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Everything posted by ajackson

  1. Re: PvPing: The Hero Games I've done PvP in the arena twice. It's very hard to tell what's going on. I don't use a game controller (I use the mouse to control facing; the standard UI for that is a bear, but you can turn it into a toggle), though to a certain degree you don't actually need to, tab targeting can find things you can't actually see.
  2. Re: Abilities Discussion Yeah, Viper-X hits like a truck; I think I've seen him do 3000+. Someone with super-con and invulnerability or 8 stacks of defiance could probably survive a hit without blocking, but that's not me. I also had a lot of trouble telling when he was about to go nova on me, though the fact there were ten players, plus pets, beating on him may have contributed to the confusion.
  3. Re: The SUPER Defense Power (6E) Now for a comparison that's more meaningful: 30 points damage reduction: halves damage after defenses. 30 points damage negation: subtracts 6 DCs. In a 12 DC game, that halves damage before defenses. This may say something about damage reduction, though. 50% damage reduction is effectively 2x CON, Bod, Stun, and getting it vs all major categories is 90 points, so if you're below something like 30con/30bod/60stun damage reduction is a poor choice (or maybe 30con/20bod/80stun).
  4. Re: Abilities Discussion Generally speaking, a soloist is going to want an energy builder, a primary damage power, an area damage power or other means of dealing with crowds, a passive slot, a block enhancer, and a self-heal. What you get beyond that is somewhat flexible; a hold effect is good, power boosters on cooldown are possible, pets are possible but marginal on many builds. In general, your 1-7 slots should be plenty.
  5. Re: The SUPER Defense Power (6E) Wrong. -1 DC vs normal is -1 Bod, -3.5 Stun, not -6 Bod/Stun. -1 DC vs killing is -1.17 Bod, -2.33 Stun, not -6 Bod/Stun. As far as hardening, it's effectively 1/3 hardened. Also, it's reduced effect against area attacks and other advantaged attacks. Overall, it's worth 3-4 points of defense if you ignore the AVLD effects, which will generally be somewhat marginal since most AVLDs require 2 DCs to reduce damage by 1d.
  6. Re: Plans for Champions Comic? Yeah, one possible issue with a Champions comic is that Heroic Publications has the comic-book rights (this came up in a tiff with Marvel over the Champions name a couple years back).
  7. Re: What package deals (or custom builds) are you using? You can get a better idea of powers by going into the powerhouse, going up to the filters menu, and selecting for it to show you powers you don't qualify for. My main is a sorcery build: 1: Eldritch Bolts, Eldritch Blast 5: Binding of Araton, Flight, Super-Int 8: March of the Dead 11: Aura of Primal Majesty 13: Super-Pre 14: Force Shield (arcane shield I don't like) 17: Arcane Vitality Not really sure where to go from here.
  8. Re: Japan Plans Solar Space Powerplant to Beam Power to Earth Sadly, we don't have sufficiently strong cables. Other than that, unless superconducting, transmission losses would be unacceptable.
  9. Re: About Traveling Speed Depends somewhat on where they went -- there's no guarantee their final destination is all that far away, and it's not hard to catch up to a campsite. Also depends on what the ground was like before the rain. If the ground was dry before the rain, the rain probably annihilated the tracks and traveling speed is a nonissue.
  10. Re: Japan Plans Solar Space Powerplant to Beam Power to Earth
  11. Re: If you haven't seen this... Sadly, with the users per instance limit, you wouldn't be able to sit there and see that many horrible costumes passing by. You'll occasionally see some horrors, of course, but there's a limit of I think 50 players at once in each start zone.
  12. Re: Smart weapons A resetting trigger on the power, plus levels (or an OCV bonus) with the power.
  13. Re: List Your CO Heroes! I have a couple characters, not all of whom may exist forever. Names: Boojum: darkness Jabberwocky: hybrid force/might. Tempus Fugit: gadgeteer
  14. Re: About Traveling Speed Not that fast, but the pursued won't be going that fast either, and tracking should have negligible effect on movement speed, a dozen horses in wet weather is going to leave rather visible tracks. This is somewhat dependent on terrain -- depending on just what you mean by rolling hills and lightly forested, humans may be faster than horses over a very short time frame, or might be at a disadvantage over a rather short time scale. Also, if the PCs are in exceptional physical condition (common for PCs) and the horses are not, they'll catch up faster than historical trends would imply.
  15. Re: Japan Plans Solar Space Powerplant to Beam Power to Earth
  16. Re: Japan Plans Solar Space Powerplant to Beam Power to Earth Pretty unambitious in compared to Solaren, though more likely to succeed.
  17. Re: List Your CO Heroes! Provide links to char portraits, perhaps? I would, but currently there's a problem with mine.
  18. Re: Question about Combat skill levels and damage
  19. Re: Open Followup to Steve Long's answer about being sleep deprived Broadly speaking, lack of sleep has effects similar to intoxication; I'd call it a drain on Dex, Int, OCV, and DCV.
  20. Re: Question about Combat skill levels and damage
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