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Everything posted by Midas

  1. Midas


    Re: Chtulhu How would that work? Well, yeah. But in designing, you would do the same thing as with the "Druid's Lightning Bolt" spell. While in theory, the range is "cloud level to ground" in play terms it is from Druid to target, with the indirect advantage. 'sides, anybody out if it enough to summon Azathoth would not be to concerned with the no range limit, or even that the radius was larger than the range. Getting back to the original post, I would suggest using the "spell as skill" system. ie: You don't spend however many hundreds of points on a "summon Azathoth" spell, you spend two points on the *skill* summon Azathoth. In the same way that a swordsman doesn't buy a 1d6+1 RKA before he can pick up a sword, he buys the "familiarity: Common melee weapons" skill. Gets a bit more complicated if the GM wants a skill roll to go with it. I'd say just an EGO roll, with no minuses for the power of the summoned creature. Some of the "contacts" might translate into 5th edition contact rules (they didn't work as contacts in earlier incarnations very well). Midas
  2. Re: The Lost Origin of Evolution Rats? They are nearly impossible to eradicate, but are evolved to survive only in human cities. Dogs? Humans make excellent grooms, you just have to let them *think* they're in charge. Cats? Double the line about dogs. (There is a reason why people who have cats refer to themselves as "catslaves.") Midas
  3. Re: Ideas for combat runes
  4. Midas


    Re: Chtulhu I've considered treating Azathoth and Cthugha as weird energy blasts rather than creatures. After all, they just show up for a few rounds, blast everything in sight, and disappear. The trick is mimicking the random size and nature of the beasties (esp Azathoth). Any suggestions? Midas
  5. Re: Here's One Way to Start A Zombie Apocalypse Could happen. If McCain wins, instead of "brainnnnnnns", a lot of people will be mindlessly droning "Not myyyyyyyyyyy president". Oddly enough, when I think of an avatar of Ygolonac (pretransformation), McCain looks very close to what I imagined. OTOH, Obama looks very much like a Nyarlathotep avatar. double edit: On the third hand (third hand? triple ), I've never seen the scenario with "Mr Shiny" so I can't compare. Midas
  6. Re: Here's One Way to Start A Zombie Apocalypse :oThank you, thank you. Interesting idea though. The reason all those searches for R'lyeh have been unsuccessful is that nothing is there...yet. Those co-ordinates are where Cthulhu will...congeal. "When the stars are right 10% of the biomass will form..." Just doesn't have the right ring to it. Maybe we should port this thread to Pulp? Midas PS: Basil, your link in the SH forum comes back 404.
  7. Re: Here's One Way to Start A Zombie Apocalypse Heh. I like the Lovecraft quote. Cthulhu isn't a giant octopoid at the bottom of the Pacific, He is spread out cell by cell across all the oceans of the world. Midas
  8. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Interesting. We have been doing marathons, but haven't hit HL yet (we want a copy of Source just for completeness sake). Do you intend to watch Raven as well? For that matter, did you like any of the proposed spin offs that they ran in season 7? We just did a double feature of Lake House and Premonition. Interesting watching two movies with the same lead having the same experience (time out of joint). Having the husband be played by the actor that did Cole (source of all evil) on Charmed and Dr Doom in FF was a little jarring. To be fair, he did fairly well as a not villain. Re-watched Hellboy and two animated features to get up to speed for when we find the dough to see Hellboy 2. Sword of Storms was interesting, but seemed a bit derivative of Samurai Jack (not that that is a bad thing ). Hellboy gets zapped to a Place of Wyrd and wanders around fighting off random attackers. Blood & Iron was fun too, but I kept thinking "this reminds me of Gargoyles." The lead villainess, skulking around in shadows and ranting about how great "our people" are, compared to mundanes, smacked strongly of Demona. I was just thinking that when they introduced the billionaire MacGuffin owner, who looked enough like David Xanatos to be related - even though he sounded like Tom Arnold. I fell over laughing so hard. Midas
  9. Re: Urban Fantasy: Warnings Seriously? May I suggest LKH's Merry Gentry series? In that one, the Seelie are Neo Nazi perfectionists, and the Unseelie are the (relative) progressives. Anybody who isn't perfect enough to be in the Seelie Court is thrown out, into the Unseelie. "Sadist, pedophile and necrophiliac? Sorry, we'd like to keep you in the Seelie Court, but some things just aren't done. HEY YOU! With the Jay Leno tuft of hair! You are GONE! We don't allow such terrible blasphemies to perfection around here! Now where was I, oh yes, we don't appreciate someone making us look bad, so I guess you'll have to leave too. Just follow the bad hair elf." There is a series of books by...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Deitz ...set in rural Georgia, where a Sidhe kingdom is nearby, Just Through the Vail. The Moon Eyed People aren't really evil, but just a bit amoral, by human standards. Another author I would recommend is Esther Friesner. She has a comedy series dealing with Fey on the East Coast. * New York by Knight * Elf Defense * Sphynxes Wild
  10. Re: Components and Failed Spells The answer, as in all HERO questions is "It depends." The second question, END costs, depends on modifiers. If you are using END, and you haven't bought it off (reduced END), or replaced it (charges) then yes, it costs END. The other question deals with the "expendable" modifier. You may compare the runes to an archer's bow, or to his arrows. It makes no more sense to require your runecaster to re enchant his rune stones than it does for an archer to get a new bow after every arrow fired. OTOH (it depends, remember ) if you compare them to the archer's arrows, then re enchanting the stones after a use makes much more sense. Note that as long as the runecaster didn't take the Never Recovers or Independent modifiers, re enchanting the rune stones will only cost him time, not experience. Midas
  11. Re: More Abusive characters Right, it's really an entangle variant, with a variable DEF/BOD based on the amount of DEF/BOD of the ground beneath the target's feet. Wouldn't do much against a target with flight, desol, or tunnelling, but it has a pretty spectacular PRE bonus ("The ground just swallowed Fred!") OTOH, it is really nasty if the target lacks proper life support (not only no air, but totally immobile as in can't move his diaphragm muscle). Not to mention if it is a gritty campaign where the DM doesn't mind ...mixing... things. Midas
  12. Re: More Abusive characters I thought it was was somebody who was cruel to their pot plant. Midas Drug abuser, geddit? Never mind.
  13. Re: More Abusive characters Don't forget ranged and IPE! How about The Pit Fiend? Desol, usable as an attack, AofE 1 hex, ranged. Limitation, only the ground/floor below the target's feet. Special effect: The ground beneath the target turns to vapor for an instant, he falls two meters (negligible damage) and the ground instantly hardens up around him. Donno if it is a legal build or not, but from a stricktly game logic there is nothing wrong with it. Midas
  14. Re: Supernatural Hero Yeppers. But it bugs me that normals and mundanes have no defense against demons in SP world. The *only* thing preventing a complete demonic takeover are the Winchester brothers and a Trickster. (We saw how effective the other hunters were at the end of season 2 ). Re the original post, if I were DM'ing, I'd change that. Midas
  15. Re: Supernatural Hero Yeah, WB or whoever is on channel 65 out of Richmond, going coast to coast with four watts of power. Oh yeah, on the list. Well, you can probably get the charms from almost any of the Hunters Underground. Hee! Well yeah, but figure the odds. Which is more likely to happen: You run into a Hunter that is willing to admit his hobby, or you get possessed by a demon?
  16. Re: Supernatural Hero Actually, I saw a more recent episode where this was explained. Sam and Dean were hold up in a jail building with a group of others. They handed out necklaces with charms on them that would prevent the wearer from being possessed. When one of the others pointed out that the brothers weren't wearing the charms, they opened their shirts to show that they had them tattooed on their chests. We had to give up cable last year, but I have read reviews of that episode. Bumr, that bites. I had hoped there was some hope for us poor mortals not with Winchesters underfoot, but I guess not. Midas
  17. Midas


