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Everything posted by Karmakaze

  1. Re: Master List Of Limitations new home And now it's a wiki...
  2. Re: Surfer girl character name I actually like Kahuna for the hero name. It's got a good meaning and it's Hawaiian. I've actually been in a game with a character whose code name was Surfer Girl. There are probably some other Beach Boys song titles that would work, as well.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The heroes are receiving their mail. As a replacement team, none of them are particularly famous. Siafu: Oh! I got a fan letter! (reads) "Dear Siafu, Our teacher said we have to write a letter to our favorite superhero. I don't have a favorite superhero, so I threw a dart at a national list and I got you..." A rather creepy necromantic villain has developed an obsession with the team leader. Also in the mail came a large wooden box. There's no return address, and the label reads "every woman deserves flowers and a puppy." Beater: All right, I'd like everyone to take a step back. You don't all have to see this. Heavy Metal: (slow on the uptake) Wait -- Shouldn't that box have holes in it?
  4. Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family" I kind of figured that they gave the kids non-combat powers to avoid the whole child endangerment thing.
  5. Re: Superhumans changing the course of history You might be interested in a comic book called "Ex Machina." There are significantly fewer metahumans than in most superhero universes, but our viewpoint character has the ability to talk to and control technology. He manages to get elected as the mayor on NYC on the basis of having (Not much of a spoiler, it's the last panel of issue #1 IIRC.)
  6. Re: Soon to be New Player HERO works fine with minis. If you look at the company logo, the hexagon around "hero guy" is a hex from a battle map.
  7. Re: Magical Knick Knacks I had a character once with a magic multitool, much like a Swiss Army knife with some cantrips embedded. In addition the actual small blade (with an ever-sharp spell on it, of course), it had a sparker for starting fires, a small light spell (maybe as bright as a tea-light candle), a tiny magnifying glass, and generally whatever small magical effect was appropriate to the story. I was in another where we were given, essentially, magic bathtubs. They were canvas bags that could be stretched on a frame and had a built in water summoning spell when assembled, as well as a stone that heated the water when dropped in. It was a very civilized adventuring party. The DM had actually worked out all of the necessary 3.5 edition spells to create them. In a modern game, I had a "bottomless cup of coffee," which was a travel mug that maintained itself at about half-full of whatever liquid it had been filled with last (and, naturally, kept the liquid hot indefinitely.)
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A couple of my teen champions characters found a new PC, a refugee from a VIPER experiment in the street, and offer to give him a lift to the police. As they drive, they realize where he's from and how brainwashed he is. PC: Aaa! "This car is protected by Viper" ('cause it's in the back seat!)
  9. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...
  10. Re: Convention Help If you can, playtest it with a few friends first just to get a general feel for timing. It's also a good way to spot balance issues. I usually prepare more scenes than I need, and have a mental flowchart of the absolutely necessary plot points. If the players are barreling through my plot like a runaway train, then I have things to keep the pacing right. If they drag through everything, then I can streamline down. It also means that if I can tell what type of thing that particular set of players enjoy, then I can pick from the optional stuff that seems like a good match. Here's a link to a necromantic thread where I was working on some convention pre-gens and some thoughts about why they are the way they are: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/34669-A-Blast-From-The-Past-old-4th-ed-pregens (I really need to finish tweaking those for 6th ed...)
  11. Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family" So removing the nanites had a really dire side effect?
  12. Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"
  13. Re: Inspiration: Captain America Alternate Designs Well, you do see him on a motorcycle/motorbike a lot. That's kind of like cavalry... I also like following the artists links on these - sometimes there's good concept art on their personal galleries.
  14. Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family" So, we know as of last night that Mom has regeneration.
  15. Captain America: Fighting Styles Winners! Project Rooftop is a blog that invites artists to do reinterpretations of superhero costumes. (Sometimes alternate universe, sometimes just "how I would have done it.") Their most recent contest was for Captain America, and they've posted their favorite entries with commentary. As always, I like some better than others, but it's a great inspiration source if you're trying to think of a look for your new patriot-type hero.
  16. Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"
  17. Re: Opposite Schools of Magic It depends a lot on the setting involved. If it's a four or five element setting (like, say, Avatar or Ronin Warriors), then yes, absolutely, there will be interaction. Implementation is again going to vary a lot by setting. If it's a setting where everyone using magic is locked into schools and every school has an opposite, then I'd probably put it in as a 0-point limitation, and have defenses slightly weakened against the opposing force. On the other hand, if it's a setting where everyone using magic is locked into schools and every school has a "compliment" (for example, healing and necromancy are simply two sides of the same coin), then I'd probably negate a DC off of "complimentary" attacks (on the grounds that the defender will know how to handle a similar magic to their own) and possibly more for "matching" attacks. And, again, if it's setting wide, it's likely a 0-point limitation. On the gripping hand, if you're not locking everyone into an opposite/compliment, then I'd apply it on a per-power basis. That is, when the spell is built, define whether it is strengthened, weakened, or neutral to it's opposing force, and apply the corresponding advantage or limitation. For example, a wall of water might be easily evaporated by a firebolt, but a wall of ice would extinguish it.
  18. Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family"
  19. Re: Ok I'm confused.... For a full-fledged character generator, you're not going to do better than Hero Designer with the service contract. That said, check the free download section of this site - I'm pretty sure someone put together an excel sheet that helps with some of the bookkeeping involved.
  20. Re: A 'Drug Predilection' How are you building the side effects of the drugs? You might be able to give those characters Damage Negation, only vs. side effects.
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A group of shady-looking types are trying to launch what's obviously a missile. When our heroes confront them, they insist that their papers are all in order and that they are launching a "weather balloon". They stick to this story in the face of any and all evidence to the contrary. Finally, as some of the heroes are about to stop the launch, the head tech loses his temper. Tech: If you don't stop interfering, I'm going to hit detonate without launching and kill us all! PC: How are you going to do that? All you have is a weather balloon. Later on, the same PC makes a call to the head of the government department responsible for the fiasco. (And who has previously promised there would be no more shenanigans.) PC: (without saying hello) Now, you're going to want to say "Happy Birthday," but just hold off on that. Official: What? Why? PC: Because nobody here was born yesterday! Official: This is about the weather balloons, isn't it?
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