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Everything posted by Cancer

  1. Re: The Last Word One of the Pike Place Market's fish vendors -- video links
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Wife's birthday today.
  3. Re: The Last Word They make a big show of throwing the fish from the iced display tables back to the cut-wrap table, too, so there's some showmanship involved.
  4. Re: My mostly hard sci-fi campaign Rather than focussing on speed as controlling the transit time of interplanetary ships, you might look at thrust divided by mass, or acceleration. Divide the distances by two, assume accelerate full-time the first half, decelerate full-time the second. This will, I think, compress the travel times between distant points while retaining a pretty firm minimum transit time between near-Earth stations. If you have the patience for it, you might get heliocentric maps of where the planets actually will be for the time interval of interest to your campaign. I don't have immediate suggestions for where to get those, but after class I can scare some up, I think, if Google doesn't find 'em for you quicker. An added complication can be that the Sun is several degrees wide in the radio ... that is, radio communications between planets can be blocked by the Sun for a few weeks when they are on opposite sides of it. Now, the existence of multiple stations around the Solar System means you have alternate communications paths, albeit with longer light-travel times. On the Moon and Mars, you could posit that deposits of ground ice are an important resource that would be contention points for the ground stations there. On the Moon, those might be expected to be in the polar craters. On Mars, it could be more local, dependent upon purely local geology with a secondary effect from latitude. Also, on Mars, there are reliably predictable seasonal global dust storms that happen and blanket more or less the whole planet for months at a time. Nothing like climate to complicate your politics, and give opportunities for military action. Finally, forecast the 11-year solar activity cycle out into your campaign period. If you have solar max happen in a game relevant era, use it.
  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Friday, Gott sei dank. Maybe 'll go home and sleep before the Champions session tonight. That's an unutterably attractive idea.
  6. Re: The Last Word Yeah, I rarely see meat products at a farmer's market. There's a (famous) public market in downtown Seattle, where there is a butcher or two, but their stuff is kept under glass. Same with the cheese sellers. The fish (and the seafood vendors are famous and prominent) is on ice and in the open, but the traffic is great enough there's none of the flies-on-it stuff you mention.
  7. Re: The Last Word Near where my mom lives is a place that for a long time had a sign that said "Jowl bacon".
  8. Re: The Last Word I'm about as white they come here in the US. Not a golden superman type, just acres of white fat, like a package of cheap bacon.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Google has language interfaces for Elmer Fudd, Bork bork bork, etc. What they really need is a language interface called "Beer", through which everything looks good.
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What'd Starbucks' market research say about the "Basket full of Latte" concept? A: Now, if it was Irish coffee, that'd be something else altogether.
  11. Re: The Last Word That's among the greatest compliments I've received here. Gracias.
  12. Re: The Last Word And here I thought that was my gig.
  13. Re: Teen adventure ideas? The PCs' senior class has decided they want to have a truly massive graduation party. One of the class "operators" takes the cash from the collection, goes to a smuggler, and buys a big chunk of illegal drugs with intent to resell, putting the profits toward the party. (This actually happened with my high school class in RL.)
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Sticker on keyboard of my workstation, which had been rebooted and my password reset without notifying me: "For assistance please email helpdesk@.org". Good thing it wasn't after hours. I'd've been s.o.l. until I could talk ftf to someone who could send that email for me.
  15. Re: "Neat" Pictures Now THAT'S air cavalry.
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat ... and the nursery rhyme "Farmer in the Dell" means something very different when he's the social context. NT: Items in your term paper's bibliography that are unlikely to be considered acceptable by the instructor.
  17. Re: The Last Word I've been asking that same question myself. It seems to be an inside joke.
  18. Re: The Last Word I'm wondering if any of the other USers on the boards have been watching "The War" on PBS this week. Here, at least, we got the first four installments. Now, it was scheduled in head-to-head conflict with Heroes, so it wouldn't be horribly surprising if no one else watched....
  19. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Hmm. I've avoided taking a shower while being in a thunderstorm on a mountaintop, and I recall one drop-dead-funny essay in Playboy about losing one's virginity by urinating on a hot-wire fence as a 9-year-old. I'll pass on the lightning, though.
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Ah yes, university IT bureaucracy. Policies get laid down by a some Wonk On High, and never mind that in practice those work out to being equivalent to requiring that you call the helpdesk to send an attendant to undo your fly and wipe your anus every time you use the restrooom. Now, this might well be true for the Wonk On High, but said Wonk On High ought to recognize that it is required in the nature of universities to have people with a bit more technical competence than him.
  21. Re: The Last Word OTOH, at my brother's office, even after 25 years he's still junior man.
  22. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What did you think you were doing out there, sitting in a treetop waving bits of tissue around ineffectually as a pack of rabid hyenas ran past in hot pursuit of the company cook? A: In that case, pancakes do count as deadly weapons.
  23. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Though I suppose this could go into Random Musings, I suppose I'll post it here: I am certain down to the core of my being that do NOT want to read anything in any thread whose title includes both of the words "lightning" and "penis". Any jokes that might be there are all too predictable; any snide comments about superhero origin scenarios are unspeakable; and I just don't want to contemplate whatever else there might be there.
  24. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Good morning, I'm Dr. Moreau, and you've applied for our opening for a large-animal veterinary assistant? Yes. We'd like you to have a quick tour of our facilities, which will let us see some of your work-related skills at the same time. If you'd proceed through the door on the right, you'll be sent to the next phase of the interview." NT: Things you really weren't expecting to see in the course syllabus on the first day of class.
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