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Duke Bushido

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Everything posted by Duke Bushido

  1. You know, on the very rare occasion that I use Foxbat (it isn't that I dislike the character; I actually,use him more than any other published character. I think since 1e, I have used him five or six times!) . Anyway- I stick with the whole goofball non-lethal angle, but he _is_ terrifyingly effective: his capers (though screwy and bizarre) _work_, and very rarely is there a hitch. His eventual downfall usually is not related to his ability to create and exexute a plan, but is a reault of his sheer audacity. Just as an example, last halloween in the youth group game, he was masquerading as John the Good Reverend Smith and doing a simple fleecing from the pulpit of his new Church of Believers Don't Die. It was working, and revenue was quickly growing as the crowds were gettinf larger and larger. The tip off dor moat people that something was wrong here was t hat he was wearing his will suit and salt-and-pepper wig over his Foxbat costume, to the point of havibg tailored slits to allow the pointy bits of his gloves and boots to not get bunched up inside the sleeves and pants legs. That, and he spray painted Leroy's exoskeleton and oitched him as The Golden Man, agent of the Almighty on Earth, but to save money on studio photography, he had run to Kinkos and gotten one of Leroy's wanted posters blown up to banner-size and hung it behind the pulpit. And the sacrements consisted of microwave chicken nuggets and Sunny D. But it all _worked_, and flawlessly. Right up until one od the heroes decided to try the new church that was taking the town by storm....
  2. Actually, I think it really helped Goff. He has a certain doofusness od feature in his dude form. This was ultimately better. .
  3. I was initially just passingly curious, but I have to say with the "indirect is forbidden on senses" and "adjacent sense" is severely limited" and the like, it really seems like these restrictions are the only reason Clairsentience still exits. Remove the "must not ever" and "no more than 2m" limitations on these advantages and Clairsentience is just redundant, it seems.
  4. See?! And a hex has a DMCV of zero! So the range penalty is only -65! Totally worth it!
  5. Yep. Lots of folks seem to forget that Superman can do those things, too. Sure, the justification is "he is holding his breath!", but I recall panels from years long gone of him _speaking_ underwater. Holding his breath or not, he has a finite size, which means a finite interior volume, and only a finite portion is allocated lungs. Superman can breathe underwater. And fly. And is a brick.
  6. Well, off the bat, you'd get to target that DCV 3 hex with your superior OMCV instead of your OCV.. And going all-in: Based on ECV- gives you LOS range for very few points relative to buying more range, especially given that when the sky is right, I can see Mars- sometims Saturn! (I should probably,get some life support, too.....)
  7. My apologies- I leave too much out as I _hate_ using this touchscreen /phone combo. My eyesight started to degrade a bit last year (shortly after turning 61), but it isnt glasses-worthy; it is presbyopia: an age related inability to focus clearly on small things up close. The remedy is those over-the-counter reading glasses. I am a +1.25, if anyone is wondering). I lose probably 2 pair a week, because I can _only_ focus on small things within arm's length while wearing them; walking with them on is both nauseating and potentially fatal- I would give a hard read to a spreadsheet, turn around, take two steps, and trip over a cow that I am completely unable to see with the glasses on! So I take them, start doing something else, and suddenly I am handicapped, because I left them them.... Somewhere..... An hour ago. Without them, it is quite difficult to see the touch keyboard on this phone (computer is dying and will no longer recognize this board, so phone it is). Best part is that my fingers, relative to the infuriating touchpad, are of a size that means I cannot touch _one_ pseudo-key, but must press no less than three and hope autocorrect figures it out (I am currently eyeing a used BlackBerry for work, since it has actual tactile buttons). My autocorrect doesn't speak a word of English. Seriously. I cannot overstate the number of times a suggested correction has been not a logical guess pulled from a collection of entered and adjacent keys and run through a likelihood algorithm, but a Korean surname, or something from one of the romance languages. No amount of erasing and retyping seems to teach it anything, except that I have periodically caught it suggesting that I replace properly-keyed words with some of my more frequent typos..... For instance, the comma is on the eight aise (seriously?! What the He'll is an "aise," Autocorrect? You wouldnt even let me _type that on purpose_, but instead replaced it with "aide" no less than three times! So the "right side of the keyboard" isnt a real thing, but the "eight side" _is_ real?!) of the keyboard. For some time, being a right-handed person, I used my right thumb to hit the space bar. One of the four miniature keys I hit when I press space with my thick mechanic's right thumb is the comma (the others are B, N, and space). The autocorrect will select the comma _every damned time_. So I stopped using the right thumb foe the space 'bar,' and began to use my left. Not only did this not help at all, but now I catch autocorrect suggesting that I comma splice two words instead of putting a space between them. Another problem is its native hatred of the letter P. I can type a P; I cant type a line of them! But if I want to tyoe a word _containing_ a P, it will automatically correct that P to an O. As before, it does that _every damned time_. So there is a _lot_ of going back and doing manual correction for everything before posting it. ("Oosting it." I fixed it, but it was there!) Since I have lost my readers by the time I get to the forums, I miss a lot of the typos, but I try. I would like to ask a favor of the regulars and ask them to xommit this explanation to memory. Since it took a total of thirty minutes to type and edit this post, I shan't be typing (Oh-ho! This time it was "ryling"! ) this explanation again any time soon. I appreciate this small,indulgence more than I can express. These are the reasons I omit considerable context, and convince myself that my meaning is better understood than it actually is without context: touchscreening it in is too damnably horrible a means of sharinf information or carrying on a conversation! Sincere apologies when I omit too much. That aside, back to business! In the spirit of all those things such as turning instant change into T-form self-only (which was a rules violation up to- and possibly including?- 6e, but that's where it went) and other sort of "simplifications through the elimination of redundancy" or other conversations about not needing Y because we can do it X-- At this point, the tyoing goes so slowly that frustration has stolen from me the turn of phrase I wanted... anyway, it was offered as a thought experiment of sorts: given the senses and the rules, and ignoring all the "can't; musn't; never" mandates that turned me off to 6e during my first read through, is Claisentience even necessary? Can it be reasonabky replaced with what is already in the Senses rules? and with the "you can't do that" of putting Indirect on Sight, just how does one build a periscope? I am not spending claisentience-level points on a pair of mirrors and a stick.
