characteristics and powers. As GM you could just "handwave" it, just say that the PCs have no powers and are reduced to CHA maxima levels on all their attributes. I never had a good experience doing anything of the kind. The players are there to play superheroes, and taking that away from them comes across as mean spirited unless you and the players have an exceptional rapport.
  2. Re: Villain power creation - I'm stuck I still say you should have gone for something like this: Summon Monstrous Animal 16 300-point creatures, Friendly (+1/4), Expanded Class of Beings Any Monster Based on animal of Dog Size or Smaller (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (180 Active Points); Requires a Dog Size or Smaller Animal to Change (-1/2), Limited Power Can only "summon" one animal at a time (-1/2) It's still way more butch than I'd allow a player to have. 180 Active points and 90 real points. If you care that much about what happens to the animal link an RKA against small animals to it.
  3. Re: Lots of power, little control. I can think of several different approaches given time, simplest to most difficult to implement. A Damage Shield Fire RKA and Accidental Change when enraged or under extreme stress. A custom limit on all powers: Act 11- when not enraged or upset. (-3/4) Multiform to a "Firestarter form" that has all sorts of problematic enrages and psych limits plus most of the fire powers. The normal form has Accidental Change to Firestarter when upset/enraged/hurt. A custom disadvantage called "Automatic Power Use" built on Enraged and Accidental Change. So that if the character gets upset at something he has to make an 11- roll or use a power on it. A lot of Enrage limits with 14- recoveries, which will make the character nigh unto unplayable.
  4. Re: The Super Darwin Awards I once was running a Cyberpunk game where the PCs had a psycho killer pinned in a five story warehouse. The players split up (!) and of course the psycho killer got one of the characters from group A on the fourth floor and ran for the stairs. The two solos that were left of group A chased him down the stairs and alerted group B who were on the second floor. Sayeth one of the characters from group A over radio link, "We've got him in the stairs, we're going to pin him between us." The psycho killer slips out at the third floor and the two clowns on the fourth floor throw a bunch of grenades down after him. Just as group B is coming up from the second floor. BOOM! And then there were two....
  5. Created because I really need a life. It just got into my head that it would be fun to run players up against a series of lame villains, and then use Confessor, Overwatch, and Killzone to make the previously lame adversaries dangerous. The whole of how the group works is in the character descriptions, especially Confessor's. There is a bit of a cheat in there, with Killzone's levels used as a power, but it's central to making SEIZE work as adversaries. I think I have Killzone's powers structured correctly, but I'll admit to being a little out of sorts with this newfangled version of Hero. Bulldozer's there as an example of the outer limit of what's possible with Confessor's reformation abilities. Confessor Killzone Overwatch Bulldozer - Enhanced Concussion PLOT SEEDS GRAB gets pretty sick of Confessor and his crew because SEIZE don't have their scruples, while the authorities seem to think the two groups are related. After SEIZE steals the proceeds from a charity fund raiser GRAB goes on the offensive, which basically consists of harassing the members of SEIZE and putting the players onto their trail. The heroes need to get information from a master villain's henchman, but the henchman in question is completely insane. If the heroes know about Confessor they can call on him for help, but can they pay his price? Confessor goes on recruitment drive, and he pulls together a team of several (up to five people other than himself, overwatch, and killzone) super powered criminals. With such a large crew what can he be up to, and can the heroes find out what he's up to that he needs such a large team? A master villain like Doctor Destroyer or Teleios figures out how to integrate Confessor and Killzone into a psionic booster. With the booster he can extend their powers to thousands of people at once. Suddenly, the master villian's agents and henchmen are a LOT more dangerous, but Overwatch has escaped and is begging the heroes to free his friends.
  6. Re: Robots, Robots for Sale! I made this guy for a particular adventure. When he knocks out mutants or other superhumans he stuffs them into pods and gains their abilities and powers.
  7. Re: No robotic love? Lela: "Nibbler no! Don't drink the water it has chlorine!" Nibbler: "BUUURRP!" Bender: "Hahahaha! You inferior meatsacks are the only ones getting poisoned. Wait! CHLORINE!" (rusts and falls over)
  8. Re: Would this require shapeshift This sounds EXACTLY like what Multiform is intended for. Why fart about with dozens more points in Shrinking and Shapeshift, and the extra harrassment of nudging all the physical characteristics around. As a GM I demand the players keep their characters as direct and simple as possible. In your case I'd say the hybrid form is a bunch of OHID stuff, and the Hawk Multiform power is available whether the character is in Hero ID or not. Besides, even if the character is as smart and can talk there's a lot of skills that cannot be used if you've changed into a hawk, and there's a phys limit or two in there as well. No hands for starters....
  9. Re: I am so, so old... Well, I'll be in my early fifties when I show them the door, but I age a lot slower than most people. I still look like I'm ten years younger than I am.
