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Everything posted by TheRavenIs

  1. Re: Time travel Dr. Who style - Hero Universe I owe you rep for this. I like the idea, and even worked up a version of a TARDIS and even a special car to use when out and about in an other era. If you want them let me find it and I'll post the .hdc files here.
  2. Re: Using Power draws attention The way I look at this is that in the game world I share with others is that we have effects that can be and are detected. I have a time traveler and when he uses he's power we have a group of beings that monitor time, so when he uses the power they know. Now magic already has a basic power that allows others to 'see' that it is magic ...... Mage Sight. You can alos just mega-game this effect if you want, it all depends on how you want your game world to work.
  3. Re: How do your Star Heroes get around? Ok, my 1000th post and I do it here. I have used so many different ways for my PC's to get from place to place that the one thing I learned most is ...... remember that no matter how you do it ...... make if fun for the players and easy for you the GM.
  4. Re: Spending experience points What the group I play with does is that we allows XP to be spent on almost anything that is logical for the C to have, powers, skills, stat's, ext. Now we do one thing that helps we talk it out as a group on XP. The PC and the GN for the different group is the final authority on the XP being used as the PC wants. We found due to not doing the above PC's were advancing into area's that had no place for the PC to know. So we worked out a way for the PC's to spend the XP, now we have a system that allows us, as PC's to have logical growth.
  5. Re: Standard Blood abilities? The Traveler "Who Is a Traveler and Wanderer." (Travis Carter Morgan)
  6. Re: Pulparize It! Dr. Who: A very odd man with no know name, but ends up being called Dr. Who by all that meet him. Travels the world in what looks like a blue police call box. The Dr. almost always shows up where and when he is most needed, a ship lost at sea, he appears and the ship finds it's way home. A strange series of murders, again he shows and the mystery is sloved. Some say that The Dr. sometimes has others that travel with him, and sometimes those that have seen him describe him with many various apperances. But the one thing that those that meet him do say is, "How can a man in a steam driven, non-areodynamic, small blue box, that is many times larger inside than outside, always show up when he's needed." note: I just had to do it!
  7. I have used the good Dr. a few times. I might even start using him again now that the shared game world I run in is entering the Stellar Age. I can see the Dr. McQuark and company when the PC's start dealing with them.
  8. Re: Standard Blood abilities? I'd read it, I'd love it. To see others take on the Blood is always nice.
  9. Re: Standard Blood abilities? The Character that is the basis for my Avatar is a member of the Blood, he is called Travie "He who Travel's and Wander's." He has been called Traveler and Wanderer, he is the son of Otto "Pathfinder" and a Princess of the Shide. He has the powers of he's father and magic that is from he's mother, he is a meddler, a hero and has a major probleam that makes him show up in places he didn't intend to go. [i love that, gives the GM a hook to get use where we need to be.] I've played him in many games and created him back in late of 1985. Now after this I just might have to intro the Blood into the shared game world I run in.
  10. Re: Fictional Cities As a follow up to my post so long ago, what we ended up doing in our shared world is that we modify existing cities amd almost make up new ones. It allows for the max amount of freedom of play.
  11. Re: How do you use Surbrook's Stuff? Ok, now this has just become silly. It's all good, just weird.
  12. Re: Pulparize It! Star Trek: A small group of individuals travel the world, seeking out new life, new civilizations, boldly going where no man has gone before. The team has a American as leader, a man that is bold and brash but with a way with the ladies, but a born leader. An old country Dr, that is one of the leading minds in he's field. A Japanese/American pilot, with the heart of a Chivalric Swashbuckler. A Scotsman who is a mechanical genius who is the Mr. Fixit of the team. A Russian that is young but he is a bit of a pilot, and a scientist. A African/American woman that is a master of language and cluture. Then the strangest member of the team, a man from a lost civilization that is a stranger in the world, he has many strange abilities and has the knowledge of he’s lost land to draw on.
  13. Re: Speed of Travel A tangent question; Steve if the PC's are going to be wandering between worlds, are you going to set them up as going back and forth?
  14. Re: How do you use Surbrook's Stuff? I use your place as insperation. If I am stuck for an idea ...... I go ...... look .... find and then I adapt. I have used your place as a means to help me with idea's.
  15. Re: CHAR: Superman Dude you do deliver. Ohh thanks for the non-rep-rep.
  16. Re: CHAR: The Flash But you did get it right........after not.
  17. Re: CHAR: The Flash Dude that was Batman.....thanks.
  18. Re: How do your Star Heroes get around? We are using regions of space. 1. Know Space as it is called is around 500 LY's in diameter. 2. Then we have The Harmonian Empire sapce that is a little larger, 625 LY's in diameter. 3. Then we have The Frontier it is larger and mapped but not really alot is known, it is around 1000 LY's. 4. Then we have what got named godspace, it is only around 250 LY's. 5. We are also just beginning to explore the area around Earth, and two other reagions. Champions with Starships meets pre-galatic Champions.
  19. Re: CHAR: The Flash If I am not a pest.....rep from you would be a good gift.....joking.
  20. Re: Speed of Travel I would use the idea that communication is limited to the speed of ships. I would also allow different classes of ships to have different levels of drive, a homage to Traveller.
  21. Re: How do your Star Heroes get around? 1. FTL: 15 LY/HR is the basic and usual means. This is the basic Tech used in Stellar Civilizations. 2. Jump Drive: Teleport/megascale = 1/LY with the travel time being variable. This tech was created by a PC, as a means to trael when he's ship only had a limited FTL drive. 3. Jump Gates: Instant Teleportation with a transdimentsional element, that allows travel across the galaxy. A left-over tech from a lost race. 5. Slipstream: Think Andromedia. A left-over tech from a lost race. #'s 4 & 5, the tech of the Jump Gate has just now been relearned, but it is and will not be as efficent as the creators designed it to be. The Slipstream Drive can be reproduced but it is a dangerous tech, only a few ships can use and and only a few pilots can navigate it. and 6. Lienar Flight: One race has the ability to move at LY in inches/phase. 7. Jump Space: The above race also can move instantly LY's via TP. #'s 6 & 7 are racial abilities to a race that I designed with Dawnstar of the 90's Legion of Superheroes as a homage. They are special messengers, con-combatants and under protection of the main Stellar Civilizations.
  22. Re: CHAR: The Flash That's cool.....I am sorry I am being a major pest, but I like the way you do them.
  23. Re: Using Stargate Command in a superhero game I am going to be using a version of Stargate Command in a group I am running in my groups shared universe.
  24. Re: CHAR: The Flash Did you post the .hdc.....
  25. Re: CHAR: Superman Somewhere some time......maybe.
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