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Everything posted by clsage

  1. Re: Sorta Ninja Hero Related: Logans Run Hero MA As I read the source text, the primary benefits of Omnite are mostly described by the first two examples (multiple manuevers, either at once or in a row). After posting last night I took another, albiet brief, look at Sweep and I think (maybe) that that is going to be a major modifier in my design. Sadly, I do not have UMA. Nor access to my old copy of Ninja Hero either. Sigh. But based on your description of (lacking a better phrase) sequential manuevers they may play a part in the technique....once I get a copy of UMA. Thanks. -Carl-
  2. For some time (way too long ) I've been attempting to work out an acceptable (ie: one that I could expect most any GM to ok for use) version of the martial art described in a memory sequence in the novel "Logans Run" by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson. The technique is refered to as Omnite. The sensai in the text comments (as I recall) that "there are no single actions...", that " everything leads to the next movement"..... Back in the day of Danger International I figured I'd use Combination Manuver as a basepoint for the system, with that skill/move allowing for basically two different attacks as the same movement (at least, by my reading of the rules). There was an OCV minus after the first attack (-4 as I recall), which was resonable and would be offset by the character buying the appropriate SL's to compensate. However, Danger International has gone the way of the dodo and I'm still working my way thru 5thEd regarding martial arts. So I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to simulate such a style ? Thanks. -Carl-
  3. Re: Power ideas for a concept character: Manatee Don't forget the following Disads: - Vegetarian - Nearsighted -Carl-
  4. Re: Suggestions requested. While you might have already seen it, thought I'd mention: http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptionsassorted/theshadow.html The point totals are a bit greater than you mentioned but it might give you an idea or three...... -Carl-
  5. Re: Let's hear it for villainous organizations Oooooh ! I like it !! Tho' I'd potentially change it to: Senate Oversight Committee for the Regulation of Advanced Technology and Emergent Systems Gives them a bit broader reach ....IMHO. YMMV.
  6. Re: Building Tech for Original Setting Ahhh. Thanks for the (pardon the pun) "clarification". -Carl-
  7. Re: The Bureau of Special Investigations - long
  8. Re: Building Tech for Original Setting Nope. Just the natural reaction of hydrogen atoms to being bombarded with high energy magnetism. That makes them (to my understanding ) "polarize" and then depolarize, creating a radio signal that the MRI's software can read and translate into imagery. Of course this implies that, in game terms, objects lacking significant hydrogen atoms would remain opaque to the N-Ray vision in question. -Carl-
  9. Re: Pre 5th Edition packages While not DC related (exactly), you might want to give a look at "Danger International". As I recall there were various military and related packages included. Unfortunately, I can't give a page number or other details as my copy is in FL and I am currently in NJ. -Carl-
  10. Re: Known Space Hero -- Specs For Puppeteer Vision ? After re-re-re-reading, I'd have to suggest a slot for pluses to HTH. After all, the Puppeteer kick reflex allows Nessus to literally kick the heart right out of an opponent. Thru his sternum and out his spine, if the comments of Louis Wu are to be believed. Of course, as it is totally reflexive it would have to have the No Concious Control limitation included. Which brings up a point: how much HTHK is a Puppeteer capable of ? Perhaps 1.5D6 killing ? Hmmmm. I'll have to look at the Beastiary and see what gazelles/etc are capable of. Puppeteers should do at least that much. Thanks. -Carl-
  11. Re: Known Space Hero -- Specs For Puppeteer Vision ? While we have strayed a bit from dealing just with Puppeteer vision....Another question comes to mind: At one point in "Ringworld", when Luis Wu grabs Nessus by the ankle and rolls him over (near the end of the novel, during the section onboard the _Improbable_) there is a comment that (to paraphrase) "Nessus weighed little more than Luis himself". The question is, is that weight a standard for all Puppeteers ? And if so, doesn't that infer that there might be a possible disad such as "Takes 1.5x body from blunt force trauma attacks" ? Given the similarities to the terrestrial gazelle in the nature of build and all.... -Carl-
  12. Re: Known Space Hero -- Specs For Puppeteer Vision ? Thanks. ....Of course, don't forget: Quirk: Likes Humans Meddlesome (manipulates entire species for percieved self preservation) Ok...back to re-reading.
  13. Re: Real world vs. Game world I've been working on a slightly similar idea for a campaign I've yet to start running... Background: In 1964, the Liberty Bell was almost stolen. The perpetrator (villain name not at hand right now...sorry) was stopped by the efforts of Philadelphias' finest, Echo and Shimmer. The perpetrator then sued for unlawfull arrest/etc. After much legal wrangling, Congress passed the Special Response Groups Act. The act basically says that heros who agree to certain conditions become (to steal a line from the 1960's Batman film ) "Duely deputized officers of the law." Specifically, agents of the Justice Department with investigative powers similar (though modified) to those held by members of the FBI. Now....If a hero (or hero group) operates under the umbrella of the SRGA, then the government provides low or no cost liability insurance for potential colateral damage incidents. Of course, if said group or hero have too many such occurances, their status under the SRGA can be changed and the cost of said insurance can go up. As for "lone wolves" who operate beyond the auspices and agreements of the SRGA ? Well, they have to pay for their own insurance. IF they can qualify and afford the coverage. -Carl-
  14. Re: Known Space Hero -- Specs For Puppeteer Vision ? Good point....Hmmm. And tangentally, given the general racial cowardice of the species, I wonder if perhaps a form of Danger Sense might be warranted somewhere in the write-up. Not necessarily related to the whole "vision package" but still.... Things to make me say "Hmmmmm" while I re-read "Ringworld" again tonight. And take yet more notes. -Carl-
  15. Re: Known Space Hero -- Specs For Puppeteer Vision ? Nicely done....
  16. Ok, I have to admit that I am stuck (so to speak) in determining how to describe, in game terms, the single eyed heads of a Puppeteer. I'm planning on giving them 360 degree vision. That's a given. But what else is appropriate for having the ability to move your eyes (and attached hand-mouths) in opposite directions ? Any thoughts or pointers to previous strings on the subject ? Thanks. -Carl-
  17. Re: Your Opinion Please - Four-Color Appropriate?
  18. Re: Simple power I need help with: "Low Pitch Thrum" Hmmm. How about an Area Effect Drain vs DEX ? Given the linkage between DEX and the vestibular mechanism and all.... Just a thought. -Carl-
  19. Re: There is an Adventure in here somewhere Hmmm. Well, although I have yet to see the film, the first adventure seed that comes to mind is less Lovcraftian and more in the vein of what I know (admittedly a limited amount) of the movie "National Treasure". Nicholas Cage and his efforts to track down, using clues on the dollar bill as well as a map on the back of the Declaration Of Independance, a massive treasure hidden by the (as far as I know) Masonic Elders/Knights Templar/etc who reputedly had a hand in the founding of the US. Just a first blush thought.....But I agree, there's an adventure (or three) within that news item. -Carl-
  20. clsage