    Re: Middle-earth Hmnn, how about the Nazgul being denizens of another dimension (spirit world). Build morgul blades with whatever power you want, and include extra D effect (real world). Then make the blades breakable foci. Vulnerable to water damage would add flavor. I'm thinking of Gandalf's comment something to the effect of "unable to hide their nothingness" being the effect of the flood at the ford. Also, though they were able to sense the Real World, it was dimly. Though one had a bonus to scent rolls. 2cents from the hoard of, Midas
  18. Re: Pokemon: Gotta Build 'em All I've been kicking around something similar, though based on Galatia in 2d rather than "CCG." My basic idea was having a skill "artist." Whatever you could draw, you could summon, based on the skill/summon roll. I'm not familiar with the Pokemon canon, but say a PC draws/finds a "Dr Distroyer" card. OK, using that card would be say a minus 20 on his summon roll. Now he either needs to be darn good, or a take a lot of extra time, complimentary rolls, etc. I rule the "cards" (Though they can be wall paintings, frescoes, etc) are Independant, some sort of focus, and a skill roll. An artist can create his own cards, but it would be a good idea to not make them too much more powerful than his skill roll. Just some of the ideas I've had on the subject, Midas
  19. Re: Return of the blimp/zepellin The problem is, the Hindenburg is only the most well known disaster. The things had a tendency to fall apart every time they were caught in a storm (I exaggerate, somewhat - but the fact remains that every time somebody built one that was more rugged than the last failure, it unfailingly went Titanic). Here is what Wiki says re "airship:" Are the ones they are building now more all weather? BTW, I like Zeppelins. I've always wanted to run the COC campaign Brotherhood of the Beast, just because the villains get an airship as their HQ. Midas
  20. Re: Lost cities under Russian lake... :think:Hey, that story sounds familiar! Though I don't know the actual origin date of the King Midas story: Since Phrygia dates from 1200 to 690 BC, I would speculate that the Cimmerians carried the tale to Issyk_Kul. (muttering about imitation being the sincerest form of flattery) Midas
  21. Re: Space 1999 aka Space 2099 They tell the characters to go sleep over in the corner with the other vagrants?
  22. Re: Idea for a robot campaign
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