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Everything posted by GoldenAge

  1. Re: EPIC CITY! (Campaign Art & Collateral Material) This corporation is clouded in mystery... KIRIKOBUSHI INK
  2. Re: EPIC CITY! (Campaign Art & Collateral Material) One of my favority corporations... FURUREMECH Bigger picture of AEGIS here
  3. Re: EPIC CITY! (Campaign Art & Collateral Material) Next up... DRAXTON INTERNATIONAL
  4. Re: EPIC CITY! (Campaign Art & Collateral Material) He does have a flair for the dramatic, no?
  5. Re: EPIC CITY! (Campaign Art & Collateral Material) Time for some corporate write-ups! Epic City is full of important, influential, unusual and secretive corporate entities. Though there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of large and medium sized companies to be found within the United Society's greatest city a few have ascended beyond the mediocracy that mires all others... These companies are big. Some are absolutely huge, global in scope. Often times their size makes it impossible to record all of the evolving power struggles and benign or malign projects that would require investigation. So, simply to remind my players that they exist I've created single-page write ups of the top-tier Epic City organizations. These briefs are... brief, barely scratching the surface of these huge mega-corps. But they provide the opening to a conversation that often must be had. EDIT: If you missed it, this is where you can find out more about ANTARES CORPORATION'S STELLAR FORCE. I'll start off with Epic City's (and perhaps the world's) premier corporation: ANTARES CORPORATION
  6. Re: Does your California Superhero team need land an island for a base? AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!
  7. Re: Does your California Superhero team need land an island for a base? And its MUCH easier to create your own mutated minions on Treasure Island!!! "After the Naval Station closed in 1997, Treasure Island was opened to residential and other uses, but according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the state Department of Toxic Substances Control, the groundwater and air are contaminated with asbestos, plutonium, radium and other substances which are known to cause cancer and other illnesses."
  8. Re: Changing your Multipower See, this is what I'm talking about.
  9. Re: Star Trek Races - Andorian and Aenar Have you seen all the Star Trek TNG conversions already out there for 5th? If not, PM me and I can send you a bunch of PDFs. Attached is a sample of the 255 page conversion.
  10. Re: Changing your Multipower As many here already know... Me is pretty stupid! That being said... Is it ever really cost effective to buy a Flexible Slot with the "change only once per phase" rule? Couldn't you buy up the pool enough with points saved from Fixed slots to cover using multiple powers at a time? (especially in big MPs) A MP with 8 slots at 75 AP each would cost 15 real pts/power Flexible or 7 points/power Fixed. At the end of the day you'd save 64 points buying everything Fixed. Adding that to a MP Pool could be significant. Of course, your powers would always be on or off, but couldn't a character compensate with more powers/greater diversity of powers? How is changing Skill Levels at the beginning and half phase any different? (Remember, type slowly, I don't read so fast)
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos One of my all-time favs!
  12. Re: The original War Wheel 1917 http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/83830-The-Bat-Bomb!
  13. Is there a reason that a character can only change his Multipower once a phase> "A character can change the way his Multipower reserve points are distributed or allocated as a Zero Phase Action. However, unless the GM permits otherwise, he may not distribute or allocate reserve points more than once in a Phase." I realize this has almost always been the rule, but I'm not convinced it's anything but arbitrary (perhaps to tone down the power of the Multipower). There are multiple instances in Hero, however, where a character can do equally impressive things at the beginning of his Phase AND at the Half Phase. Thoughts??? (I'm contemplating making it a House Rule that MPs can be changed as a Zero Phase Action at the beginning of a character's Phase and at the Half Phase - with the exception of an Aborted reallocation that would remain the same until the character's next available action)
  14. Re: The Economy of Red Herrings Sounds like you need more sleep!
  15. GoldenAge


    Re: Powerball Why not base it off PYRAMID from Battlestar Galactica??? You could also create something like Paintball, wherein opposing teams face off on an ever-changing field of play in hopes of being the first to retrieve their opponents marker. OR you could mush them all together into something resembling Starship Trooper's Jump Ball (Arena Football with Anti-Grav maneuvering)
  16. Re: Superhero Images Our newest EPIC CITY character: WHITE SERPENT! (played by Hero Forums member Core-fire) Modification of an Ultimate Batman piece by Christian Zanier. If you like this, check out the EPIC CITY link in my sig below for many more.