    The Old Races

    Re: The Old Races Originally Posted by nevereverend: "The progenitors were responsible for genetic maniplation and "seeding" various star systems, and are responsible for many of the more humanoid races (as they were themselves, humanoid), including the Ergons (Thorgans), Humans, Mandaarians, Malvans, Varanyi, and Valerians, among others."
  21. Re: The Empire Club: recruiting drive! In the realm of semi-mystical/horror: Lawrence Stewart Talbot -- AKA Larry Talbot -- AKA "The Wolfman" (as portrayed by Lon Chaney Jr) I can see him using his fortune to sponsor a variety of quests "against the dark"....Provided he has defeated his own demons that is.... -Carl-
  22. Re: Taelon Protector Character Help Yeah...Boones' old buddy. And his introduction to the resistance. -Carl-
  23. Re: Can anyone give me further advice for this power? While it's not 5th edition, I seem to recall their being a description of the various levels for Missile Deflection and suggested/required DEX, etc in "Justice, Inc.". Sadly, my copy is in FL and I am in NJ at present but maybe someone else might have a copy to refer to ? -Carl-
  24. Re: Taelon Protector Character Help I drew that primarily from the episode(s) where we see...oh, what was her name again....the Irish protector sparing with Lilly, etc. I seem to recall her telling Lilly something to the effect (while trying to convince Lilly to become a Protector) of "We get the finest training" to which Lilly replies something about her Marine training being pretty good...So I'm thinking that, at minimum, any Protector would have to have the Commando Training Martial Art package as part and parcel of their training. Perhaps Akido as well.... Yeah...I recalled the extreme range limitation (seen in at least a couple of first season episodes). I wonder if the "spread attack effect" of shooting at the butterfly swarm might be part of the reason for the exhaustion. So perhaps an "increased END" limitation on spread attacks, use for more than a couple phases, etc....hmmmm. Yeah...in game terms I'm calling that a multipower that includes Eidetic Memory, Speed Reading, Absolute Time Sense, etc. Potentially I might make all those cost END, given that they do require metabolic function. As for the Healing....Healing - Self Only - Concentrate (as I recall the way the episode played out). Perhaps with increased END cost.... It also provides Life Support: Immune from Alcohol, as seem in the episode where they are searching for Ma'Els' ship in Ireland. I suspect that Sandoval has that, in part, as a holdover from his FBI days. Also it's pretty much just his own sense of "entitlement" that he has even on those occasions when he "goes rouge" (the episode "Sandovals Run", virtually every episode from seasons four and five, etc). Sandoval is, to my mind, one of the best "agent level" villains that can be found on TV in the last few years. -Carl-
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