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Everything posted by TheRavenIs

  1. Re: Pimp My Stardrive! I think that a stutter-drive might work, it is a drive that takes you in and out of FTL, you have to recompute the course each time. This means that if you miss a Nav roll at any piont you can end up somewhere other than you intended. You can also use a type of either natural or artifical gates. If you remember the Buck Rodgers TV show, first season they used Jump Gates, you set the course and then entered the gate and bang you ended up at your destination. Bab 5 used a simular idea, Hyper-Gates and Hyperspace, but travel took time and you needed to stay on the beam. The beam was the navagitional signal that was what linked the different Gates.
  2. Re: Super Metals If you want it to do that then sure......
  3. Re: [Campaign] The Fearless Monster Hunters We want more.....more.....more.....
  4. Re: Converting Players to HERO When I brought Champions to my group, none at the time had ever played anything other than D&D. We all learned the methods together, we all worked on each others C's. Not that we built each other C's but we worked on them to understand the system. The group I am playing with now has two of the second group of players I ever played with in my home area. They asked questions, the others helped with getting the idea's of the C. We worked out the different issues with the C's. Now we have two other players that came in around 10 or so years ago, they had the experiance we learned and passed it on. What I see with HERO being the best overall system, is that as others have said, You can do anything with the system.
  5. Re: Unofficial Welcome Mat (For New Members) I say hi to any and all that have entered the mad house we call the HERO BOARDS.
  6. Re: Help.....i Need Some Help!!!! Rep to the Monstor> I'll add all that to my growing list. Thanks.
  7. Re: Help.....i Need Some Help!!!! McCoy, Supreme Serpent.......thanks guys. I will add those to the growing list of idea's.
  8. Re: Help.....i Need Some Help!!!! Narratio, you are one sneaky jackel. I like that.
  9. Re: Help.....i Need Some Help!!!! The feel of the game that I hope to get is something out of the better Pulp Novels of the day. I want the world to be real, what I want is the players to know that they can and will alter the world by the actions they take.
  10. Re: Help.....i Need Some Help!!!! I will try to post the .hdc files when I have all four of the C's. For now all I can say that I have a minor Mage, a Gunslinger: X-Texas Ranger, a Asian-English Butler, the fourth C is the one holding me up on what I will do the first game session.
  11. Re: What the well-dressed native princess is wearing.... That could be called self-abuse.
  12. Re: [Warming Rant] GM feeling uninspired QM, sometimes you have to take those breaks in order to stay sane. My last break wasn't planned, I was out of RP for a bit over three years. Now back into it and figured that all I will GM will be HERO something. I mean to be HERO is the best system for everything.
  13. Very soon I am going to be starting a pulp based game, http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=52989, this is the setting. The help I need is plot hooks. I have a few idea but with the creative minds here I know I can get enough to keep me going for some time. The important thing is that the game starts in 1932. Also the basic idea is that the PC's can and will change the future.
  14. Re: Super Metals In one game I did years ago I created a metal that was called Element X. Depending on what other metals that were allowed with it, it could do many things. Element X in pure form was a room temperature super-conductor. I can't remember what the different alloys did.
  15. Re: Super Metals From the Buck Rodgers comic. Interon: Perfect Insulator vs all Electromagnetic Energy Forms. Interon also has the ability to negate gravity... i.e. it alwys falls up away from a gravity source. Ultron: Allows for transmission of All Electomanetic Energy Forms with out passing thru space but between tuned Ultron materials. Ultron also has the ability to be dencer than it should be.
  16. Re: [Question]Three Unusual Powers 1st C: Succor to all Phyical Stats and Powers. Use the power as a set boost, standard effect, but set it high enough with the dice that you get the level of boost you need, set it to use a set time limit for it to fade. Ebdurance Resurve with no Recovery, or a Recovery that takes time to reset to recharge the resurve. 2nd C: On this one go with the multiform idea. Remember that you need to keep it as simple as you can till you're confortable with the Hero System. 3rd C or Power: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack) (20 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2). Thos way you are using either the C's PD/ED as the barrier.
  17. Re: Sonof Secret Origins! When did you start reading superhero comics? I started reading comics when I learned how to read, so 41 yrs. The comics I read were superheroes, only.
  18. Re: "Back when I started playing Champions...." ..... those where the headie days of yore.
  19. Re: "Back when I started playing Champions...." .... and it was possiable to be a wantabe Batman and not feel guilty.
  20. Re: "Back when I started playing Champions...."
  21. Re: "Back when I started playing Champions...." mega-ditto's
  22. Re: [Campaign] The Fearless Monster Hunters Yeah it would be nice to live close to the Bunny man, and all of the rest of you great creative GM/Players out there.
  23. Re: SO much new art at the Forte site! Nice site......
  24. Re: Manipulating light and matter You know this means that eventually we can get past the so-called Ultimate Speed Limit.
  25. Re: To PLAY Or NOT To PLAY? I only run games in HERO system, not because I can't in other game systems, but HERO calls for a more interactive game play. A Gm and Players are both working to make the game fun, or they are suppost to be doing that. I look at my GMing in this way, I'm not the best in my group at it, but I do one thing that allows us all to have fun when I run.
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