  17. Re: Character Training Exercises Capture the flag/Paintball always works well (assuming you have enough characters to split into two teams). Such a game is usually an interesting way to identify the offensive and defensive natured characters. In addition to the (inevitable) player v. player combat, you can add a myriad of tricks/trials as a part of the scenario. Or even more fun... Allow each player to develop a trap before play. Redistribute those secret traps (so no one has their own, only a numbered/lettered trap), then the players secretly place those numbered traps in the field of play. Each player is responsible for calling out if the trap they placed is activated - then the player who creates it determines the effect. Heh, you can hit your own trap that way! This scenario helps the characters with many tactics, including joint movement (piggybacking for speed while saving whole or half actions), secret field commands and trick plays ('cuz you're playing against folks that know you). Most importantly, the players will come to understand the capabilities of their comrades better as non-powered heroes will be forced to coordinate with supermen and women in the same endeavor (something that can often be tricky). Do it a couple of times, switching up the characters each round to produce interesting match-ups. BIG BONUS = If the GM has an NPC character, he/she can actually play! These scenarios are best when they're GM'd by committee (helps everyone learn the rules from a Reff's perspective). NOTE: When I've done this I've stipulated that it takes a bit more than just reaching the "enemy" flag to win. Often times they must return it to their home base or drop into some predesignated receptacle (like at the top of a giant tower) in order to avoid an all-out foot race (damn speedsters and teleporters!). That's just a start. There are millions of things you could do.
  18. Re: For all your Nazis-invading-America needs.... Cool!
  19. Re: Calling all lawyers--Supers and unique legal issues What a fun thread!!! I LOVE the HERO Forums!!!
  20. Re: EPIC CITY! (Campaign Art & Collateral Material) Our newest EPIC CITY character: WHITE SERPENT! (played by Hero Forums member Core-fire) Modification of an Ultimate Batman piece by Christian Zanier.
  21. Re: Modern Villains that would translate well into Pulp Hero Here are some lists of non-powered heroes: http://dcboards.warnerbros.com/web/thread.jspa;jsessionid=56FB8E50E324B8762FA1C3D9E94A3231?messageID=2006265030 http://underneath-the-mask.blogspot.com/2007/08/one-man.html http://www.comicvine.com/myvine/iamthehero/favorite-non-powered-superheroes/75-15598/
  22. Re: Modern Villains that would translate well into Pulp Hero A powered down and slightly tweaked version of Mr. Freeze might work well... as would many of Batman's villain cast (Joker, Penguin, Catwoman, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Anarky, Calendar Man, Riddler, KGBeast, Gorilla Boss, King Tut, Black Mask, etc.) Many of The Flash's Rogues (with some power reduction and reformatting) would work well too - (Mirror Master as an illusionist, The Shade, Ragdoll, The Fiddler, The Thinker as a serious Professor Moriarty type, Gorilla Grodd, The Trickster, Captain Boomerang, Abra Kadabra, etc) Green Arrow has a few villains that would be downright scary in a pulp adventure: Onomatopoeia, Merlyn, Shado (including some very cool Yakuza links), Red Dart, and nasty assassins like Cheshire and Deadshot. Man, when I start thinking about it, almost all of the villains attached to non-powered heroes (Batman, Green Arrow, Daredevil, Iron Fist and many more) fit well into pulp. My advice... Don't look for villains, research non-powered heroes (just google 'em). Instead of finding 1 villain at a time, you'll uncover entire rogues galleries (with attached links)!
  23. Re: Tropes Revisited: Beautiful Female Martial Artist. Ideas sought Snuggie???
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