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Everything posted by TheRavenIs

  1. Re: Time travel Dr. Who style - Hero Universe I look at it like this ..... if you want to have a multiverse going on, then do it. If you don't then don't. All that matters is the you as GM and your players have fun. Also what ever you do, be assured that you'll have tons of work to do in making the game's back story and technology. Also remember to make enemies that are fun to run.
  2. Re: Pulparize It! TAXI: The Pulp Years In the last days of the depression a simple man has to work night and day to just to get enough to eat. So a simple man, a taxi driver works with a group of even stranger people. An out of work actor, a semi-punch drunk boxer, a single mom that is forced to dress and act like a man, a preacher that has lost he's way; but not he's faith, a man from a distant land; who happens to be a real good with any machine, and the dispatcher; a crusty little man that loves to make them all suffer. One day this strange assortment of people have a man die in a cab. This motley crew find themselves drawn into the pre-WWII intrigue of Nazi spys, native born trouble makers and the mod. Can these Taxi-Drivers be the heroes of the day and help save NYC and America in this dangerous time? Only time will tell.
  3. Re: Infinite Crisis I just read the complete run in the graphic novel ..... it wasn't as bad as expected, but it was not what I would call great. Still all in all I think I actually liked it. Scary thought that Superboy-Prime and Alexander Luthor ending up the bad guys in all. I did like that magic got a major overhaul in the companion story. I wonder what that will mean for all the magic types. And the Speedforce, and the GLCorp. All in all I liked the story.
  4. Re: Time travel Dr. Who style - Hero Universe repped!!! That is worth pan-dimensional rep.
  5. Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War Ok, back on topic. Actually the game world I am in right now has a system that trains Super's. The ID's are know to the Government and after being trained they can either become full time Heroes or go into the private sector. Becoming a Hero after going to the School give the Character certain perks, access to crime sences, government law enformortment contacts, and modifed national police powers and insurance to help pay for damages.
  6. Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War Marvel's CW, from what I have read here and other places makes very little sence to me. As Teflon Billy and others, has said it makes snece to have Heroes registered. Making former Heroes suddenly act worse than Nazi's is really dumb.
  7. Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War Not read CW's, not going to. If this happened in a game I played ...... unless the GM talked to us before hand ..... stand up, pack my things and leave. No shouting, no acting out, just go home and play Video Games. Now if this was worked out before hand. Crossfire; mystic ninja/techno, would go to the underground so fast he's leave a sonic boom. He was in Interpol for years and knows Governments always mess things up. Titan Mk 4; Cyborg Homage w/intergrated AI, register and then refuse to do as told. Go to jail and then fight the law within the system, they try to keep from losing temper and breaking out. If they tried to neturalize he's powers, then break out and join the resistance. Badger; sane Wolverine, already on US run team, he'd go rouge and be anti-, reason ..... he don't think the government knows what the heck it is doing. Traveler; time/space/dimension manipulator, one of two things. 1. leave for the next almost exact reality to this one and set up shop there or, 2. go farther into the shadows and start saving anyone with powers and getting them to safty, then use he's powers to fight this stupid law. He is over 10,000 yrs old and has seen this on countless Earth's, he has fought it every time. Electric Blue; KOS-MOS from Xenosaga homage, not register, do what she is doing, living her life. Someone tries to stop her and her friends then she fights and if she has to ..... kills to stay free and protect others that won't register. Bearcat; see Badger above, but he's reason's are that he knows that one of he's hunted's is behind this and will hunt him down and kill him as many times as needed to stop him. Flame; Human Torch/Sunfire homage, sign up and then leave for Japan so he wouldn't have to inforce it. Snowfall; Ice Man/Ice homage, sign up and then leave for Sweden so she wouldn't have to inforce it. Codename: Dancer, gun kata master, already a government operative, would do he's job but if ordered to kill a super, he would not do so unless that super was a true threat to others. Ca'Rom Holt; Male Dawnstar, alien - would not go to Earth and ingore the stupidity and shack head. NightWarrior; Dare Devil/Spiderman homage hybrid, anti all the way.
  8. Re: Megascale and acceleration The way I do it is that Megascale movement does take time. Each multiple takes time to move to that level. So 1" = 1km, the basic time requires a number of conditions to be meet to even use. 1. Out of Combat. 2. Clear to Accelerate. Just basic understanding of that is all I use.
  9. Re: Build Challenge: Mythbusters! So just how would anyone write them up? I mean with all the HERO knowledge here we should be able to come up with some good work-ups?
  10. Re: [Campaign] The Fearless Monster Hunters adding this to my list of threads that I subscribe to
  11. Re: Not Quite Galactic... I like it.....repped.
  12. Re: Secret IDs: In or Out? I have had C's with Secret ID and without. I have C's now that have neither. To me a Secret ID is all how you want the C to interact with the environment of the game world. In Comic's today the writing is going down all the time, to have the writers decide to drop them, it has become more effort than many want to deal with.
  13. Re: Computers for TE starships The answer you're going to get from me is ..... that it all depends. Skills for a Starship can be nothing more than an expert system that the crew can use to do a certain action. In your Tactics example, call it a specialized gaming computer, that uses information of ships by class, fire-power, etc., also it runs multiple possiable ways to do things.
  14. Re: Analysis: Extra Limbs - SFX or Power? The reason I did the 5 pts for the extra limbs was I thought it was pointed a bit high. 5pts became a comprimise to me, I allowed the +5pts to buy x2 extra limbs, and the advantage with haveing mutilples of 2 giving OCV pluses.
  15. Re: WWYCD: Culture Shock I have a C that is going thru this right now, her team is beginning a series of trans-dimensional hops. Each one will require the team to get info on the local's, the history, etc.. I look forward to it, we haven't really done one in a few years. The GM is creative enough to pull it off.
  16. Re: Nightman and Nightgirl Killer Shrike rep for the points, they always should apply to NPC's in any game.
  17. Re: Time travel Dr. Who style - Hero Universe Now that would be nice, say some of those that want it, create different parts and then if what we did get's used we get a free copy of the book and credits.
  18. Re: Analysis: Extra Limbs - SFX or Power? I liked the way it used to be done. 5 CP for one limb, for every 5 CP x2, plus with two limbs you also gained certain game advantages, mostly +OCV in HtH combat. Now that is my answer, and it's how I like to use the power.
  19. Re: Inherent, does anyone use it? How? I use Inherent, when I think it's required. The main GN in our group is very careful on how it works, so she made a modification to some of the ways it can be used. All or Nothing: now she does this when the ability is an extra. Automatic difficult to dispell: this is on things like come from a focus or HIDO, that are intregial to the C.
  20. Re: Time travel Dr. Who style - Hero Universe I'd love to see a book like the old Champions in 3D. I mean it's hard to do a time travel or dimensional hopping game as is, having something to work from helps.
  21. Re: Time travel Dr. Who style - Hero Universe If you set it up that the Travelers are the ones that are the reason that history goes the way it should you need to remember if they fail.....history changes, or at the very least creates an seperate time-line from that point. If you do allow the divergent time-line then it might become the Travelers new timeline, for better or worse.
  22. Re: Time travel Dr. Who style - Hero Universe One thing to consider if you do this .... determine if the travelers can alter the time-line or .... if the actions they take is what happens to make the time line the way it is?
  23. Re: Time travel Dr. Who style - Hero Universe the last .hdc file I hope that this helps. I did take a bit of dramatic licence with the design's.
  24. Re: Time travel Dr. Who style - Hero Universe Ok, I am going to post the .hdc files of the TARDIS-like devise I created. one more .hdc to follow
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