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Everything posted by ajackson

  1. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #1: ACV And AVAD True, but unless DMCV costs 2 or less or the game has a lot of attacks vs DMCV and non-mental defenses I doubt people will buy up DMCV anyway, mental defense is generally a better investment, and that's not really a change from 5e. In 5e, if I wanted to make a character who was mentally tough, but not a mentalist, I might take EGO 18(16) and 5 mental defense (with figs, increased to 9), for a total investment of 21 points. In 6e, I would take ego 18 (8), 9 mental defense (9) for a total investment of 17, and can then either buy +3 DMCV, or I can just decide that the difference between being hit on 13- and being hit on 16- is irrelevant and bump my mental defense up to 13.
  2. Re: ... armor, limits of limitations,etc. Hero has been designed so that you get diminishing returns on extra limitations. That doesn't produce a perfect outcome, but on balance I think it's better than, say, the GURPS version, where limitations save a fixed percentage of the base power cost, and thus two modest limitations can add up to one enormous limitation.
  3. Re: What effects would you see on a terrestial planet in a binary system? Yep. As everyone knows, fantasy games are required to precisely follow the laws of physics.
  4. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #1: ACV And AVAD Dive for Cover doesn't increase your DCV.
  5. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #1: ACV And AVAD Same as AE(hex).
  6. Re: Absolute Range Sense... ever use it? I don't believe I've ever taken ARS, but there are plenty of abilities with no defined combat effect that are still relevant.
  7. Re: My mostly hard sci-fi campaign I don't think people are going to care that much about whether vacuum clothing is discolored from dirt. They may care about dirt for other reasons, but in that case you want the dirt to stand out. In any case, for thermal management reasons vacuum clothing tends to be white.
  8. Re: Looking for sector map generators Could try setting compatibility modes on the executable.
  9. Re: Starmap question - where the fark is Alpha Centauri on this? It's listed as Rigel Kentaurus. Most of the numbered stars are red dwarfs from some star catalog or another -- for example, Gl#### is from the Gliese catalog.
  10. Re: Space Warfare II - Stealth Reconsidered
  11. Re: Space Warfare II - Stealth Reconsidered The amount of noise a pixel captures is equal to (time) * (background brightness) * (angular area covered by pixel) * (collector area). Reduce the angular area of each pixel, and you reduce noise -- but you also reduce coverage, unless you add more pixels. No, it does both. That's what it's for -- it's a survey telescope.
  12. Re: Space Warfare II - Stealth Reconsidered See the above.
  13. Re: Particle Beam In theory, a particle beam can generate a plasma sheath that causes a high current charged beam to remain collimated. In practice, I don't believe this has been successfully demonstrated in a configuration that might be useful as a weapon.
  14. Re: Space Warfare II - Stealth Reconsidered
  15. Re: Are PD and ED far too cheap? Being up after 8 full-power attacks is pretty much not going to happen. Halve the number of all attacks received.
  16. Re: Are PD and ED far too cheap? Okay, most attacks will be simple PD/ED attacks. Against those attacks, +1 Def has a value of 1(+1Con)+N(+N stun), where N is the number of hits the character can take before going unconscious. With base stun (20) in a 12d6 game, N is often pretty close to 1; however, what with agent attacks and incidental damage, we'll set N to 3. Total value vs attacks in that category is thus 4. Some fraction of attacks will be AP attacks. Those halve the value of defense, changing value to 2. Some fraction of attacks will be against alternate defenses, where defense is entirely useless. Overall, assuming Stun has a cost of 1, Defense has a value that's probably in the 2.5-3 range, though that depends considerably on the mix of attacks encountered.
  17. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #1: ACV And AVAD My point is, there was never a way to do 'AVLD vs life support', and since AVAD is supposed to replace NND, there needs to be a way of doing that (unless, for example, a typical NND becomes 'AVAD vs Power Defense, Not Vs Life Support')
  18. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #1: ACV And AVAD The AVAD idea is certainly something I've thought about before, it never made sense that NND was a +1 on a flash attack, for example. However, this suggests something has changed with life support, since life support was not a 'defense' before -- an attack which would be NND (LS) before now seems to be AVAD (???), all or nothing. The ACV idea is nice, though I'd hope it's an advantage/disadvantage in the same way as AVAD.
  19. Re: Limited Power Limitation Conditional Power Costs Broken? Limited power is an odd duck, because there's really around four major factors you should think about when defining the limitation value. How often will this power be randomly accessible? How difficult is it for the PC to cause the power to be accessible? If you have a power that's only usable at twilight, it may (depending on the power and the situation) be practical to wait around until twilight to use the power, in which case the power is certainly less limited than, say, extra time (24 hours; -3.5). Mind control (only vs men) isn't terribly limiting at all -- while any given target may only have a 50% chance of being a man, the odds of there being some target it's useful to hit with the power is probably upwards of 80%. How difficult and likely is it for enemies to cause the power to be unavailable? Going back to the 'only vs men' option, for mind control, the bad guys have to build an entire team of female characters, which is a pain. On the other hand, if you have 'only vs men' on your defenses, well, it only takes one or two female characters to take advantage of that weakness. Thus, it's really a bigger limitation on defenses than on attacks. Is it obvious ahead of time whether the power will work? If so, you're not going to waste time attempting to use the power. This isn't a huge issue, but it's probably a -1/4 or so.
  20. Re: Space Warfare II - Stealth Reconsidered
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