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Everything posted by JmOz

  1. I am in agreement with smugg, However having said THAT, it is legal to take gestures on the TK for the MA thing...
  2. Actualy it was dispell KB, does KB, Double KB (MUCH CHEAPER)
  3. There was something solicitated in last months PReviews called the "Wonder Woman: Comic Wonder Junior T-Shirt" for 18.95
  4. Funny, everything i heard about the 4th world was that the "Old Gods" were the Norse, not Greek/Roman
  5. Personal favorite is to use Flash: touch, does KB, double KB...
  6. Round six went to Kinetics, making this the final line up of winners: Round I: Defender of the NCU Round II: Flare of the Guardians Round III: Obsidian of the OCU Round IV: Solitaire of the OCU Round V: Seeker of the OCU Round VI: Kinetiks of the NCU Finnal tally Guardians: 1 OCU: 3 C:NM: 0 NCU: 2
  7. May I suggest http://www.devermore.net/surbrook/adaptionscomic/superman.html
  8. On superman, yes and no, They are always on, but it is a matter of him focusing on what he wants to see, just because my ears are on it does not mean I hear every conversation in a crowded room
  9. Barry, I know they make some (Shirts with Wonder Woman on them, however I think they have the more comic book look to them that the cartoon
  10. approved, but outlawed right after game time: 5" Teleport, UAA, DS, Cont, 0 end, persistant, Megascale, 1 fixed location Didn't ask about the fixed location, turned out to be strait up,...
  11. I would say you don't need recoverable. Gun Totar does not need recoverable to be able to return home and reload
  12. Actualy I feel that Reed, Ralph, Eel, and Jimmy (and any others I can't think of right now) ironicaly would not necesarily have Shapeshift, just streatching and some other powers (Desolid for instanse) Now I should say that some characters later on definatly picked it up (Plastic man as Big Barda's dress...BRAVE MAN)
  13. Actualy it is a 2 slot multipower not an EC Slot 1 is the RKA Slot 2 is a HA defined as hitting someone over the head with it As for my Avator it is Nighthawk of the champions Head...
  14. No, but let me snip from the sheet so you can see what I am talking about: Magical Aptitude: 60 point VPP, Control cost 30 -1/4 VarLim (-1/2 of lims) 24 points, total cost 84 points then a slot in the VPP has: Ice Bullets: 4d6 8def Entangle linked to Pistol (-0) It really does not matter in the end
  15. All characters I play that have a VPP have some common build powers done pre game, the ice bullets above is an example of one, and it does require the use of a bullet and does do RKA damage As it is a VPP it is posible to make a "Ice Blast" spell but it is not on the list of common builds
  16. Personal thing: Increase the Supersonic Flight Mode to 10" and reduce the Megascale by one step, this will allow for more fluid transitions in speed (Instead of 100, 10, 1 KM, you get 1-100 KM), and should not increase the cost more than a point...
  17. I personaly use Superleap...
  18. I'm sorry if this is in FRED but am away from book and don't remember seeing it: What happens when Missile Deflection (or Block) is used against a MPA and does it matter if the MPA is linked?
  19. As the character does not have a Cosmic pool it is posible for the character to have trouble changing the pool especialy in combat situations (The VPP has no advantages on it and a -1/4 lim), thus locking in a linked situations. It is possible the character would not want to shoot someone with an RKA but does want to freeze them in place, if the power is set up with the -0 linked the character would have to spend a phase changing the pool and making a roll to change the pool, this is far from an advantage, but it is not worth a savings either, not even the faux savings one gets for using a limitation on powers in a VPP (it does not save points on the sheet, just points in the pool)
  20. THe enchantments changed the bullets in other ways than direct damage. A couple of examples "Ice Bullets" Encrusted the individual with Ice (Entangle) Blinders: A flash to sight & Hearing. Stunners: Flash: Touch does KB, Double KB For direct damage it was done via a succor I think we all agree that there is no problem with the power being used as a MPA For all who say it should not be linked ask yourself this question: why should it matter if the second power (the one from the VPP) is said to be linked for F/X reasons only, gaining no savings from the limitation (a -0 limitation), what does it matter? Just for the record, a comment in my seccond question was that it is purely academic, I still hold this true, it does not matter either way
  21. There are a couple of characters with the "Immunity" type desolid. I will say this, I think I have a different view of linked than some others here. The F/X was enchanting the bullets of the gun, thus it was in my mind one power (The enchanted bullets), thus the link, others have rightly so said that in a VPP it would not be a limitation, thus the reason why as both a GM and a player I would call it a -0 limitation, as it does limit the player, but not serverly enough to count as a real limitation (Even at the -1/4 level, a level I consider to be trivial in my games)
  22. I admit I thought his answer to me was odd, ohh well not the first time me and steve did not see eye to eye on something. The F/X was actualy a magic spell in a VPP affecting a multipower (pistol with a variety of ammo), the reason for the -0 limitation on the link was that the character is not really limited by the link (as it is in a VPP)
  23. question #2 was really a minor question: IIRC You can not link two powers from two different frameworks (In other words a flash from an EC and a EB from a MP), if for what ever reason a character wishes to link them could they sidestep this limitation by reducing link to -0, really minor question as it is purely an accademic question...
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