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Everything posted by Cancer

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why is it an insult for a guy to be called "Cupcake"? A: Still, better than "Twinkie".
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Some places sell mantid egg cases. It's the wrong time of year to be putting those out now, I think, but I could be wrong.
  3. Re: The Last Word Hm. It happens so rarely for me that I have no way of knowing of that's true for me, too.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Hm. I would not have thought that pop() would take 135 times as long to execute as append().
  5. Re: The cranky thread Only some people suck. And many of those you have to ask nicely.
  6. Re: Brainstorming a mystical superhero mansion I also suspect there's a lot of stuff you can use in AlHazred's old Creepy Hotel thread.
  7. Re: Brainstorming a mystical superhero mansion Me, I like the scenes in the early part of the old Yellow Submarine Beatles movie where odd things scamper between doors in the hallway when none of the named characters are present. Maybe you can hear them if you stay in your room ...
  8. Re: The Last Word My wanting to "finish" or continue a dream is usually a sign, perhaps even a cause, of my waking up.
  9. Re: The Last Word Nope, we're not paying for the neutering; the shelter covers that. We just have to keep them while they recover. I don't think we'll be keeping momcat. I hope she finds a place. She seems to be an excellent cat with people, but might not get along with other cats in the same house. Siegfried & Felix have squatting rights at our place. It'd be ideal if her original owners were to track her down and get her back, but that seems pretty unlikely.
  10. Re: Help me make a Casino based Super Villain group Don't forget Bouncer, a brick of the most classic sort.
  11. Re: The Last Word Changing subject entirely, the kittens we're fostering go in next Monday to get fixed. That happens at 2 pounds body weight. One of them was below that, and only barely. They'll come home to recover for a week or two, and then they go back to the shelter. AFAICT, none of them have clicked well enough with any of us to stay. Momcat is a pretty grey and a sweetie and hasn't a mean bone in her body where people are concerned, but she shows signs of being unable to get along with the older boys, the prior residents.
  12. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What do you make of it, sir? Station 3W is oddly round, and it looks split down the middle.... A: You, sir, remain most tiresomely predictable.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Send them all self-help DVDs titled "How to live a better life, simply". NT: The most worthless article of clothing you can imaging being received as a gift.
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Birds, snakes, frogs and toads, small mammals (I've had cats that went for large grasshoppers), ...
  15. Re: The Last Word No dreams that I've remembered for quite some time now. There have been some that I recall when I wake up, but that fades away over the course of the morning. The last dream I specifically recall now was over a decade ago.
  16. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER The one we caught was tan also, but given the climate and surroundings where we caught it, a green one would have been spotted and eaten approximately immediately.
  17. Re: 10 Best Spacewalks in History Y'know, reading that page, I have the impression the real answer is "All of them."
  18. Re: "Neat" Pictures Wow. The bicolor bird looks chimeraic.
  19. Re: Musings on Random Musings So the perfect magical meal would combine all four elements ... easiest to do with fire-water (beer) and air-earth (popcorn, perhaps)?
  20. Re: One Small Step for Man... As one astronaut I know has said, the physical requirements now aren't all that tough. (They were much tougher back in the 1960's; my childhood heart murmur was by itself enough to disqualify me back then, so I never thought about being one.) The tough part is the personal stuff. To a considerable degree, the astronaut corps selects new ones. They have to, since when they're up there, their lives are in each others' hands. "Cowboys" ... people who are overconfident and will try risky things ... need not apply.
  21. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER The only reason you might lose her out of your yard is if you have some pesticide residue that you've forgotten about. We kept ours indoors, partly because my daughter really liked her, and because I've had to spray a couple of wasp nests around the place, and insecticide builds up pretty fast in the predatory bugs like mantids.
  22. Re: In need of help If you have a map, then I'd think you're golden for a genuinely introductory adventure. Two low-powered supers as PCs plus half a dozen vanilla zero-point norms with handguns doing a bank stickup ... for Children's First Adventure, it'll work, especially considering what their attention span is likely to be. I did exactly this sort of thing last summer with 10-11 year olds: family friend's kids were visiting, learned that I GM'ed HERO system (including Champions), and I had about 6 hours to whip up a sample fight for them so they could get the feel.
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