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Chris Henry

HERO Member
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About Chris Henry

  • Birthday 08/06/1972

Chris Henry's Achievements

  1. Re: STAR HERO Cover Sneak Peek! I quite like the cover. I just hope that it indicates that fleet mass combat rules were included. I tend to be discouraged when a cover does not represent the contents of a book (such as Ultimate Base displaying what the rules inside would term a vehicle).
  2. Re: Star Hero I'm really looking forward to this, especially after seeing how well Fantasy Hero turned out. My only hope/wish is for it to contain mass combat rules (particularly for fleet engagements), as that was the only thing I felt was missing from the previous edition.
  3. Re: Wrestling HERO A lot would depend on whether you want the matches to be "fictionally real", worked, or shoots. If it was fictionally real, you wouldn't need to worry about acting skills though reputation would remain important, perhaps with different aspects to represent heat with both the crowd, and backstage/management. If it is worked like in the real world, ps: acting would be all important, and most of the aspects of UMA would be unimportant. Shoot wrestling would be the easiest to pull off, ala Pancrase Hybrid Wrestling and the later days of the old Japanese UWF, and UMA would be indispensable for this.
  4. Re: Flash Gordon Series News They don't need to follow on from the movie version or anything, but god I hope they use the Queen soundtrack.
  5. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?
  6. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) MAME Hero (players either play notable video game characters, or more likely ROM hoarders attempting to catch them all!)
  7. Re: Favorite Hero Book of 2006 You Gotta Have Character is such a unique product (for Hero Games or anyone else) that I have to go with that.
  8. Re: Need a new game You're welcome.
  9. Re: Need a new game If you can successfully install the files from the flash drive, you might want to try the DOSBox emulator. It can probably run Dungeon Hack - It runs the various gold box games, unlimited adventures, and Eye of the Beholder 1 & 2 (as well as Morrowind and Daggerfall) well enough.
  10. Re: Fantasy Hero Problems and advantages Turakian Age seems sufficiently fleshed out to me. I know a few D&D players who use it in fact.
  11. Re: Horror Hero: What would you have liked to have seen? As Horror Hero would have been a first of sorts, a Meta-Genre Book, I would have liked to see it designed as just that. One chapter dedicated to the metagenre as a whole, and then individual chapters detailing the layering of horror onto each of the major genres: fantasy, star, champions, dc, pulp, etc. Pulp and Victorian might get larger chapters, of course. If the book would have done well, it could have led to similar meta-genre books for Comedy, Tragedy, Romance, etc.
  12. Re: The Lost Room Hero Ummm... well that would lead to four alternate versions of canon, one which would have the objects being from another planet. Of course that will be the version that everybody hates, and be ignored in future sequels.
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