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Everything posted by Cancer

  1. Re: Looking for help with some Monkey Business. Re: the build Interesting stuff. Things you might see if you could work in: Prehensile feet (Extra limbs, Inherent); perhaps Ambidexterity to avoid off-"hand" penalties Clinging, normal STR, doesn't resist knockback Environmental Movement: trees, vines, wires, etc. Enraged: at the sight of a stuffed ape (as in taxidermy, not a kid's plushie doll) Enhanced senses: Discriminatory for Normal Smell Survival: Tropical & subtropical forests "I pound my chest and roar": PRE Aid, Gestures, incantation, extra time, self only
  2. Re: Strange Hero Concepts: Discuss Your Own! Background: My current Champions character ("Mr. Terrific") is a non-combat scientist type with a Multiform power with charges. He takes one of four types of Power Pill (of his own making), and goes into the alternate form matching that pill. Each form is limited to a maximum of 2 minutes duration, and he can take each pill no more than once in 24 hours. He can "abort" out of one form into another by taking another pill (assuming he has one that he hasn't already taken in the last 24 hours), but otherwise he has to wait for the 2 minutes to expire to get back to base form. Finally, he's incapacitated by the change back from any super form to base form ... I don't recall the details, but it's a full turn long. So, this guy is super for no more than eight minutes a day, and is super in a particular fashion for no more than two minutes at a stretch. (The forms are nothing creative ... there's a mentalist form, an electricity-based energy blaster, a speedster, and an "invulnerable form" with buttloads of defenses and damage reduction.) Anyway, over lunch, one of the other guys asked what it'd take to get him super for a longer time ... and, of course, it's +5 AP to double the number of forms in a Multiform. So to get 24 hours of super-powers, you need 720 different pills. 512 forms (getting you to 17 hours a day, probably all you need) is 9 doublings, of which Mr. Terrific has already got two. Of course, now you have to specify 512 different alternate super-forms, which limits this nonsense from the player side. Then there's the mechanical question of how you pick exactly which of those 512 you get at any particular form-shift ... a bottle that holds 500 pills is nothing too onerous, but finding the green pill with silver spots among all of them in the bottle is a bit of trick.... But the discussion wandered off toward how you'd try to get that many forms in a "quick and dirty" way, and I recalled the mechanic I used for a random shapechange trap back in an old D&D game: Roll 3d10, take the result as the digits of a page number, open an unabridged dictionary to that page, go down the page until you hit an appropriate noun, that's what you get. I suppose you could double up on this idea, do it again for an adjective. Somehow, make up a suite of powers that match the adjective-noun concept you just generated. Now ... rapidly getting silly here, as we spouted out things like "Firey Slug! Sloth-Man!" and so on ... assuming you can somehow make up a power suite on the fly, take that concept and make the entire Multiform Uncontrolled, so that the power suite you get is random each time you pop a pill. If I could concoct a fast quasi-random character generator, it'd be a hoot to try this idea out. But it'd have to be more versatile than just a different Energy Blaster with a different sfx set....
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings BTW: Today's feature "Main Page" article on Wikipedia is ... Dungeons & Dragons. Looks like 30-40% of the edits on that page are vandalism reversions, perilously close to the theoretical 50% limit.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Hee hee. If this were 1752 and you were somewhere in the British Empire, yesterday was Sept. 2.
  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Collusion-R-Us: Behind-the-scenes views of big-league sports franchise owners and commissioners plotting out new ways to feast on the public till and manipulate their games so the most popular teams & players win the titles.
  6. Re: "Neat" Pictures So where is the Slough of Despond?
  7. Re: Anthropoids, prehensile feet, tail, & combat Already had those budgeted. As well as Rapid Fire HTH so that Sweep is a half-phase rather than full-phase action. Are you normally not allowed to buy CSLs with Sweep? Or are you suggesting those CSLs might be cheaper? I was still thinking about buying those, only because I don't know that the multiple opponents thing is going to happen often enough to make it worth it. I hadn't considered Autofire before in this context; I'll revisit all that again. Thanks!
