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Everything posted by Cancer

  1. Re: The cranky thread I recognize that. It really is impressive how fast the IT Director position changed from being "Computers are great! Everyone should use them!" back in the late '70s to being Comrade No, the Clueless Rationing Commissar whose self-defined function is to block everyone & everything having to do with computing which is the de facto function now.
  2. Re: The Last Word rot13 in the descriptive sense, and rot13 in the prescriptive sense. You are NyvprGurBjy in rot13, I am Pnapre, L. Marcus is Y. Znephf. In the deep, forgotten past, rot13 was used in Usenet posts to protect joke punchlines, spoilers, and the like. I sometimes use it to generate NPC handles and placenames for games, making use of the A <--> N and E <--> R symmetries to ensure I get something with at least a couple of vowels, but will still be alien-looking enough to fit in a strange world. For example, I have used "Pergva Zbeba" as a board handle in some circumstances.
  3. Re: What were the best Marvel titles of the 70's? 1971 was the last time I read much comics (we came back stateside in July '71). But in 68-71 our staples were Fantastic Four (I wasn't real thrilled with the Richards kid was born and Agatha Harkness appeared) and X-Men. We read a lot of other titles too, but I felt those were spottier in terms of enjoyment for me.
  4. Re: The Last Word If you're not careful, I'll rot13 you.
  5. Re: Thoughts on having more than one liaison One campaign I'm in (a pulp era campaign, but this could be done anytime post 1920s) ends up playing off the interservice rivalry and jurisdiction conflicts between the FBI and the Treasury Department (ATF, Secret Service, etc.). Now, in the campaign, there is an agent of each among the PCs, rather than their liaisons, but the same friction could be introduced at the NPC level. Of course, if Treasury suspects your Firebird International of, e.g., importation irregularities, now you get real complications.
  6. Cancer

    Hot Rod

    Re: Hot Rod Sounds like you want to buy up the car's COM, too.
  7. Re: The cranky thread Macintoshes.
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Nuke 'em from orbit.
  9. Re: The Last Word Yeah, and when he's not there in L. Marcus's pad, he serves as IT Policy Director at most universities.
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat (FWIW, I am acquainted with an instance of this happening. Fortunately, not to me.) Double points if you're the same sex as the date. Demand a cash deposit (refundable) before you allow her to leave the house with them. $2500 is about the right level. NT: Things to say to your son to discourage him from dating, too.
  11. Re: The cranky thread Unfamiliarity with a platform + self-righteous attitude of said platform about how easy it is to install & use stuff + no-installs lockdown policy (that is, the typical university's overreaction to RIAA suits) + inability of the mommy-may-I arbitrarily-powered "help"-desk idiots to get non-copyrighted open-source stuff onto a desktop = a damn fine way to inspire passionate, lifetime hatred for a particular platform
  12. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Actually, for real entertainment value while losing no coherent meaning, connect them randomly.
  13. Re: The Last Word Dude, if Nyarlathotep uses us as a soap opera, you need to get him to spend his time in something more constructive. Like reading erotic furries fanfic or something.
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Musings There is something deliciously self-contradictory about having advertisements for the university's Etiquette Dinner taped up over all the urinals in the restrooms.
  15. Re: Who's doing that? It'd break most games, though a truly lethal attack with all those adders would probably blow standard point cap values, putting this sort of thing into the Ubervillain regime. Then it's up to the GM to avoid unbalancing too much, or it turns into an exercise in pulling wings off flies. A top-end mentalist might be able to scope out who's doing it by scanning for malice and intent rather than the attack itself. If it's a machine, a similar deep hacking exercise might be able to trace it on the computer network.
  16. Re: The Last Word I doubt it. The Elder Gods aren't supposed to be paying as much attention to us as he seems to be.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The three Furies, Eris the Goddess of Discord, and my mother. NT: The other person in the dream that was, much to your annoyance, interrupted when your alarm clock went off this morning.
  18. Re: The Last Word Hmm, none of my special dreams have ever included fowl.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I think I lost my thumb drive. At least, I can't find it now. Not a huge deal, since the things are cheap, but there was a bunch of odd stuff on it that was collected nowhere else. I don't think any of it is too compromising....
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