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Everything posted by GoldenAge

  1. Re: Fading Stars...when and why should superheroes retire? I created you??? YOU CREATED ME!!!!! Perhaps our heroes have discovered this to be true. Their subsequent retirement reduces paranormal criminal activity to near nothing. Until....
  2. Re: Fading Stars...when and why should superheroes retire? Public opinion can be quite fickle. Pressure from anti-hero groups (or the entire public at large) could result in heroes retiring. (ala The Incredibles): "Unfortunately for Mr. Incredible and his fellow heroes, some members of the public are not too impressed with their feats of bravery, some even going as far as (gasp) suing them for things like “unlawful rescue” and inadvertent side effects from their deeds. It seems that this small group of dissatisfied and ungrateful citizens seem to get their way, as the government decides to ban all super heroic activity. Super heroes, thus, are forced into early retirement into the Federal Government’s Superhero Relocation Program. Mr. Incredible is now forced to live the rest of his life as his alter ego Bob Parr (just not the same ring as Mr. Incredible, eh?) with his wife Helen and their children Violet and Dashiell. What’s even worse, they have to move into the suburbs!"
  3. Re: Fading Stars...when and why should superheroes retire? - Outside pressure from governmental or terrorist organizations could force a hero to retire. "Call it quits Mega-Man, we know where your children live." or "Call it quits Mega-Man or we bring to bear the full force of the judiciary against you and your entire family for the damages you've caused over the last decade." Look to the JSA: History: (All-Star Comics #3) - <1940> President Franklin Roosevelt recruited Atom I, Dr. Fate, Flash I, Green Lantern I, Hourman I, Sandman and Spectre to stop Adolph Hitler's attempt at invading Britain. After successfully completing their mission the heroes decided to form the Justice Society of America. (JSA #68) - The Justice Society appeared before HUAC, where they were accused of having ties to the reds because they’d associated with a communist to bring in saboteurs. HUAC demanded they prove themselves good Americans and reveal their secret identities. They all refused, and Green Lantern teleported them out of Washington. At JSA hq they discussed the fact that they’d be wanted men and women if they didn’t reveal their identities. They decided it was for the best to disband the Society.
  4. Re: Bimbo style Martial Art I think Bambi was doing Gymkata!!!
  5. Re: "Neat" Pictures Looks like its wearing a baby bonnet to me.
  6. Re: Would you marry a near-human alien? Do they have any hidden extra teeth anywhere? --- What?
  7. Re: "Neat" Pictures Darn!!! Your post made me think it was still open.
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures I LOVE that place!!!
  9. Re: Writing an Origin- Advice Start at the beginning!
  10. Re: Need another name for Juggernaut... Seriously, this could go on forever.
  11. Re: Need another name for Juggernaut... Blockbuster
  12. Re: Commisioned Art I have a deviantART page: http://ghentart.deviantart.com/
  13. Re: Need another name for Juggernaut... Sweet, he could have a stag with a glowing Christian cross between its antlers on his chest!!! [hic]
  14. Re: Need another name for Juggernaut... Heck, go old school... Big Guy Guns Mahoney DAAAAA CRUSHER!!!!
  15. Re: Need another name for Juggernaut... In Epic City its THUNDER FIST
  16. Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!! Without discussion??? I think you should go back and read THIS discussion.
  17. Re: How does your Hero relax? Off Time Activities Despite becoming an Epic City superhero Phenom still has tight ties with his family, which has expanded to include his most faithful employees at Marshal's. Every chance he gets Robert will cast aside his heroic duties and make time for his grandchildren and his pub.
  18. Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!! Doesn't Whisper have that?
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Shoulda done it in pink hotpants!!!
  20. Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!
  21. Re: Does This Seem Shady? Game balance is important to some... Pure fun to others. I'm an in-betweener, but I must say, one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I ever had was when a purposefully created a character at 1/3 the point totals of the average character's. I lived (and thrived) on my wits, charisma and bravery (and a heaping helping of understanding of EVERY combat maneuver, both standard and optional!) Don't buy into the idea that playing Robin in a group with Superman can't be a hoot. Robin just has to put himself center stage! Have fun, let the rest slide until it gets in the way of game play. (NOTE: I would let him know what YOU know, however)
  22. Re: EPIC CITY! (Campaign Art & Collateral Material) Something of an enigma in Epic City... STADLER STEEL
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