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Everything posted by JmOz

  1. The character in question wanted this: Rec 5 Rec +15 with appropriate sourse of Electrical energy As pictured the 5 represented her absorbing static from the air, the 15 was more active drinking it in
  2. The one time when I would allow the linking is if there is some endurance/charge attached to it, thus making the character spend for both...
  3. The only real problem I have ever had with the speed chart is the predictability of it, been thinking of messing with it some how (Don't ask me how yet) And it is true, if you think of being able to do TWICE your speed
  4. Actually the character was based off of Flash's ex girlfriend Connie, and when he was missing...look around issue 48-50 IIRC
  5. Here you go Rage, I present Looker Looker Player: Val Char Cost 15 STR 5 23 DEX 39 20 CON 20 12 BODY 4 15 INT 5 12 EGO 4 35 PRE 20 35 COM 10 10/20 PD 4 10/20 ED 3 5 SPD 17 7 REC 0 40 END 0 30 STUN 0 6" RUN02" SWIM03" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 131 Cost Power END 20 Costume: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 2 Revealing Costume: +5 COM (3 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 3 Revealing Costume: +5 PRE (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 6 Fighting Sticks: Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6, Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (15 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) Powers Cost: 31 Cost Martial Arts Maneuver 4 Punch: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR +3d6 Strike 3 Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +1d6 +v/5, Target Falls 5 Kick: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +5d6 Strike 4 Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort 4 Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort 4 +1 HTH Damage Class(es) 1 Weapon Element: Karate Weapons Martial Arts Cost: 25 Cost Skill 15 +5 Martial Arts 3 CuK: Hollywood (INT-based) 12- 3 KS: Acting (INT-based) 12- 3 Conversation 16- 3 Seduction 16- 3 Oratory 16- 2 Language: Spanish (fluent conversation) 3 Disguise 12- 3 High Society 16- 3 Combat Driving 14- 3 Climbing 14- 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Acting 16- 3 Acrobatics 14- Skills Cost: 53 Cost Perk 4 Contact (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has: useful Skills or resources) 11- Perks Cost: 4 Cost Talent 6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) Talents Cost: 6 Total Character Cost: 250 Val Disadvantages 5 Money: Poor 10 Distinctive Features: Drop Dead Gorgeous (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity Frequently (11-), Major 20 Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing Common, Total 15 Psychological Limitation: Novice Hero (Common; Strong) 15 Psychological Limitation: Showoff (Common; Strong) 10 Rivalry: Professional (; Rival is More Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry) 10 Reputation: Dumb Blonde 11- 15 Hunted: Suitors, lots of them 8- (Mo Pow; Mildly Punish; Extensive Non-Combat Influence) 20 Hunted: The Gorgon 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish; Extensive Non-Combat Influence) 10 Dependent NPC: Agent 8- (Incompetent; Useful noncombat position or skills) 5 Unluck: 1d6 Disadvantage Points: 150 Base Points: 100 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 Candy decided to becoma a super horoine after a bad break up with her boy friend and a producer offering her a job IF she whould work late at night...at his place. She decided to meet a good guy she would have to go where they were good guys so she became a super heroine, hoping to fall in love with a super hero Next up...a simple one, a golden age hero with an animal motif
  6. The Original Ultimate mentalist (TUM) was written for 4th edition by are very own Steve Long. I am not sure if it ever saw ink, but it should still be available as a download in the online store Off topic, the other Ultimate E-Book was the Ultimate Super Mage, by the individual writting a lot of the magic stuff coming out next year (YIPPY)
  7. JmOz

    Hulk Promotion

    DW Did the write up didn't he?
  8. I need a name, character info: Designed a Battlesuit Main Offencive system is Light (Lasers, strobe lights, can cast illusions, etc) Flight, some sensory powers, some LS Female
  9. Essentialy the idea is that it works against the normal defence PLUS a NND stop condition
  10. Not vs LS: Self contained breathing, or appropriate immunity
  11. I have a quick question: Can a character partialy limited the Rec of an End Reserve: Ex. A lightning character who wants to have a Rec of 5 on her End Reserve, but then have a +20 for when have access to electicity If not could a character use absorbtion into End REC of a End Reserve
  12. round three is wrapping up, curious on what people want for round 4?
  13. I know it is out there, mathimaticaly the same, but easier for a player to grasp, what is it? I know Ben uses it...
  14. Remember takes no damage is not vs internal (IE the person trying to escape) but rather when someone is attacking from outside in
  15. My world had The Watch as a team of WWII Brittish heroes: Big Ben, growing Brick, team Leader BullDog Avalon (a character from that enchanted isle, think DC's Shining Knight with a Horse sized dragon instead of a pegasus) Resistance (a French woman with regeneration powers) Spitfire: Flight, and lots of it
  16. The problem with not taking the body is that when you roll the entangle you use the body rolled for the body of the entangle thus with out it you have a 0 body entangle (At least that is my logic) As for abusive, the reason why I say it is is this: With a normal NND the character will recover (Stun damage) in a short time With Entangle the character with out the defense is out of it for a LONG while
  17. With Golden AGe characters you are looking for a layer of well aged cheese, so I present :Bulldog Micro Brick (Str 30-40) Smelling powers (Tracking, analyze, targetting?) Able to talk to dogs A small Fisticuffs MA Package & Pup his kid sidekick with similar powers
  18. NND Entangles ... yuck ... I would require for this F/X the take no damage and Does Body
  19. The thing with paralysist is that it usualy is not all or nothing, thus a speed drain is how I would do it...
  20. I would call it an F/X in my games (If I am reading you right, thinking of something akin to Robocop here)
  21. Actualy had a character with this, the catch was that he was a being made of pure light,, so when he exposed himself it was a No range, AE, PI Flash
  22. Ohh I gladly admit this is absurd, but it does not make debating it any less fun. It's kind of like debating what side of the bread should be buttered. Pointless but entertaining
  23. I agree it is ridiculous, but sometime people like to debate the obsurd
  24. My most embarising happened in an AD& D game. I'm playing a CG Minotaur Priest of some war deity, and a fortress is being besiged (The fortress was dedicated to my God), well essentialy we were behind the fortress, the besigers were in front, and some geography was keeping us apart. We knew the besigers would break in soon, and I wanted to (Had to) help with the defence... Tinker Gnome came up with a way to get me in...It was called the "Fastball Special", essentialy a catapult with a chair instead of a basket... I did it... Minotaurs have horns, I got mine stuck in a wall, 25' up Became known as the "Battle of the Minotaur flag"
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