  8. Re: The Last Word Of course, the spam email from tech support saying "we're working on it" came within the same second as the connection started working again.
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures That last image needs to become a LOLSpider.
  10. Re: Complicate the Person Above Do a three-dimensional FFT of Roter Baron with 100-micron rectilateral sampling, taper it through a Hamming window, transpose the coordinate axes. Overlay 0.02% of the resultant values with random noise filtered through a low-pass filter at 10^-9 cm^-1, add two well-beaten eggs and a teaspoon of grated nutmeg, then transform back into the spatial domain. What comes out bears an uncanny resemblance to the Nike of Samothrace on which a muskmelon has been placed for a head.
  11. Re: The Last Word Breathing deeply ... Amazing how panicky one can get when the internet connection locks up for half an hour....
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Part-time work at an accounting office as document shredder.
  13. Re: "Neat" Pictures BTW, Bill, have you seen this before? The title is "Frohe Ostern" (which is "Happy Easter"). Seems like it oughta be one of yours.
  14. Re: "Neat" Pictures Around here, brown recluses like woodpiles. I gather there's a spike in folks getting bitten in late fall/early winter when they decide to build a fire in the fireplace for the first time. Just a jim-dandy thing to get for Thanksgiving.
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat That's what Behind the Green Door is all about, right?
  16. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER "... peein warevr I want" is more accurate, actually.
  17. I'm building a brick who's an orangutan (or, perhaps, a large prehensile-tailed monkey) brought to human intelligence by magical means, and I'm puzzled over some details. What do fully prehensile feet cost, and what do you get for it? A prehensile tail, oddly, is clearer. Searching around these boards, I generally see prehensile feet as Extra Limbs (2), Inherent, total 6 Real Points. Do Extra Limbs come fully manipulatory (unless purchased with an explicit Limitation)? What off-"hand" penalties do you get/avoid when using those? Does one need to buy Ambidexterity? To get at this from an effect-oriented way: if the ape sits on his butt, draws four revolvers (one in each hand and foot) and shoots with them (one at a time, alternating among the four limbs), what's he have to have so that none of his shots suffer off-hand penalties? Another example: If instead of the ape, there's the monkey with tail, now as a fu-shtick swordsman rather than a gunman. He hangs from his tail, and has a sword in each hand and foot. The concept is he can defend (not necessarily attack) 360 degrees azimuth around him with those, and, without turning, attack with any one sword (all equally well) in any segment in which he has an action. What's it take to get that? I assume the defend thing comes when you have the appropriate level of Defense Maneuver (I think it's IV, but I don't have my book at hand). What's needed to be equally ept with all those blades? And finally, what if he wants to attack with more than one blade at once (two, three, or four) against a single target? What penalties/costs are incurred there? (Multiple targets take Sweep and probably Rapid Attack HTH, at least, I think.)
  18. Re: Answers & Questions Q: I don't understand. You don't like that new diamond-blade industrial gem cutter why? A: He said mustard, not cheese.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings We're coming up on the 2nd anniversary of Oddhat's launching of the Complicate the Person Above thread.
  20. Re: The Last Word Heh. I was awake at 0445 my local time. Idiots across the street were being very noisy, from abut 0330 to about 0500. May have to scope out their habits and return the favor, rotated for their cycle.
  21. Re: The Last Word I'll see if I can get good pics of the other four in the coming days.
  22. Re: Answers & Questions Q: We can assume everyone is out to get us, or we can assume that no one knows about us and we can do what we want. Or we can assume that people do know about us and don't care. Or we can assume that only a few people know about us and have already put in place measures to stop us. Or we can assume that they think we're joking and and are leaving themselves open. Or we can assume that they've suspected us all along and have slipped us defective materials and false information to keep our plans from working. So which of these seems like the most viable assumption to you? A: That which is intuitively obvious to the dullest of minds must be true.
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Musings With the onset of school, and hence renewal of homework, I re-emerge at home in my seasonal villain identity, Homework Ogre.
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