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Everything posted by greymankle

  1. Re: Hero Machine Thread You can never be narcissistic enough. At least that's what I tell myself. Justicar http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32744&page=1 12th post.
  2. Re: Hero Machine Thread Aylwin13: How did you change the pose? or is this form HM 1? Nice character Blackjack: Good idea combining them into one jpeg. I'll have to try that. I personally like Jinx and White Dragon myself. Nevereverend: Blaster looks fun. Nice coloring Of course logically the next step is to post some stats....
  3. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Glad to see your back among the posting Storn. I like it. The texture on the costume seems unique to me. Maybe just the coloring. Either way creates a nice effect.
  4. Re: Wanted Poster Wow. That about sums it up. Great work.
  5. Re: Limitation Min/Maximization From a munchkin-ing/power gaming perspective. Part of the existing limitations add to the feel of the power. When/where it wont work. If you make one general limitation it could be a bone of contention between player and GM if this is the 20% of the time when it wouldn't work. Currently it's spelled out. You can check the character sheet. "Nope, you picked IAF, I can disarm it in combat" With a more general limitation you would either have to write out every possible function of the power or hope that the GM knows what you mean. I personally love the crunchie-ness of HERO. I may not understand it completely, yet. but there is a set of rules I can reference. Once you add in general impressions i.e. "I think about 20% of the time I should be wihtout this power" it gets less fixed. I do agree that the current rating of limitations dosen't fit the amount of time the power is limited. You had that Focus thread a while ago. So maybe a house-rule rebalancing is in order as opposed to a new system. YMMV, this is the player that tried to put OIHID, Visible, Non-persistant, Activation 15- on a strength boosting power. :shrug: Hey live and learn.
  6. Re: newbie - thinkin of getting these rules I just started playing HERO about a year-ish ago. I am a D20 convert. First off, Sidekick is great a deal. You play entire campaigns with just that book and imagination. About the learning curve... I can see both sides. I was really lucky and had a knowledgable teacher to coax me through. But if I just picked up 5er and tried to play a game my brain would melt. Which comes back to Sidekick. All the fun of HERO with minimal rules bickering. Definately give HERO a shot, or go to the player finder board to see if there is a game you can sit in on for a session in your area. Most of the hero people I have met love to share the game.
  7. Re: Hero Machine Thread Definately agree. I can't draw for beans. But with HM 2 I can at least get the point across. Layering was a great improvement. I also like doing agents and normals in HM. You can change uniform colors or styles easily. "Gang bangers" are a breeze. Create one then keep the same color scheme and modify.
  8. Re: Hero Machine Thread This should hopefully get the ball rolling. The first one is my take on a Champions "Death" The second is from a competition my friends and I had to make the sexiest girl with HM. I came in second and was robbed IMHO.
  9. There are a lot of artist threads out there. But for those of us not gifted with our own talent we have Hero Machine. Granted it's not perfect, but it's better than nothing. This is not a thread to debate whether Hero Machine is better/worse then "real" art. It's no contest. Real art will win 99% of the time. However, I have seen some noteworthy Hero Machine art. Of the top of my head I can think of Corven's Pink figure and Justicar. I can't remember who created Justicar though. I would like all those HM users out there to post some of their work. Hopefully we can share some tricks back and forth i.e. "Hey, how did you do that?" I have tried to re-create some of the "sample" work and I don't see how they did some of it, without third party software. (which is cheating ) Also if anyone has other uses or ideas that go along the same vein feel free to post them. I for one try and get a HM character figured out before I ask for a commission. Well here goes.
  10. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Just praising the work I've seen so far. Very nice stuff. Definately captured the B:TAS style. As for a challenge, I haven't seen any wings yet. I have a Ice Blaster. Dark blue, light blue full body suit. Blue Visor across his eyes. Then Ice wings out of his back. Similar to Arch Angel. Maybe not the character you're looking but a challenge none the less. (Plus on an entirely greedy note, I would have a pic for him )
  11. Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper My wife and I have a set characters that have had romantic relations. It's mainly in their background or done "off scene." It's mainly an inisde joke between us. Playing it up around the rest of the group might incur "too much information" remarks. The only odd thing is that my character has a symbiote of sorts. Which he can't really control. So that adds a certain level of humor to the courtship. Other than that, we don't go into the high strength, or her super dex. -later
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... only you Neil would argue grammer on a RPG Quote thread.
  13. Re: Hiding an IAF Well I'm not thinking about for a combat situation. almost all of his offense comes from the sceptor (inobviously) so he needs it out. This is just a cool effect outside or combat. A way he can have both hands free with out setting it down sort of thing. He's very acrobatic/juggler and a performer. I don't want him to have to set it against a wall every time he performs. Does this clear things up? I think the sleight/concealment will work though. Thanks
  14. I have a gypsy character. His powers are based off of Gypsy magic. His Gypsy sceptor is the IAF for all of these. He is a very flambouyant character. I would like to simulate the old trick of snapping your fingers the sceptor appears in his hand, with a flourish it disappears. Obviously the powers are unavailable without the sceptor in hand. An indepth search would reveal the hiding place. Would this just be SFX for a concealment roll? It's about a 2 1/2 foot sceptor. So the penalties for that would be kinda high. Fast Draw? Or is this effect so minor it's not even worth spending points on? The easier answers are the better. Thanks
  15. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Woo hoo.
  16. Re: Spider Man Clone Ahh, I missed that one. Just a bad story-arc, or what?
  17. Re: Spider Man Clone Not a fan of spidey? or don't like clones?
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... How did this come up in Terra...? Nevermind I don't want to know. I'm sure my wife had nothing to do with it.
  19. Re: US Army Rangers D'oh can't beat Steve's speed
  20. Re: US Army Rangers well not to take the cop-out answer but Army ranger is listed in DC as a package deal. Page 53. I would go with that personally.
  21. Re: Weapon Name for Champions character? SWEEEEEET! My fencer just got a ton more points.
  22. Re: Weapon Name for Champions character? I know if you put the limitation on the base it affects the slots. My question is on the price break. Does it make the slots cheaper also? I'm asking because it seems like double-dipping to me. But I am a newb. So I am quite possibly confused.
  23. Re: Weapon Name for Champions character? You can put restrainable on the EC cost and the slot costs? I thought it was one or the other. How about a multipower? Base and slot cost?
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