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Everything posted by psm

  1. Re: WWYCD: Omelas Newt: Would walk away (actually fly but I digress). Although, he would want to save the child he understands its not his decision. The society of Omelas (including the child's parents) have decided that the neglect of one child is worth the well being of all the other children (possibly the neglected child's siblings too), adults and elderly. He may find the act brutal (and a cop out) buts its their culture.
  2. Re: WWYCD-Hurricane Katrina ....
  3. Re: Weird power build Okay, now I'm beginning to see. Changing the special effects really helped. But I'm still not seeing the whole picture. How does the arrow get to the recipient? In the case of the raven/lassie the locomotion is provided by the animal. Wouldn't the arrow still be hampered by the range of the shooter? Bushido's EDM is beginning to look better and better:) Sorry, to be such a pain guys. Thanks for trying to explain.
  4. Re: Weird power build Honestly, I tried not to repsond. I don't like flame wars or even disagreeing with people. Plus, I know that in Hero you can build the same thing in multiple ways but I just understand the use of summons in this equation. Maybe its that I just don't understand the mechanics or I don't understand what is trying to be accomplished. First, I agree that the arrow should be able to detect the receiver. According to the description the sender should be oblivious to the location of the recipient. Ergo the arrow needs to find them. Now, the second part is where I'm having problems. According to the mechanics a summons is a one way street where an object brings something to it. Wouldn't putting a summons on the arrow actually bring the recipient to the arrow not vice a versa. For this spell to work the way you want it to wouldn't you actually have to place the summons spell on the reciever to bring the arrow to him. Which is fine although it seems a bit convuleted. I hope you can enlighten me a bit. (Lastly, how do I get rid of that weird simely face in the corner. Or am I the only that sees it?)
  5. Re: Weird power build Yes, but I don't see why it would be bad to have the arrow do all the work? To me its almost a variation on a heat seeking missile. If you want the character to be more involved just have them place teleportation (or any other movement) on the arrow (Useable by other) for one charge. You could almost make it a naked advantage although that may be taking it too far. Anyway, I've said my piece and I look forward to how you guys come up with an alternative solution.
  6. Re: Weird power build I agree with you on the EDM. I feel that it is one of the often abused powers (but thats another discussion). I also agree with how the arrow finds the person too. Actually, yours is better because I didn't even think of discriminatory which is pretty important. I would definitely keep targeting off of it though. I feel thats a mechanic more for combat situations (once again to each their own). However, I do have a problem with summoning. Not to harp on it (but I will ), how is a reverse summons not teleportation? Especially considering the arrow is doing the summoning (which too me makes no sense but thats just me). I understand why some of you would use mindlink or telepathy. Especially, if you consider the sending of the message to be part of the spell. In my head, I could see a character shooting the area with just a name on the note but no message. Thats why I indicated that I feel the content of the message shouldn't be a consideration in the power itself but thats how I view it which obviously many of you do not. But summons seems too much of a stretch for the mechanics. Here's how I would write it up: Teleport "5 (this could vary if you want it cheaper), megascale, must past through intervening space, (oaf) arrow/note only (you could also add in a limitation on weight - within 1 pound or something, so no Fed-ex packages) Detect person, no sense group, megascale, non-targeting, discriminatory - Thanks mitchell
  7. Re: Weird power build No, I understand what you are getting at. However, mindlink works only between known parties. It doesn't allow for the possibility that someone else (like a stranger, ally, enemy, or whatever) can pick it up. If the target refuses with a mindlink then no one can read the message. Which is fine if the GM wants that. To me I would allow for the possibility that someone else can steal it away from the recipeint. Additionally, a mind link (unless with an additional limitation) allows the shooter to know that the receiver has gotten the message. Basically, I see the power very differently from all of you. To me its a teleport linked with a detect person. The arrow, and the content of the message (minus the recipients name) are both special effects. But as with everything to each their own.
  8. Re: Weird power build Personally, I wouldn't use mindlink for this power. Just because you shoot an arrow at someones feet doesn't necessarily mean they are going to be the ones to pick it up. But I guess it really depends on the GM. If he wants the receiver to always get the message (unless they refused) then it would change the mechanics.
  9. Re: Weird power build Maybe teleport?
  10. psm

    Dinosaur Planet

    Re: Dinosaur Planet I suppose. From what I've read the arrival of homo sapiens into North America helped to eliminate most of the large animals. They were so efficient at hunting that during an extreme climate change the other mammals weren't able to compete, including: mastadons, sabertoothe tigers, giant sloths, mammoths, elephants, camels, lions, horses and rhinos. I guess it really shows you who the dominant species really is. So, mr. high and mighty whale may want to watch his backside;) I still don't know if I would compare whales to sauropods though. I know they are they pretty close to the same size but its much easier to accomplish that in water due to its bouyancy.
  11. psm

    Dinosaur Planet

    Re: Dinosaur Planet Actually, that wasn't in reference to all mammals. It was really in association with the 'supposed' mammals that survived the event. According to certain theories the mammals that survived were tiny shrew/mouse like animals that didn't quite have a large brain capacity. While dinosaurs, particulary small therapods, were supposedly as intelligent as modern day birds like emus or ostriches. Of course, I have no idea how smart ostriches are so please don't ask:) Savinien, you should also remember that meat eaters are generally smarter than plant eaters. I can't remember why but there was some reason behind it. Also, I was thinking about the carniverous plant. Does it really have to be a plant? I mean could it be an animal that camouflages itself as plant to let its prey get too close. Similiar to what certian insects due. Obviously, you want to do this on large scale. Still, it would be pretty spooky if the log you were going to sit on just opened its eyes. Remember in hero its all about the sfx. Good point, Vanguard. I never thought about it but our species has only been around for about a million years. Very short time in evolutionary terms. Although, I truly can't see humans getting very large. We have as many short people reproducing as large people due to no enviromental or social pressures. However, shouldn't the older mammals be larger. If anything it appears that mammals have decreased in size since the last ice age.
  12. psm

