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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. Remember To Celebrate Miracle Monday This Year
  2. Was it my imagination, or did the guy after Michael Gray's appearance call him Captain Marvel? And I agree about the name. I honestly wish they could have alluded to it in the first movie-- SHAZAM: "Through my name you shall become the mightiest of mortals! You shall become a marvel among men, and the captain of a mighty army in the war against evil! Do you accept my offer, Billy Batson?" BILLY: "Okay." SHAZAM: "Then speak my name!" BILLY: "SHAZAM!"
  3. No Titles Of Nobility. It's in the Constitution--Article One, Section Nine. Never needed 'em--never will.
  4. Those of you considering purchasing a Tesla may wish to factor this into your decision.
  5. No jury would ever convict her.
  6. The Real Captain America Hail To The King.
  7. It doesn't taste like bitter almonds--Does It?!?!?
  8. Alternate Title--"We Are So Thoroughly Buggered!"
  9. The Grand Alliance of Notorious Gangsters. Aka--The GANG. May not be to everyone's liking--depends on how much of a taste your players have for Sixties camp. Hope that helps.
  10. Super7 Anyone have experience with these? They look amazing, but twenty bucks for a 3.75" action figure is a little pricey to me, especially for their army builder figures.
  11. What the well-dressed evil sorceress is wearing this year. . .
  12. "He Has A Battle Rifle" So--does this refute the assertion that there is "no such thing" as an assault rifle or an assault weapon?
  13. Does the Florida bill Actually propose to ban breast augmentation? Seems that way to me, and I can't see the medical lobby going for that.
  14. Kari Lake Still Expects God To Make Her Arizona Governor From the editorial-- "I am not an expert in the ways of the Almighty, but it seems likely that her prayers already have been answered. Just not with the reply she’d hoped to receive." Reminds me of the M*A*S*H episode where a pilot claiming to be Jesus was asked by Dr. Sidney Freedman, "Does God answer all prayers?" The man replies, "Yes. Sometimes he answers no." Please take the hint, Ms. Lake.
  15. Marx Toy Connection When Marx was on their game, they made some really great stuff-- And when they weren't--
  16. I figure this might inspire a few Halloween costumes when it's that time. . . Great movie, too.
  17. "A hero is somebody who voluntarily walks into the unknown"--Tom Hanks
  18. Life Support: Need Not Breathe is the most obvious one. I also think she can talk even in places where talking normally isn't possible--the vacuum of space, the ocean floor, with a mouth full of food--even bound and gagged. I also think she can speak any language, and because she also gesticulates incessantly, she can also speak any sign language and any body language. She might even have a Martial Art based on her gesticulation--not unlike slap-fighting, but actually effective. Hope that helps. Good Luck with the build.
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