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Everything posted by Roy_The_Ruthles

  1. Re: Long winded request for assistance what's his stun and speed?
  2. Re: How would you simulate this in combat? i don't think i ever read it, but it seems like it's a widly accepted house rule
  3. Re: Long winded request for assistance I'll get on this when i get back from work to my room, sounds interesting. What i'm thinking is an Energy Projector with lots of weird/cheesy attacks. (ie. things that should not be like summons for attacks or autofiring NND). Is this simply to beat 1 specific character? if so does he have any weaknesses? Do you could Desoild as a defense? because that's inherintly 40 AP
  4. Re: Power Assistance Please either summon it as a desolid "lightning elemental" that jumps around and hits people, or a very large AoE with something like radius, and selective, with the limitation that each hit is half as much (or whatever) as the previous one, and you may only hit someoen if you hit the previous target. I belive onyxclaw tried to build this once, maybe she'll show up
  5. Re: robots and gun ports maybe the 45 pt "takes no stun" might be the right direction to go in, as you take hits, you lose attacks instead of senses, speed or str.
  6. Re: Auto fire on an area of effect attack? I once made a *squeegie* which was an autofireing, hits 1 hex NND, for knocking out the driver to a killa-can (think a crappy mech), which the NND was being inorganic. So the can was completely fine, and we could just pull the stunned orc out, but he was so far gone.
  7. Re: Disadvantages of being Undead definitly a physical lim that he can't heal damage normally. A psychological lim, where maybe he's forgotten some things from his past, or periodic amneisa as worms eat his brains or something. A penalty to senses because of ears falling off, dead nerves in his finger tips etc. Vunerbility to silver, holy water etc.
  8. Re: I am a living medical lab definitly the detect, that lets you percive things you normally can't
  9. Re: Mental Powers I agree with you totally zod, here's my 2 cents on your speach. technically elves, orcs, humans and ogres are all the same species. At least according to the laws of biology. I'm not going to aruge socioligy with anyone, but they are all the same species biologically. How do i know this? Because they can all interbreed and form viable offspring. half orc, half elf, half ogre. All are techically the same thing. So it's totally acceptable for them to all have "human" minds. The second part, is would i-macs and widows machines be two diffrent species of computers do to dissimilarity in design? is linex like mental defense?
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat So i'll go drug the children and you get your bondage outfit on...
  11. Re: The Rodney Dangerfield Effect i think you should just talk to the GM in private, that way the players won't have the right idea and then not be able to use it
  12. Re: Stat Increase = Skill Increase? I've always played with skills being linked to characteristics, it just makes sense to me. I don't see a reason to change, it doesnt' seem broken
  13. Re: Why add a rule? when the old mechanics are clearly not working or doing a suboptimal job, then you make up your own, like the new bleeding rules my GM came up with, because we were dissatisfied with the book's rules
  14. Re: Is Mind Scan broken? we treat the mind like a computer, open up a search command and enter in what you want to find. An Int Check (especially when you've downloaded it all already to your mind) tells you how fast you can get it, with each failure going up on the time chart (i assume i've never actually had to do this, but it makes sense to me).
  15. Re: Vampires and Automatons I said it back in post 7, and i'll say it again, it looks like con, only against being stunned is the way to go
  16. Re: Character Creation points for Teenager Heros yeah, you can have a completely angst free game. In fact I encourage that beacause i have no reason to roleplay angst. I was simply making a joke based on a steriotype
  17. Re: Hit Location: Heart or disabling wounds could pirece the lungs of human opponets, something dramatic
  18. Re: How would you simulate this in combat? i agree with the find weakness, i hadn't even thought of that, but it's probably dead on
  19. Re: Auto fire on an area of effect attack? yeah, i'd agree 4d6 is too high, 3d6 is high but not obscene and 2d6 is ok, then just get lots of skill lvls to add to damage if you need more damage
  20. Re: Auto fire on an area of effect attack? autofireing NND is an ugly ugly thing
  21. Re: Auto fire on an area of effect attack? that depends entirely on what the armor level of the game is and what the attack is supposed to be, but i've seen worse. How much AF?
  22. Re: How would you simulate this in combat? call it head shot, and be done with it
  23. Re: Is Mind Scan broken? I had a character with a VPP of "symbiot powers", with a pool of 60pts. One of these powers was a 60pt telepathy, with no range, because i had to touch them and stick the symbiot in their ear to read their mind. Add in Editic memory (which i bought a few sessions later, but our docter had at the time), and someone catches a bad guy, holds them down. Baby Joe (me) goes in with the mind slug, reads their memories, subconcious etc. Then downloads it to the editic memory character for later storage. end result? we know all your secrets if we catch you.
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