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Everything posted by Roy_The_Ruthles

  1. Re: Post your most abusive munchkin character here Hida, nice to see you on the boards. Old concepts, first time i've seen them written. Remember santa?
  2. Re: Stupid question time i like the idea of not using Multiform, it seems like a clumsy way to go about this, especially if points arn't the issue
  3. Re: Megascale Best Practices and Fun Examples ship to ship combat, so that they can bombard planets. Definitly makes for a plot hook when a star dreadnaught shows up in orbit!
  4. Re: Hero In Your Soul great! i had something with "i'm d10, but i'm not really d10" etc. but you got it down pat! repped!
  5. Re: Superpowers that haven't been thought out... darn straight. Time to get the anti-mutant super heros and clean them out...
  6. Re: I am a living medical lab it's like power tricks. You can do anything once, but not twice, then you need to buy the power
  7. Re: robots and gun ports i agree it'd be kinda cheesy to buy lots of guns that way, especially because they seem like they arn't equipment, but built into the robot
  8. Re: Disadvantages of being Undead i just love the idea of a superhero called "brain eater lad"
  9. Re: Post your most abusive munchkin character here this one is stolen from my GM. anyone with Physical Lim. So Massive He Causes the Universe to Implode (total very frequent 25pts). Sneak that by a GM and BAAAM!! end of game as soon as you start
  10. Re: Disadvantages of being Undead psychological limitation, gets songs stuck in it's head? 10pts?
  11. Re: The Last Word to keep the moderators out? that's why i wear mine
  12. Re: Long winded request for assistance
  13. Re: Long winded request for assistance being well built is not being munchkind, if you want an example of how onyx builds characters, look at http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33144 Also the things she was discussing were elder kettera for some, the sorta thing that would chew you up and spit you out for trying to kill them, one of those things they take offense to ya know? Check out the "GMing without a party" to get a better idea of what game they're for. Also remember equipment. I've seen a 200 pt character with a big club smack the tar out of a 700pt character. It's all in tactics, how you built the character, and the fact that nothing is unbeatable in HERO
  14. Re: Some help with an old friend nope, had some ideas once, while i was watching it, a little flight with lots of glide, no actual density increase, str maybe 30 for goliath, macbeth needs "martial nance" instead of DFC
  15. Re: How would you simulate this in combat? but rep doesn't help you in combat, i think we're trying to figure out the combat skills used here
  16. Re: Long winded request for assistance we're not talking about most GMs, most GMs wouldn't have let such an abusive character in the game, and therefore we wouldn't be on this thread. We're talking about this GM and we don't know if it's DC or active points
  17. Re: Long winded request for assistance speaking of which, you haven't told us those
  18. Re: Long winded request for assistance p405, if he has a 60 STR and +12d6 HA, i think he can have 24 dice, and then find ways to increase it, like haymaker, and martial arts. at least that's how it looks like to me, because the 12d6 is the power, and str isn't the power it's the characteristic
  19. Re: Long winded request for assistance hmm, you could get a 12 dice HA with 60AP, and then double it w/ Str, that's up to 24...
  20. Re: Disadvantages of being Undead get feign death, always on
  21. Re: Superpowers that haven't been thought out... i think the mutant gene is very closely linking with the newly discovered "angst gene" which is why they are found together so often
  22. Re: How would you simulate this in combat? ok thanks!
  23. Re: Long winded request for assistance here, i'm sure this could be improved etc. but it's basic. the rules are simple. Dance around, go Desolid etc when he swings. Because if he hits you GAME OVER, dive for cover do anything to avoid being hit. once it happens, there is no more Inflamo, he becomes the incredible smear. the internal combustion should always be aimed for the head for the most stun. Summon fire elementals and let them kill him. Most normal things won't need the fire elementals or the internal combustion, just hit them in the head repeatedly with your forceful flame.
  24. Re: Disadvantages of being Undead living dead girl!!
  25. Re: How much XP do you give and why? I'd give the same unless 1 player was obviously excelling. the way we calculate it is 1 - for showeing up 1 - for roleplaying 1 per goal completed (worth two if a very hard goal), usually resulting in 4-5 a session
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