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Everything posted by clsage

  1. Had a thought on the ride home tonight and I'm not certain of an "elegant way" to generate the effect... Basically it's a device (built into a PDA or such) that generates a "privacy field" surrounding a couple of people and negating any evesdropping attempts while they talk. My initial idea involves using: Invisibility - Hearing group; Area Effect - Hole in the Center; IAF (PDA/Widget/whatever). I've also toyed with: Force Wall - Transparent to all but sound; IAF (PDA/Widget/whatever). Anyone got a cleaner, simpler method ? -Carl-
  2. Re: Why we shouldn't worry about 2020 The scary thing is, we'd never hear them coming...... -Carl-
  3. Re: Exodus 2025: A campaign idea looking for input! I'm slightly reminded of a novel from 1978 entitled "And Having Writ" by D.R. Bensen. In the novel, the Tunguska Meteorite event becomes a divergence point when the crew of an alien craft "displaces themselves" to prevent their demise. The ship they are in crashes into the ocean and they, by their very presence, begin to alter what we know as history. It's been too long since I have read the text to give much in the way of examples but I recall it was a "solid read". -Carl-
  4. Re: Characters Places Things and Groups Needed for the Perfect Superhero Universe? Character Type: "The Smartest Guy You Will Ever Even Think Of Meeting" He could be a tech nerd who never leaves the safety of his apartment due to agoraphobia or he could be your favorite shellheaded power armor wearing hero. He could be benign and helpfull or a potential threat to all existance due to his own curiousity induced hubris. Best examples (of the basically benign type) are, of course, Reed Richards and Tony Stark. A case could be made for potentially including Bruce Banner, Ted Kord, Bruce Wayne and possibly Barbara Gordon (as Oracle). -Carl-
  5. I don't currently have a copy of Ultimate Brick so if this issue is addressed there.... I'm wondering: My reading of the TK rules seem to imply that, basically, TK can do anything that STR can do, provided that it is "purchased properly". So would a TK character be able to utilize "brick tricks" such as those listed in Ultimate Brick ? -Carl-
  6. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel Very nice !!! -Carl-
  7. Re: Sorta Ninja Hero Related: Logans Run Hero MA Cool. Thanks for the pointer. And thanks to Michael Surbrook for the write-up: (http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptionsmovie/seagal.html) -Carl-
  8. Re: Andorian Metabolism Ok...cool. I'm a little fuzzy due to some insomnia so I was probably overthinking things....Thanks. -Carl-
  9. Maybe it's due to some insomnia but I can't seem to get my mind around how to accomplish the following effect: Steelback, a power armored hero, has a set of pulse weapons built into his suit. Due to the physics involved in generating the beams the weapons are dependent on massive calculations performed by the suits onboard computer. If the computer fails (or is hacked ) the weapons system stops functioning and Steelback is left to using his hand to hand attacks. So. What is the best way to "link" a computer to a power ? Is it as simple as requiring a Systems Operation roll prior to using the weapons and at various intervals there-after. Much like an activation roll....which is, of course, another simple way of doing it. Tho' that doesn't seem to allow the option of suit system hacking by opponents. Thoughts ? -Carl-
  10. I'm attempting to determine the best mechanics for a Physical Disad, based on the following "factoid" from an episode of Star Trek - Enterprise: Dr Phlox mentions in the episode "United" that (paraphrasing) "Andorian metabolism is faster than human. If you keep him active you should be able to tire him out quickly." So... My basic thought is to simply make it a species characteristic that STR usage costs increased END, combined with a lowered initial END. That seems the cleanest, simplest solution. But I have a nagging feeling that there might be a better way (or ways)....Any thoughts ? -Carl-
  11. Re: Multi-form suggestions?
  12. Re: Building Tech for Original Setting Indeed. As Magnetos guard discovered in "X-Men 2". -Carl-
  13. Re: Opinions On Limitation Level For A "Cargo Only" T-Port I had actually forgotten to list that part of the reason for the "1 non- recoverable charge" portion of the write up was due to the scarcity of a primary component of the T-Port pack. But the discription you suggest for play is pretty cool... Just a little background on the scenario and part of why the "Only 0 EGO" limitation: Ubergenius who believes himself sent from the future (not certain yet if that's reality or a delusion - see "12 Monkeys" for an example) has hired another NPC called The Craftsman to build him some mooks (The Craftsman is a genetic tinkerer, building specialty cannon fodder for the super-villain community....And yes, I stole the idea from a hunted that was used in a module published in Space Gamer Magazine back in the 1980's. I'll give credit where it's due. ). He has struck a deal that gets him his mooks (basically clones of Slash from the 5th Ed Cyberpunk genre section) in advance of payment so long as some of his first crimes get tech that The Craftsman needs to continue his business. Some of the gear/etc doesn't lend itself to easy theft. So the Ubergenius uses his "future knowledge" (or weird genius, depending) to cobble up the T-Port packs, not planning to make much use of them beyond this first crime spree. So he doesn't bother to spend the time dealing with quantum entaglement issues and the like. He has other, bigger plans.... -Carl
