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Everything posted by BNakagawa

  1. FWIW, the gear is based on IR diodes, not lasers. You wouldn't be able to detect lasers with this stuff, but you'd be able to detect tv remotes, etc. You could also program a universal remote to kill laser tag players.
  2. Hey Edsel - You're calculating double knockback wrong. The Body for Double Knockback is doubled BEFORE the Knockback roll, not after. FrED 165. The 11d6 double KB averages 22 -7 = 15" knockback which is better than 11, assuming that your target doesn't have an incredible amount of Power Def + KB Resistance.
  3. And for 66 active points, you could have a 11d6 Dispel vs Knockback Resistance , Does KB (+1/4) Double KB (+3/4)
  4. ...you considered taking Doctor Destroyer as a DNPC.
  5. depends on the attack. If you bought your FW as applying only to your move through, then PD. If you bought it as applying only for your EB, then ED. If you bought it with all attacks, then the defense halved depends on what you hit your victim with.
  6. Re: How many character sheets is to many? Is there any need for other player characters in this game? Aside from helping to pay for the base, I mean.
  7. nope, it reduces all applicable defenses. Unless you bought the find weakness as only affecting one or some types of defenses...
  8. must've been a page without too many pictures, then.
  9. I hate FW as written. way too effective, way too cheap. If the Gm allows it, I love buying Lack of Weakness with Invisible Power Effect. So if the other guy misses the roll by the amount of Lack of weakness or less, he thinks he made it and will occasionally blow another half phase trying for the 1/4. I also have a suggestion: Defenses bought IPE or, if armor, concealed, should not be subject to Find Weakness unless the FW guy has some way of perceiving them. FW + UBO = yuck.
  10. Yes, unless it was laminated or printed with offset printing, like a glossy magazine where every square inch of paper had a roughly even layer of ink on it. (just different colors)
  11. The point still remains. THere is a +1/4 advantage for Killing Attacks that gives you on the average, +1 STUN/DC (+1, +1 or +1.167 for 1 pip, 1/2 die or full die of KA) There is no corresponding +1/4 advantage for Normal Attacks. This makes the Killing attack the superior construct for inflicting stun. Certainly there's no better way of Con Stunning people. (people with significant defenses, anyway) If anything, there should be a +1/4 advantage for adding BODY to killing attacks, but there isn't. Even if you fix the Stun Multiple at 3, the 1d6 KA with the +12 Stun Multiple (60AP) has a %50 chance to stun a target with Def 25, Con 23. Even if you fix the Stun Multiple at 2, it's still %50. And frankly, I'd rather see NND and Ego Attack returned to 10 AP/Die to reduce their ability to stack them with Area effects, Continuous Uncontrolled, Autofire, etc.
  12. I notice you didn't bother to answer the question. The implication is that if the Stun Lottery is ok for Killing Attacks, then why is it off limits for EB? Also, neither is as effective as 2d6 KA with +4 Stun Modifier anyway. roughly %38 chance to stun target with 25 def 23 Con. Balanced? Sure. Whatever you say. Oops. Now that I think about it, the best bet is 1d6 KA with +12 to the Stun Modifier which has a %50 chance to stun a target with 25 def and 23 Con. Not even a 6d6 NND stuns people that reliably. (not people with a 23 Con, anyway)
  13. Given the number of ways to reduce a target's DCV to 0 (entangle, anyone) this looks like a good way to nuke the hell out of people and quickly. Step 1 - entangle somebody. Step 2 - Brick performs move through/Haymaker. Step 3 - find another target. your old one is almost certainly KOed. $0.02
  14. Part of the problem is that the average STUN values only tell part of the story. What does more STUN damage on the average: 10d6 or 1d6 x 10? Neither, they both average 35 stun. But which one is more likely to Con stun somebody with 25 def, 23 Con? 1d6 x 10, obviously. %33.3 So, is this balanced? Would you allow a player to replace Nd6 EB with 1d6 x N EB?
