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Everything posted by Basil

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "I'm a doctor, not a floatation device!"
  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat It stands up, runs up to you, and chokes you to death. NT: What ability NOT to claim you have.
  3. Re: Master List of Scales in HERO You mean "pointed out" in the following quote? No. It's exactly the same. 6 OCV hits 1 DCV on 16 or less. 56 OCV hits 51 DCV on 16 or less. Q.E.D. And 1006 hits 1001 on 16 or less. etc. And you yourself admit that it's the same a few paragraphs later: No. That is precisely what a linear relationship is. A difference of 5 at one place in the scale has the same effect as a difference of 5 at another place in the scale. Compare this to a exponential scale: taking a RW example, the Richter scale, which measures the power of earthquakes: I've already explained how PhilFleischmann was incorrect. No, that's Phil demonstrating that you are totally incorrect. If you don't understand that, then I guess you never will get it. It is always easy to make such accusations; the problem is that I don't think that you can back them up with the facts. If you don't see it I can only conclude willful blindness to your own statements' errors. It is very simple. Imagine a contest between characters with stats of 10,000 and 10,030 What stats? A contest under which of HERO System's rules? A contest to accomplish/determine what? Without specification, your example is meaningless. Or two highly disparate characters. My gods, I cannot believe this. This is one of the, if not the most innumerate twaddle I've read in a decade! Mr. 10,030 has the same chance of hitting Mr. 10,000 as Mr. 45 has of hitting Mr. 15. That's simple arithmetic. If you honestly think otherwise then.... Hell, I don't know; I guess you're beyond hope. Frankly, I'm not going to waste my time any further. Say hello to my bozo bin. PLONK.
  4. Re: Villain Team Name That's the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night. Not to be confused with the Illuminated and Ancient Brethren of Ee. Completio obscura/opaca/atrox --- any of the three adjectives can be used, depending on the shade of meaning you're looking for. BTW, I assume you mean "dark" as in unclear, hidden, obscure. If you mean dark in color, black/gray, etc., that's a whole different set of possible translations. "Acerbus" means sharp, bitter, sour. "Completorium" isn't a word, at least in classical Latin.
  5. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel Happy Grandpa: An old fellow, portly but reasonably health. Always eager to show anyone pictures of his grandchildren. Has 3" x 5" glossy paper; typical photograph-looking stuff. All the "photos" are blank, white rectangles. He'll point to places on them, talking about what this or that grandkid is doing, what various things in the background/to the side are, etc. Weirdest part is, if Grandpa is talking to anyone except the PCs, the person talked to acts like they see whatever Grandpa sees. Are they humoring the old man, or are the "photos" blank only for the PCs? The Crone: An extremely ugly old woman. Judging by her movements, she's probably nearly blind (though most likely not *utterly* blind). Sometimes, when a new man (i.e., male human) moves into the hotel, for the first week or two, he acts as if the crone is the most stunningly gorgeous young woman he's ever seen. The effect (if that's what's going on) wears off in about 7-10 days, with the young man, if asked, proclaiming he doesn't remember any gorgeous young woman, and saying he's been aware of The Crone's appearance right from the beginning. The Crone herself acts blase about both the young man's original ardor (if he expresses it) and his later distaste. The Hobbit Hater: Elderly fellow with a strong British accent; if a PC is knowledgable about various British accents, this fellow's is definitely "Oxbridge." Vague, even a bit evasive about his background, he does reveal he was "a professor at (mumble mumble) College"; whether Cambridge of Oxford he's reluctant to say, and will say whichever he feels like at that moment. He's generally quiet, reserved, and polite. However, if the subject of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarilion, or any of the related works comes up, he becomes excited, contemptuous, poison-tongued, and will slash the work under discussion with -- at first! -- a nasty wit. If the conversation continues, however, he will rapidly use language that would make a Marine Corp drill instructor blench. The oddest thing is that, though he usually looks like an archetypal "English Professor," when he gets really angry (which only happens when the aforementioned works are talked about), he starts more and more to look like JRR Tolkien!
  6. Re: Rocket-propelled Chainsaw
  7. Re: Potentially Stupid MA Query: Regarding Use Of Kiai It's perfectly acceptable (by the book). Martial Arts is a Skill, you can apply Advantages and Lmiitations to Skills. Just treat it as any other Skill-bought-as-a-Power.
  8. Re: Master List of Scales in HERO ::sigh:: Warp9: you started by saying that CV could not be a linear scale because it didn't take into account relative differences (i.e., differences in ratio). When it was pointed out that CV DID act in a linear fashion, you went into enormous detail about how a linear STR stat wouldn't act like HERO's exponential STR stat. I'm sorry, but your repeated use of circular argument, straw man, and red herring has worn thin. I see no point to talking to you on this subject any further. Unless you want to address your original point and give some reason for asserting that CV's are exponential, I will not bother replying to any more of your posts on this subject. Believe what you want to, it makes no difference to me.
  9. Re: Philosophical question
  10. Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever? Another good one was "Mr. Rapentap" from 4th Ed. Normals Unbound, pages 48-50. Not as openly menacing as some (like, say, The Asylum), he's just as creepy in his own, quiet way. Though the picture of the "typical immortal child" is pretty silly.
  11. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat More money for the "petty cash fund," if you know what I mean. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. NT: How to get those annoying blood and brain stains out of your carpet.
  12. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Miss Manners has secretly been kiling people, for money, for years! What does that make her? A: Cranberry juice.
  13. Re: Teen Champions characters for review
  14. Re: The United States is a constitutional monarchy Or Bennie the Bouncer (early ELP song) in the papal tiara.
  15. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Describe your chihuahua. A: In fifty words or less.
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Run for your lives! This thread isn't dead after all!
  17. Re: Teen Champions characters for review Excuse me for being a bit dense, but what does "1 MD (3 points total)" mean?
  18. Re: Teen Champions [Villains]
  19. Re: Answers & Questions Q: The universe is dissolving into complete chaos! Why are you so happy? A: The biggest puddle in all history.
  20. One of the recurrent threads around here is "If you yourself had Powers, what would they be?" This is refined with various restrictions on which powers, how many points, etc. I thought I'd try something a little different. Suppose that, somehow, you (the Real World® you) are able to add Skills to yourself. Any of the Skills in HERO are available, with the following restrictions: Nothing but Skills. No Powers, Talents, nor Perks. Enhancers are OK, but you must buy at least 8 Skills that Enhancer applies to. You can't Limit them, put on Advantages, put them in Frameworks, or do anything else you could if you were allowed to buy Skills as Powers (which isn't allowed, of course). You can't have a better "roll" than 19-. You can use any of the optional Skills from The Ultimate Skill, but Hoist can only be used to prevent lifted objects from falling apart. It does NOT give you increased lifting ability. You have 25 points to buy Skills with, and can take up to 25 points in Disadvantages to buy more Skills with. Remember, you are adding Skills to your real you self. If you don't want to figure out the precise costs and all that, you can just give us a general idea of what you'd want. Have fun.
  21. Re: Villain Team Name The Last. Wrap Up. The Finishers. Finis.
  22. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What do you hope your diabetic best friend never says to you? A: Caramel, or peppermint, but not raspberry
  23. Re: Master List of Scales in HERO Warp9 Variation in performance from occasion to occasion is irrelevent to the scale used to measure potential performance.
  24. Re: Villain Team Name HE77 (or HE7L or HEL7) The Unleashed
  25. Re: [Plot—Supers] Stalker Ideas Needed There's a Fifth Edition write-up of him in The Ultimate Speedster, pages 194-196.
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