  10. Re: Matter Mimicry If you were willing to do the extra work I'd do a Multiform, and keep it generic and dead simple on the implementation of each form. If he's willing to restrict it to solid substances that his unboosted form can touch safely it's dead easy. Overall I think you could probably simplify/reduce it down to four to eight forms. Strong, Heavy, and Solid (Stone, Metal, Concrete, etc...) Flexible Rubbery and Bouncy (Plastic, Rubber, spring steel) Strong, Splintery/Rough, Floats (Wood, Pumice) Light, Glides, Bends and Distorts (Fabric, Wall Paint) Then the player just has to switch around to different character sheets rather than keep track of a mass of MPP powers.
  11. Re: I am so, so old... I have a pair of three year olds. I felt old and ragged after only the first few months we got them home from the hospital; I'm the at home taking care of kids person. I try not to think about my girls as teenagers.... Anyone who says they always wanted twins is a mad fool who doesn't comprehend the work involved, but at least we'll be able to get to four player board games as a family all at once.
  12. Re: [CHaracter] Shaper Right, first what is this character for? NPC, PC, champs, cosmic champs, mega high powered dark champs? Second, the background and personality are too sketchy. I'd be curious to know how it is that an elderly MIT professor has anything to do with improvised prison knives. Third, I'd NEVER allow this abomination in any game I'd run as a GM. Mostly because you're just DARING me to use entangles and gimp your character for half or more of all fights. If this is a PC, it almost seems like you're playing chicken, discounting a bunch of powers and adding a limit that say. "Yeah, you can gimp him with Entangles, but I'll whine something fierce if you make a habit of it!" As to the other powers/stats: I never allow people to use ranged martial arts or even weapon element martial arts unless the character is concepted top to bottom and side to side as a martial artist. When a person piles TEN combat levels onto a character that's DEX:13 and SPD:5 I tell that person to stop mucking about and drop the martial arts and at least the +3 DCV and add that to DEX.
  13. Re: Clinging, UAA I dunno, for a thing like this I think I'd say that if you force it on a person they get the advantages of the Clinging, but the UAA would let you do some fancy tricks with inanimate objects enough to be a decent power even if I did force people to use TK or Entangle to stick people to something. I'd say "Yeah, you can choose where people fly to or teleport to with UAA's of those powers, so UAA clinging lets you choose what surfaces those people can stick to." I'd rule it this way because I don't want every single player in a group turning up with UAA Clinging powers just because they're more cheap and effective than TK. It could be used for some entertaining tricks nonetheless. Inanimate objects you can stick to things (velcroman!) or better still combo it with a like STR of TK to pick things up and adhere them to other things. A subtle weirdo power more than a reliable attack like Entangle. EDIT TO ADD: Upon further reflection the most themed and effective way to use UAA Clinging is to compound it with an Entangle, so the entangled person is adhered to whatever spot they were in when they got Entangled. That way another person couldn't pick the victim up and carry them away.
  14. Re: Suggestions needed: Animal super villains There's also the writeup I did of Gorrah the Great Ape, Gorilla Mastermind. I'll have to make some alterations to him to represent the fact that there are in fact intelligent gorillas hiding out in Africa.
  15. Re: Suggestions needed: Animal super villains How about Squirrel Girl? She's beaten up both Thanos AND Doctor Doom!
  16. Re: No robotic love? Perhaps there needs to be an "Ultimate Robot" if only a free thing here on the forum. I think I might just do that. Seems like an interesting project.
  17. Re: Villain power creation - I'm stuck I'd just use Summon with some oddball limits. Something along the lines of a Limited Power based on the "Can only summon locally avaiable..." I mean hell, who CARES if the summon happens to destroy a nearby poodle so long as it isn't some hero's follower or DNPC?
  18. Re: suppress That would make for a REALLY funny Foxbat master plan. A device that emits a mega-scale INT suppress. You could all too easily see Foxbat forgetting to put on his protective headgear and making himself dumb with everyone else. "Hah! Foxbat smart! Foxbat smartest! You make Foxbat rule world!"
  19. Re: Catching cars Create an "abort to" martial maneuver to block/grab for "Brick fu"?
  20. Re: How would you build this sci-fi machine/weapon? The way it's written it sounds kind of like an Immobile OAF with difficult to obtain charges. The charges being people. Just specify that you have to have the victim tied up or unconscious to stick them in the weapon. No need to fart about with extraneous bits like building transfers or entangles into it. Of course, as I've written that, the charge/person would get used up by the weapon. Either drained into a coma or killed outright. If you're the GM you can just handwave it.
