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Everything posted by BNakagawa

  1. now reporting over 2300 sq. miles cleared of invaders.
  2. Star War One Brother? (You never refer to an only child as a brother...)
  3. The ammunition is almost more important than the vehicles to the Ukranians, because 6 months of fighting has certainly depleted their stockpiles of ammo, and while the flow of munitions from the west are great, the only places they can get more for the bulk of their army is from former soviet bloc nations like Poland and Romania (who have limited quantities), China (yeah, no), North Korea (lol) or Russia (involuntarily).
  4. The Samurai A bride for a boy. A deadly sin. A year in tibet. Snow White and a dwarf.
  5. Russian sources claim that Ukranians have raided THEIR territory and stole vehicles.
  6. Not sure how sustainable this is, but the gaps in the russian defense lines appear huge. If the Ukranians have the troops to exploit this situation, this could put severe pressure on the russians attempt to expand their holdings in the Donetsk region.
  7. Russian defenses collapse in the east. Perhaps 1000 sq. miles of territory taken in a few days.
  8. Arming the vulnerable is just arming predators with an extra step involved.
  9. OK, not because he is dressed as a soldier of the only army to invade the state of Pennsylvania?
  10. not because the army he is cosplaying as tried to overthrow a Republican president?
  11. The GOP nominee for Pennsylvania Governor. For some reason or another, this is causing some backlash.
  12. Formula One Racing cancels its contract with Russia Grand Prix. Putin vows to create his own Formula One Racing with blackjack. And hookers.
  13. Typically yes. Hero presents a language for detailed character design and once you have the hang of it, learning a new language every time you want to design a new character seems like a lot of wasted effort. On the other hand, the number of people that have fluency in said language are diminishing...
  14. CON roll to fully consume a terribly prepared meal to make points with someone.
  15. Ever notice how the more authoritarian or 'law and order' they are, the more shocked they seem to be to discover that laws apply to them as well?
  16. The real secret to the Hero System is that no number on a character sheet holds any meaning without context. Is my OCV high? Low? Average? No way to tell unless you know what the rest of the PCs have and what the villains' DCVs look like.
  17. This one goes out to the southern hemisphere.
  18. It's the megascale knockback that is truly problematic.
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