  15. Frankly, I find it a little absurd for the text to read "Characters should never buy a Killing Attack simply because they want to obtain high STUN Multiplier rolls." and half an inch lower, it gives the new value for a +1 to the Stun modifier as +1/4 So, to level the playing field - I offer this: +1/4 advantage (only for EB) +1 stun/DC Such a structure would allow EB to maintain near-parity to KA for the purpose of generating STUN, ostensibly what normal attacks are supposed to do better than killing attacks, but in reality, they don't.* where the bonus stun/DC helps out most is when you're stacking it with other advantages such as autofire or area effect. An advantage that KA already enjoys and EB lacks. *while it is very easy to simply calculate the average STUN yields for N active points of EB vs KA, remember that once you deduct some reasonable DEF from the totals (let's say N/2)the more linear characteristic of the KA damage means that the average damage through defenses is actually higher than the EB. For defense values higher than N/2 (such as is common for bricks and master villains) the discrepancy gets higher still. An illustration: N = 15, def = 8. Con = 10 Normal attack, average stun through def = 2.8333 Chances of stunning target = 1/216 (%0.46) Killing attack, average stun through def = 3.5556 Chances of stunning taget = 6/36 (%16.67) Normal attack 2d6, +2stun/DC (+1/2 advantage) Average stun through def = 1.556 Chances of stunning target = 0
  16. This or course presumes that the GM in question is savvy enough to counter any and all players in their game. For the novice GM, at least, some sort of guideline provides a safety net so that they have access to insight that generally takes years to accumulate.
  17. Are you quite sure about your numbers? I'm not sure your math is correct. Stun multiples don't typically average out to 3 (unless this is some house rule) and 3d6 KA with 4 levele of piercing against 12rDef shouldn't be getting 11 body through. (not on the average, anyway)
  18. If you want to really wierd out your players, get hold of a book called Expedition written and illustrated by Wayne Barlow (the guy who did the Barlow's guide to extraterrestrials) It's a fictional account of a manned expedition to a world inhabited by absolutely alien life forms, all meticulously detailed.
  19. You might want to look for the old Wrath of the Immortals box set. In there one day a year magic was ‘turned off’. Magical items lost their enchantments for a day, wizards were unable to cast magic, some types of wizards just died, no healing magic, sky castles levitated by magic just come crashing down to earth, magic portals are closed. It came to be known as the Day of Dread. [/b] this only works for me if nobody can accurately predict what day it will be. If it's just a day on the calendar then all the wizards will take the necessary precautions, which takes all the fun out of it. Fear should be the most potent weapon in your arsenal. Should magic ever become mechanical, predictable or codified, players lose their fear or it. it's just superheros with pointy hats, then.
  20. The fundamental difference is that the effect of AP is in direct proportion to the size of the defense it is being thrown against. The numerical effect of piercing is constant, but in reality it is in inverse proportion to the defense it is thrown against. In essence, if you throw enough piercing at a small enough defense, then the attack it's stacked with becomes NND. AP never accomplishes this, no matter how many levels of AP or find weakness you have, the target's defense can never go below 1.
  21. Guy with Find Weakness on his gun (4.5d6 RKA) makes it twice and then has trouble hitting villain and resorts to spreading. Maybe it's just me, but I find the concepts of 'hitting just the right spot' and speading (a bullet) to be somewhat incompatible. Your thoughts?
  22. My non-linear system for reflecting the importance of SPD is very simple. The GM defines a punching bag-bot with a DCV, PD, ED (assume it's all resistant) and Stun. These values should reflect the average values for a standard 1v1 opponent. Calculate how many seconds it takes for you to knock one of these things out. Assume average results on die rolls. Double the SPD, half the time required. Non-linear.
  23. Any system that rates SPD in a linear fashion is flawed. SPD is clearly a multiplier to everything else your character can do.
  24. The Red Nine. Some yahoo from the sticks who came to the big apple to beat up Spiderman in order to make a name for himself. Why god, why?
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