  14. Re: Combat Manuever: "Crack The Whip" Ahhhh. Thank you very much. I had suspected that such a technique would have to be, after the various revisions since Champions II, purchased as a power..... You speak the truth. -Carl-
  15. Perhaps I am missing it but is the combat manuever that was once refered to (in Champions II, I belive, tho' my copy is buried somewhere so I can't confirm it) as "Crack The Whip" still in the rules ? If so, could anyone point me to the appropriate page/etc ? For those who might not know what the manuever entails here's the basics: UberBrick, the mightiest hero of all, is battling Dread Mantis, who keeps evading UberBricks' direct attacks. So UberBrick takes advantage of his strength and grabs, with one hand on either side, a chunk of the asphalt they are fighting on. Holding it as one end of a continuous piece of material, he gives it a shake, much as tho' he were shaking out a rug or, as the name implies, cracking a whip. The shockwave of his action travels along the pavement and tosses Dread Mantis onto his rear end, allowing our hero to gain the advantage..... Ok. So my prose is a bit...overblown. But I think you get the general idea. It's basically a special method for using strength, in the same class as a haymaker. It was, as I recall, usable by anyone at virtually anytime, provided 1) they had sufficiant strength and 2) the surface in question was basically a continuous surface. Anyone recall this manuever and/or know where I can find the equivalent in 5th Edition ? Thanks. -Carl-
  16. Re: Opinions On Limitation Level For A "Cargo Only" T-Port Yeah...That's the plot concept. Players capture goons who have no real powers of their own, just tech goodies/etc from some mystery patron. The items stolen and the tech goodies are mainly clue related. Of course, should a player figure out how to drain their EGO to 0 and then trigger one of the T-Port packs, it would get them into the "cave of loot" and that much closer to finding out who the mastermind is. Thus the limitation "only items with 0 EGO". I'd potentially just make it a handwave, plot twist deal but knowing how characters can be when they see unusual tech I figured I'd better have the write up handy, ya' know ? -Carl-
  17. Re: Opinions On Limitation Level For A "Cargo Only" T-Port Yeah, in the original post I forgot to include AE as part of the description of the effect I'm working towards... I'm not sure about the whole "side effects" issue. My original concept was/is for a sort of "all or nothing" deal....But I'll give it some thought(s). I'll need to look at the whole "triggering issue" as well....Thanks. -Carl-
  18. Here's the idea: One shot teleportation units, to be utilized by a criminal gang. The limitation is that they can only be used to transport items which are "non-sentient". The criminals figure why lug a big pile of stuff away from the crime site when they can place a one shot t-port unit onto the pile of gold (or whatever) and blip it back to the hideout. The gadgets themselves don't always work and either way they end up as a pile of fused circuts and metal. My take on it is: T-Port, 1 fixed location, OAF, 1 non-recoverable charge, Activation roll (11- perhaps ??), only usable on items with 0 EGO.... All the other limitations are pretty self explanatory but I'm wondering what the consencus of those here is on what the "no sentient t-port/ only on 0 EGO items" would be. At the moment I'm thinking -1/4 but I'd appreciate comments/opinions/suggestions. Thanks. -Carl-
  19. Perhaps I am missing it but is the combat manuever that was once refered to (in Champions II, I belive) as "Crack The Whip" still in the rules ? If so, could you point me to the appropriate page/etc ? Thanks. -Carl-
  20. Re: Need Help with Scenario ASAP! Hmmm. Well, in addition to the ideas already mentioned I have a nagging idea which I just can't fully form. Basically tho' it deals with interference patterns. My thinking is (and I just can't recall all the physics in question:think: ) a complementary sonic wave (inverted frequency to the white noise) should potentially have a "deadening effect", especially if aimed into the same direction as the source. So... Heros build "anti-white noise unit" (or just run the signal thru a mixing system and invert it). Heros then play this second sound into various parts of the infrastructure. As it gets aimed more towards the source of the white sound, the "silence" of the conteracting signals should increase. Triangulate the various "dead zones" and where it is quietest.... As I said, just a thought, mainly based on the interference patterns in optics....And it may all be "handwave physics" so YMMV. -Carl-
  21. clsage

    DOOM Hero

    Re: DOOM Hero Not certain if they are 4th edition or 5th but take a look here: http://surbrook.devermore.net/doomedhero/doomhero.html -Carl-
  22. Re: Superhero technology I belive I saw them in concert once upon a time..... -Carl-
  23. Re: Superhero technology I may steal that phrase for my signature file, if you don't mind.... -Carl-
  24. Re: Superhero technology Very nice !! I wish that my "backstory tech list" was so compleate.....sigh. I did find the "White Thought Generator" interesting. I was reminded of the Psi Shield helmets from classic Traveller, which used nerve tissue circuts to block psi...Interesting, but less as a gadget than as a plot device. Given the use of neurological tissue and all...Anyone recall the old Outer Limits episode entitled "The Brain of Colonel Barham" ?? -Carl-
  25. Re: Sorta Ninja Hero Related: Logans Run Hero MA
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