  21. Re: Gorrah the Great Ape - Gorilla Mastermind Finally the most important bit, the plot seeds. (I'm leaving off the vehicles and the bases. When you use them yourself, just remember that they've all got Mental Defense and Invisibility built in to protect them from easy detection. Some of the "tacticals" have hologram emitters that provide the images power to disguise the vehicle and the fact that it's being driven by apes!) Drive the Hairless Apes Out! Gorrah finds a means of producing a lot of intellect enhancer at once, and he rapidly elevates the intelligence of, and trains, a significant number of the 100,000 or so gorillas and chimpanzees living wild in Africa. He also enhances a significant number of human guerillas as well. Gorrah takes over Nigeria, Cameroon, Lugendu, and makes a serious play for all of western and central Africa. The human populations either flee as refugees, or join the ape junta. Gorrah nationalizes the natural resources of the area, and uses superscience to start cleaning up the environmental and population catastrophes. Many of the people Gorrah has displaced are monsters in human form, but Gorrah will drive out all the humans he can and keep expanding his influence if left unchecked. If the PC's do stop this plot how will they feel when a group of sleazy oil barons and human war criminals thank them for protecting their interests? This Water Tastes Funny Gorrah poisons the water supply of a bottled water manufacturer with a variation of the intellect enhancers. The modified intellect enhancers give everyone who's drunk the water the limitation "Enraged when angry or frustrated 11-, 11-" The PCs have to figure out why random citizens all over the united states are going crazy; possibly including some of the PCs themselves! The Popgun Plot Everyone knows that a comic just isn't a comic without villainous gorilla masterminds, and who better to exploit that than Foxbat! Foxbat shows up in the PC's city with an army of ape soldiers and upgraded weapons. Why in heavens name is Gorrah helping this lunatic? Or has a division of Gorrah's apes soldiers decided they'd rather throw in their lot with Freddy? Enemy Mine Gorrah and Warlord have been skirmishing for years, but it finally breaks out into full on war when they both try to raid the same shipment of high tech weaponry. The shipment happens to be in the hero's city. The PC's have to keep the collateral damage and loss of innocent life under control as an army of apes and super powered mercenaries battle it out in the city streets. Uncle Tom's Laboratory Gorrah has absolutely had it with Doctor Silverback, and issues an ultimatum to the good natured gorilla scientist. Join me or die. Silverback refuses, and asks that the PC's help protect his life while he tries to find a way to capture or control the gorilla mastermind.
  22. Re: Gorrah the Great Ape - Gorilla Mastermind And here are the human minions.... ---- Gorrah's Human Infiltrators Val Char Cost 10 STR 0 15 DEX 15 15 CON 10 12 BODY 4 18 INT 8 14 EGO 8 20 PRE 10 14 COM 2 4 PD 2 4 ED 1 3 SPD 5 6 REC 2 30 END 0 25 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 2" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 67 Cost Power 10 Enhanced Mind: Mental Defense (13 points total) 11 Ceramic Handgun: Killing Attack - Ranged 1 1/2d6, Invisible to Radio Group (+1/4) (31 Active Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), 12 Charges (-1/4) 9 Ceramic Combat Knife: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (1d6+1 w/STR), Invisible to Radio Group (+1/4) (19 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4) 3 Shades: Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); IAF (-1/2) 3 Spy-Pod: Hearing Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); IAF (-1/2) 6 Spy-Pod: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group), Concealed (-3 with Radio Perception/Transmission PER Rolls) (13 Active Points); IAF (-1/2), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Hearing (-1/2) Powers Cost: 42 Cost Skill 6 +2 with small arms 3 Demolitions 13- 3 Disguise 13- 3 PS: Spy 12- 6 Any two three point skills (typically languages, INT, and PRE based skills) 2 WF: Small Arms Champions Everyman Skills 3 1) Acting 13- 0 2) Climbing 8- 3 3) Concealment 13- 3 4) Conversation 13- 0 5) Deduction 8- 0 6) AK: Home Country or Region (Everyman Skill) 11- 0 7) KS: Any 8- 0 8) Language: Native Language (idiomatic) (4 Active Points) 0 9) Paramedics 8- 3 10) Persuasion 13- 0 11) PS: Any (Everyman Skill) 11- 3 12) Shadowing 13- 3 13) Stealth 12- 0 14) TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Everyman Skill Skills Cost: 41 Pts. Disadvantage 20 Hunted: Interpol 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish) 10 Hunted: Gorrah the Great Ape 11- (Mo Pow, Watching) 15 Psychological Limitation: Various Antisocial limits: Violent Anarchist, Fanatic Antiglobalist, Casual Killer, etc... (Common, Strong) 15 Social Limitation: Terrorist Cell Member (Frequently, Major) 15 Dependence: Intellect Enhancers -30 Active points from skills, then powers, then INT, and finally EGO until reduced to vegetable (0 INT and EGO) (Difficult To Obtain, 6 Hours) Disadvantage Points: 75 Base Points: 75 Total Character Cost: 150 The sort of human that would willingly follow and support Gorrah, and that is skilled enough for him to bother with, tends to be the sort of hard-luck case that has never quite managed to make it with human organizations like VIPER, DEMON, or the Shadow Army. They exist on the fringes of various political and rebel movements. While they lack the equipment, skill, and physical power of the enhanced apes they made up for in fanaticism. Gorrah has discovered that a special formulation of the intellect enhancers that he uses on apes will work on humans. However, the drug is addictive to them, and instead of reverting to their previous level of intelligence a human will end up as a useless drooling vegetable without his or her drugs. Mostly, these agents work as spies and infiltrators, but from time to time Gorrah will call a number of them together to act as front line troops.
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