    Dinosaur Planet

    Re: Dinosaur Planet You could also use Phorusrhacidae (class of large carnivirous flightless birds). These may not sound scary but they could crush leg bones in their beaks. The most popular one is Andalgalornis. You might be able to find some cools pics on the internet somewhere. Sorry, I don't know too much about plants or I would help you with the carnivirous ones.
  13. psm

    Dinosaur Planet

    Re: Dinosaur Planet Now, back on to the subject at hand. Since you are going with reptiles/dinos being the most intelligent animals on the planet why don't you use therapsids (fur covered reptiles that came 50 millions before the dinosaurs) as the largest predators. I think it would be cool to use them instead of traditional dinosaurs to give your world a more mixed up feeling. Here are a few suggestions of mean looking animals: Euchambersia - (poisonous/septic bite) Lycaenops Gorgonopsids
  14. psm

    Dinosaur Planet

    Re: Dinosaur Planet Current theory has dinosaurs not only warm blooded but some species were insulated with feathers. Actually, as more evidence is found it appears that the family of velicratpors might have all had feathers at certian stages of their life. Here's more information if you need it. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/10/1006_041006_feathery_dino.html As for why the mammals/birds/reptiles beat out dinousars after the 'X' event is anyones guess. Most of the facts that Bushido mentioned are erroneous. Dinosaurs were more efficient at using energy than mammals due to a more advanced respitory system. They could actually live in a lower oxygen environment than a human. Secondly, the mammals that beat out the dinosaurs weren't anymore intelligent. In all actuallity they probably were a bit stupider (which might have been a boon). The primates increased intelligence didn't come till way, way after the the dinosaurs had died out (like 50 million years). Although, to Bushido's credit those facts were being taught in school at that time so we can't be too harsh;)
  15. Re: USAF studies teleportation Actually, I believe there was an experiment a few years back where they 'teleported' the energy state of a photon to another photon using the quantum effect synchronicity. At least I think that was the name. Obviously, this doesn't sound as grand as teleporting troops behind enemy lines (of course that may not sound so grand to the troops at the enemy lines) but it does open up the possibility for exchanging data over large distances almost instantaneously. This would be a huge boon for the computer industry (and possibly space exploration). So I'm definitely liking the idea that the government is pursuing somewhat cutting edge ideas.
  16. Re: Batman and How he does it. Exactly, how many chapters are devoted to telling you how to convince the police its okay to have young teenage boys wear tight speedos, a domino mask and bright cape. I'm surprised Batman hasn't ended up on Law and Order:SVU yet.
  17. Re: The Empire Club: recruiting drive!
  18. Re: open door spell I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but another variation would be to just desolidify the lock. The spellcaster would have to actually open the door while the spell is taking effect.
  19. Re: The Empire Club: recruiting drive! I agree with others that said Hemingway, the Avenger, and Houdini How about Buster Keaton, Nikola Tesla, the Whitechapel detectives, Dr. Moriutary(sp?), Jack London, Aleister Crowley or Lazarus Jack I assume the Shadow, Phantom, Zorro, and Tarzan (or his children) are too popular.
  20. Re: DC's turn toward the dark Yeah, but not all comics are that badly written.
  21. Re: DC's turn toward the dark I'm so glad I stopped collecting Batman about 10-15 yrs ago. These stories don't seem all that appealing.
  22. Re: "Hudson City" like graphic novels There's also a prequel to Sleeper called Point Blank. Not as good as the main series but still very enjoyable.
  23. Re: "Hudson City" like graphic novels This might be a bit of a reach but I would suggest, Starman:Sins of the Father or Starman:Night and Day. Although, a bit more high power I like how the writer portrays the city and the protagnist's role in it. Plus, they're pretty good graphic novels. And I second all the previous suggestions too.
  24. Re: DC's turn toward the dark Rikathos I had rep you after such a well thought out reply. Plus you have Starman as your avator:) Although, I don't necessarily agree with everything you say I definitely think the reason we're upset is because of the change in thre genre. I realized talking to Dr. Anomaly that the superhero genre is a very specific type of adventure story containing its own internal logic. Its not just hero vs superhero in terms of powers. Its hero vs superhero in terms of key elements. Like all murder mysteries need a murder (duh) a superhero story needs certain points. I'm going to try to list some of them. 1. Superpowers (and before you mention Batman, how many people do you know that can dodge automatic gunfire and disappear in 2 seconds when you don't look at them. He has powers they're just not called that.) 2. A costume (and before you mention the Xmen or FF, their uniforms are costumes just not called that) 3. They don't kill 4. Secret Identies (not always necessary) 5. Help without being compensated (they don't get paid) 6. Use violence to achieve their goals 7. Violence has no long term or negative consequences 8. Their villians are equal in strength 9. They are moralistically pure (slowly changing) 10. More plot driven stories as compared to character based 11. The good guys win about 98% of the time. 12. Most characters don't deviate from their origin story. Hell most characters don't even evolve much beyond their original conception. I'm sure there are more but I can't think of any. Lately, DC has been breaking out of that structure. It needs to if it wishes to cater to a more mature market. Unfortunately, that means the characters/genre will have to change too. Lastly, cyphrett Superman couldn't originally fly and Batman would kill criminals (and I'm not even going into Wonder Woman's history). I would say that those things definitely contradict the characters. It happens all the time and probably always will.
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