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Everything posted by GoldenAge

  1. Re: The Morality of Sending In The Clones! But these clones were incubated to adulthood. It could be argued that they're instant copies with no former life and only trained to be Nazi assassins (hardly ready fro prime time suburb life). And they will all have the exact DNA and identifiable tags as the original Swastika. Couldn't he say that's ID theft and demand his individuality back?
  2. Re: Grabbing then Calling Shot Is it possible for the grabber to do it all in 1 phase as a multiple power attack? (I suspect that the grabee get's his whole DCV vs. all attacks in the multiple power attack, right?)
  3. Re: The Morality of Sending In The Clones! These clones were incubated to full adulthood and know nothing more than their psychological indoctrination into the New Reich, their enhanced electronic education (limited, of course) and their brief but intense physical training. They have a full life expectancy. Here's their description (which can be found in the PDF at the link in the first post): The New Reich’s chief tool of terror is their elite cadre of assassins, the Attentäter. Each Attentäter is equipped with reinforced polymer atmospheric suit allowing them to survive in unusual atmospheres and even buried underground for extended periods of time. In addition they each carry a two sonic blades of Panzermensch’s design and a high-caliber pistol. The Attentäter are supplied with various other weapon technologies depending on the needs of their current mission. NOTE: The Attentäter are clones, each a duplicate of the first Swastika; Heinrich Schmidt. Until his recent expulsion from the New Reich Schmidt was the Attentäter tactical leader, that role has since been assumed by the new Swastika; Deiter Von Reiniger. It should be noted that, while the Attentäter are exact clones of the original Swastika, they neither have his years of field experience nor benefit from biomechanical or psychological enhancements. Nonetheless, they are a force to be feared.
  4. Okay, who hasn't used them. We've seen them in the service of Viper and all over the comics we love. They're a GREAT plot device and are entirely expendable... But what then? In my most recent Epic City arc the New Reich (Link to Nazi evil) employ an army of clones. They will be quite a challenge for Epic City's heroes (Epic Alliance), but I'm sure the clones will be defeated. So what then? Cloning is the ultimate form of identity theft. Under normal circumstances the law would simply erase the stolen identity and return it to its original owner. But, in this case, does that mean the execution of hundreds of living beings (who were never part of their inception)? What would your government do??????
  5. Re: EPIC CITY! (Campaign Art & Collateral Material) The Return of the NEW REICH! The PDF below is FULL of New Reich Nazis!!!
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Videos She has better... speakers.
  7. Re: His Power Is Faster... Never doubt (but always double check)
  8. Re: His Power Is Faster... Thanks again!
  9. Re: His Power Is Faster... APG is the one book I don't have.
  10. Re: His Power Is Faster... You guys rock!
  11. Re: His Power Is Faster... Okay, this is very similar to Kraven Kor's answer (I think). So, which is right, or is it just arbitrary? EDIT: You answered it already... THANKS!
  12. Re: His Power Is Faster... Are you saying that his final 7 SPEED should look like this: 3,4,6,8,9,11,12. Red numbers for Weather Control only, right? If so, this totally solves my problem.
  13. Re: His Power Is Faster... Okay, thanks for the quick replies... Let me try to clear a few things up. His natural SPD is 3 (4,8,12). But the extra SPD he has with his powers gives him a functional SPD of 7 (2,4,6,7,9,11,12). STURMFÜHRER (STORMLORD) can choose to use his weather powers (a weather multipower) on ALL 7 actions but can only do other things at most on 3 actions. He can never go more than 7 Actions (that's all I've paid for). So, which SPDs (2,4,6,7,9,11,12) are the ones he gets to do other things (if he chooses to do so)?
  14. I have a query: I have a character who has a natural speed of 3 (3,8,12). However, he has a power that is usable at speed 7 (2,4,6,7,9,11,12). Here's the gist. The power is innate (weather powers). The cosmetic is that his control over the massive power of weather is happening fast, even faster than he can do other things. His normal SPEED 3 is bought at full cost, the remaining SPEED (up to SPEED 7) is bought with the Limitation: (only weather powers -1/2). Since SPEED 3 & 7 don't match up exactly (SPEED 3 goes on 3 & 8, SPEED 7 does not) how do I determine which SPEEDs he can do things other than his weather control? When can he run or punch or do anything else??? Should I have done this a different way?
  15. I have a query: I have a character who has a natural speed of 3 (3,8,12). However, he has a power that is usable at speed 7 (2,4,6,7,9,11,12). Here's the gist. The power is innate (weather powers). The cosmetic is that his control over the massive power of weather is happening fast, even faster than he can do other things. His normal SPEED 3 is bought at full cost the remaining SPEED (up to SPEED 7) is bought with the Limitation: (only weather powers -1/2). Since SPEED 3 & 7 don't match up exactly (SPEED 3 goes on 3 & 8, SPEED 7 does not) how do I determine which SPEEDS he can do things other than his weather control? When can he run or punch or do anything else??? Should I have done this a different way?
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures WANT!!! (Fixed URL in Quote)
  17. Re: Alignment makes perfect sense I think all characters should have to take the Birkman Test: http://www.birkman.com/ The Birkman Method® personality test accurately measures productive behaviors, stress behaviors, underlying needs, motivations and organizational orientation.
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Thank you???!!!??? Really? =D
  19. Re: Would you marry a near-human alien? How rich is she???
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures Hey, that's not a German Shepherd!
  21. Re: "Neat" Pictures Dear lord, it's bad enough stepping on a regular 4-sider in the dark!!!
  22. Re: Justice League Draft Game is On! Is this where we post???
  23. Re: Fading Stars...when and why should superheroes retire? "Questions... Morphology? Longevity? Incept dates?" "More human than human" is our motto.
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