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Everything posted by Karmakaze

  1. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Hallowed Hunt by Lois McMaster Bujold. This is another one in the Chalion series. I rather liked it...
  2. Re: Superpowers that haven't been thought out...
  3. Re: Superpowers that haven't been thought out... In Cyclops' case, I think it may be that the glasses work adequately for him. It's really only an issue if the glasses are grabbed/knocked off, and a hypothetical supressor device on his belt would be vulnerable to accidental (or deliberate) removal as well. Plus, glasses won't short out or malfunction the way a very complex field suppression generator might.
  4. Re: Two Game Master's I've played in a campaign with "round-robin" GMing. One person would GM a plot arc, and then give over to the next person with a plot arc. Some of us GMed more often than others, and we had a set process for donwtime GM's to butt in for a couple of minutes here and there to "foreshadow" their upcoming plot. I think that requires a fairly tolerant group, though. If you have either PCs or GMs who see the PC-to-GM relationship as adversarial, I'd expect it to fall apart rather quickly.
  5. Re: Devious Idea that may work once....once... In real life, I once had someone walk up to me in a parking lot and mention that they had just purchased a car of the same make and model as mine. Sheepishly, the question was "I've acidentally hit the emergency flashers and can't find the button to turn them back off. Where is it on this kind of car?" I was very kind and did not laugh until I was well outside of earshot. As far as funny battlesuit quirks, there's also having the battlesuit's previous owner be a fan of whatever kind of music the PC hates. And apparently the sound system was wired in to always provide a soundtrack...
  6. Re: Devious Idea that may work once....once... Now I have a mental image of a power suit with it's left blinker stuck on...
  7. Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper It's not exactly and intercourse related inury, but I played an aquatic alien once (she'd had lungs surgically implanted in order to deal with air-breathers) who absolutely would not sleep with air breathers. It was a personal taboo along the lines of incest or bestiality for her. It seemed that a child of such a union stood a chance of not inheriting a working respiratory system. Even given that she probably wasn't cross fertile with humans at all, she couldn't get past it. Now Atlanteans, on the other hand...
  8. Re: [Humour]SciFi TV Quotes Keen, you may just be a little young. I remember it being on American TV (which would make it delayed from when it was on British TV) when I was a youngish teen.
  9. Re: Secret ID and Social Limitation: Famous
  10. Re: Villains and their Secret ID, post-trial Assuming that a villain who had Secret ID made it through the entire booking/trial process, I'd probably just replace the SocLim: Secret ID with SocLim: Criminal Record worth the same number of points (Such a person will have a harder time finding a job, will be the first suspected if a crime occurs nearby, etc).
  11. Re: Horror Hero Point Levels - convention game prep I had considered making twice as many characters as needed and simply replacing characters as they die. After all, it seems to me that in zombie movies, whenever the group gets too small, they find another pocket of survivors...
  12. Re: Masked Vigilantes In Trial
  13. Re: Looking for an example of a Dragon Lady character from TV/Movies for a Pulp campa It's not far east, and comic books/cartoons to boot, but Talia from Batman comes close to qualifying...
  14. Re: Masked Vigilantes In Trial It doesn't need to be that blatant a case of blackmail. "Beloved hero Virtuosity announced today that he'll be hanging up his cape. 'It was a hard decision' said the hero, 'but I've come to feel my usefulness is limited. I dare not reveal my civilian identity or my friends and family will become targets, but if I don't, any villain I capture will only be released. Criminals will only stay safely incarcerated if I stay out of it. It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye.' A record turnout of demonstrators have hit the street in support of the so-called 'Masked Identity Protection Bill' supported by Senator Smith..."
  15. Re: Horror Hero Point Levels - convention game prep Well, I think I mentioned the Wraith world splinter universe to you before - that's what I'm using. Like a good zombie movie, the PCs start right at the point where society's infrastructure finally breaks down. I really am looking more for oridinary people rising to the challenge.
  16. So, I just submitted my game proposals for a local convention and, since I didn't feel like running four supers games, I made one of them something that's probably more Horror HERO than anything else. I have the setting and threat down since I used it as an alternate universe in one of my campaigns, but now I need to run up pregenrated characters. Given the genre, these are normals -- the convenience store clerk, the off-duty paramedic, the bus driver... poor schlubs who've gotten caught in the middle of everything falling apart. I'm not quite sure where I want to do the point level. On the one hand, really low point characters may not interest convention players, but I don't want to go too high either. One of my friends has suggested 75/50 (for a 125 total), which I could do, but I'm not sure if that isn't still too high. What point level would you pick to be cool enough for the screen time, but not over the top?
  17. Re: Hero System women are all insanely attractive The high-activity improvement to body type has been covered earlier in the thread. I'd also like to point out that most women use cosmetics. Skilled application of cosmetics probably can add a couple of points of COM. Even just the improved hair conditioning and facial cleansers can make a difference.
  18. Re: Taking Your 11, or Taking Your 3 In my gaming group, we'll often handle routine tasks by allowing the player to either choose a moderate success level without rolling, or they can choose to roll in the hopes of a 3 for a specatcualr success and take the risk of rolling an 18 and failing.
  19. Re: Physical or Psychological Disadvantage? My general guideline is whether it can be overcome by an act of will. If the character can focus hard and bring back wisps of memory, then its a psychlim. If the memories are hard and fast gone, then a physlim.
  20. Re: What's the most outrageous plot your PCs have ever been subjected to One of my back-burner convention game ideas was to set up a trilogy like that: A Vampire game of Gilligan's Island (clearly Gilligan is a malkavian with the derangement that he cannot let everyone off the island, but does not *know* that's his derangement)... A Werewolf game of Scooby Doo... and a Mage/Wraith crossover of Ghostbusters... It would be a blast.
  21. Crime Doesn't Pay This is an old one, actually, but I'm new to the boards... We were fighting a supervillain who turned out to have been my characters Economics professor before he mutated. In the middle of combat, I hit him with "OH, yeah? Well, if you're so good at economics, how come you don't know Crime Doesn't PAY!!?"
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