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Everything posted by Superskrull

  1. Re: Calling Marvel fanatics While the whole concept of 'secondary mutation' is incredibly annoying to me, I will speak up and say that Morrison isn't the first x-writer to have done someting this stupid. Back in the bad old days, Leifield decided to put the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants back together. He had Toad, who had developed the ability to secrete noxious chemicals, (Toad claimed he'd given himself that power) Phantazia (some less than memorable character), Sauron (yeah, yeah, like the Juggernaut, he's not a mutant, I know), Pyro and the Blob. Blob, apparently, has put on a few more pounds and like a foot + in height. He'd also gone from low-end superstrength like picking up a car to upper-tier brick in addition to his gravity field powers. I'm pretty sure that serves as an excuse to introduce secondary mutations, even if it's a pretty dumb idea. At least Beast, Angel and Caliban all have the excuse of having had their genetic codes further altered with genetic engineering, Beast having done it for kicks or whatever, and the latter two turned into Horsemen and powered up by Apocalypse. That would account for them changing almost as often as Spidey developed power complications when exposed to stuff.
  2. Re: X Men Colossus and his Osmium Form
  3. Re: Superhero Pope: Ridiculous or Sublime?
  4. Re: Superhero Pope: Ridiculous or Sublime? I myself was stricken momentarily dumb by the sheer WTF of the concept. I just figured this was just wierd enough that more people had to see this. I do, however, refuse to even speculate as to statting out this, um, 'character' and I've stooped so low as to write out the stats for NFL Superpro.
  5. I was browsing the news articles a few moments ago and as this pertains to two prior threads, I present it here, in a new one instead. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/oukoe_pope_comic Apparently, in Columbia, a comic starring Pope John Paul II as a superhero is getting ready to be printed. He'll be fighting Satan, naturally.
  6. Re: IST San Angelo version 2.0 I was under the impression that 'Zero-zones' were located places of exceptional urban decay or collapse. San Angelo is pretty bright and shiny compared to LA, Washington DC, New York or Detroit. Since San Angelo isn't likely to be unable to afford police protection, why would the city allow a Zero-zone to form within it's boundaries? It's not like this is post-quake Gotham City or some such.
  7. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to? Ack! You're right. What was I thinking? As "penance", I'll watch my DVD of Big Trouble again, tonight.
  8. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to? Damn it! I wanted to mention Moostyc! Oh, FYI, there are only three storms; Thunder, Wind & Lightning. You neglected to mention that this adjustment abuser had the other storms and Lo Pan all listed as MORE powerful. If they'd ever showed, you guy'd been toast.
  9. Re: Character for review: Grifter This guy needs movement capability. Get that dude a motorbike or superleap or something. Other than that, 5d RKA + FW 15- =Owie! So, he's a character in the style of Gambit or Grifter, eh? Least he's got skills. He's also gonna have to dodge like a madman or he's taking a nap pretty quick with that 20 Con & 30 Stun.
  10. Re: "So, Thor hits Superman with Mjolnir..." How quickly they forget the "Thunderfrog" storyarc. When Thor had been transformed by Loki into a rather large and strong (by frog standards) frog while wearing his Belt of Strength, he was able to budge the hammer enough to activate the enchantments upon it and transform himself into a Thor-sized humanoid frog. Man, Simonson had some wierd but cool stories. Where else would Thor be changed to a frog, hook up with the frogs living around Central Park and thwart an evil plot by the rat population to dump poison in the water supply.
  11. Re: "So, Thor hits Superman with Mjolnir..."
  12. Re: The "The Invisibles Writeups " is really "The Incredibles Writeups" So, looks like he'll finally bite off more than he can chew, eh?
  13. Re: Minor Magicks: VPP 20 + 20 control cost Well, much as I'd love to take credit for that charming little turn of phrase, I read that one in Dave Cockrum's Futurians comics back in the early 80's.
  14. Re: IST San Angelo version 2.0 So when does "Crisis in Pan-Dimensional Storage Unit A" happen? I'm waiting to see these guys bump into the other sets of voyeuristic prowlers currently at this mystic estate sale. Y'know, it's like 'Shadowcat of Two Worlds' in there. Keiko: "So, latest in a series of spiritually empowered ninja?" April: "Yep. Comes with a mystic costume and everything. You?" Keiko: "Oh yeah. don't even have to worrry about machine wash or anything." Both: "Totally sweet."
  15. Re: Minor Magicks: VPP 20 + 20 control cost Reach the Top Shelf: Stretching 4", Can't Do Damage -1/2 For the Wizard with an overabundance of scrawn, naturally. Third Arm: Extra Limb, Costs End To Start -1/4, Incantation "And with my other hand..." -1/4 Causes a transluscent arm or arms of mystic force to sprout from the character wherever is most convenient. Humpty's Salvation: 1d6 Major Transform, to original state, Gestures -1/4, Incantation -1/4 -"All the King's horses and all the King's men have nothing on me!" Feel free to use this to unbreak eggs and unbake cakes. Housework's Bane: Summon 4 25pt Domestic Servants, Amicable +1/4 Gestures (snap of finger) -1/4 Incantation "Boy, I could use someone to clean this place up." -1/4 They cook, they clean, they do your taxes and drive you to the mall. They also get major holidays off and only work 5 days a week in an overlapping schedule for all your domestic needs. You did only spring for +1/4 Amicable, after all.
  16. Re: Fighting Game Hero How can you hate Joe? 'Sides, Sagat does that & Joe's just gonna get up again, if only so he can moon Sagat.
  17. Re: Character for review: Eagle's Claw Technically, you don't need a weapon element to use your martial arts with a power you've bought. However, buying does make sense should you use one you find lying around in someone elses hands.
  18. Re: Does your supervillain need a base? Congrats, you've just decided you have to have a vehicle that resembles the traditional biker tatoo, the flaming skull. Well, at least this will increase your following amongst the evil biker set.
  19. Superskrull


    Re: DinoMite 1) Telios intends to scour the earth clean of the weak and genetically infirm. After he ascends to power he will forge a new humanity like a sword from base iron. 2) Perhaps the assembly viruses he used to splice together and fast-grow his neosaurs failed to die off and merely lie dormant in these creatures. Now the right stimuli could cause a sudden cellular degeneration, radical mutaion or simply become a spreading infectious plague imbuing those who are exposed with some degree of the T-rex's genetic traits. Alternately, this may allow someone the opportunity to reconstruct these critters into a less horrific size and shape with the aid and genetic code of DinoMite. 3) Well, if the little beggar is clever enough to escape Telios, then he's smart enough to make the proactive choice and contact the PCs just in time to attempt to foil this whole scheme.
  20. Re: Please Suggest Names for a Hulk Tribute Character Grendel Id Amok
  21. Re: What was you most powerful Attack vs. Supervillian??? Mmm, I don't think I want to fight anything with THAT much Body. Hell, I remember this one elaborate time-travel arc where the group of PCs and assorted NPCs stumbled across an Elder Worm Crawler from the Seven Horseman module. Despite the thing's 47 Body, it wound up facing a group where 80%+ had fire/heat RKAs that it had x2 Vuln to. It was vapor in one phase.
  22. Re: What was you most powerful Attack vs. Supervillian??? Oh, well, that's fine then. I'm sure he can walk that off or rub some dirt in it or something.
  23. Re: Character for Review: Marksman
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