  8. The weird thing is that for a couple of decades now, the internet has been joking about how every single school kid at some point doodles this S thing. Until the first time I saw that assertion made online, I had never seen that thing at any point in my life.
  9. "In for a penny" and all that.... So if I put "Indirect" on my Energy Blast, then that blast no longer has to trace a straight line from my to the target. It can originate from the sky, from an electrical outlet, from a ship at sea- it can even spring into existence as a globe that surrounds the target then rapidly shrinks inward, delivering whatever damage it is supposed to deliver. It can originate from a point between me and my target; it can originate from a laboratory on the moon. I can use it like that stone mausoleum that fights superman uses his eye lasers all swooping and swerving and dive around obstacles and make taking cover pointless. The only limitation is that I can only use this power against targets that are within the range of the power. So what happens if I put Indirect on my sight? Can I look that things from a different point of view / perspective? Is this how you make a periscope? Can I use this to observe anything within my normal range of sight? Can I peer at the guy hiding around the corner by using my indirect vision? He is only four feet away from me, after all. Could I use it to find the safe landing spot on the other side of the tanglesnare briars? I could certainly do this with a periscope. If I can't do this with indirect on my sight, how do I build a periscope?
  10. Not just GURPS, but Traveller has classed T-port as a psionics ability since the seventies. However...... Even with all that being said, ultimately are dealing with two different things, neither of which is actually real. Saying T-port is or is not a psi power is akin to declaring that the Jack-legged divot weasel does indeed belong to the gentifcant phylum. Neither of those things are real, either. As someone has already pointed out, this game divorces mechanica and sfx, and encourages the application of any sfx that the player desires. It could just as easily be a divine power (I ask the almighty Kierczak to send to the place), a knowledge power (I have learned how to identify nexus points in the world around us), or even wind powers (a create a gust of wind so fast that it outruns time, and carries me to my location in what to the world around me appears as an instantaneous blink). Because as players become more and more comfortable,with this, they get better at creating interesting justifica-- uhm, SFX, that I do what Hugh does when I allow an SFX as a limitation or boon: I record how this limits you, and how it does not.
  11. Okay, guys; rhis is _inspired_. Really it is. Nice find, BJB!
  12. OP: I am so very, _very_ sorry for the derail.... Granted: there's a lot of great ideas being floated-- that Barrier vs Clairsentience was brilliant, and not the only great idea. Still, I am really sorry for the derail....
  13. Jason: My computer still hates Dropbox; I sent it as a G-drive link. I also sent it to Chris Goodwin (who I completely trust to not pirate it, and who probably owns the official one anyway), as I recall your set-up doesnt like G-drive. If all else fails, he can likely download and dropbox it for you. As is explained in the e-mail, I had to send the completed PDF (feel free to pull it apart and take what you need; I am betting the official PDF is better than this early attempt) as I am uncertain if I even still own the original scans.
  14. I will accept all of thise things except for hexes and d6s. Those two things were very common in wargaming for several years before and after Champions. I think it is fair to say Champions borrowed the other stuff (I used to rather enjoy TFT: the only fantasy RPG that encouraged buff wizards. )
  15. That, and you realize that every conceivable thing is a trope.... _every_ conceivable thing! Hornets from the core of the sun are stinging people and granting them immortality? Seen it. What a trope. Global,warmong reverses itself because the Make-a-Wish foundation had a parient who really wanted it? God; yes- just twice last weekend.... Place ia an absolute pit designed to do nothing more than suck all the fun out of story telling.
  16. Ooh! I _like_ that idea, at least on first blush, but does that step on the toes of clairsentience? I mean, at its most basic, the ability to sense without a direct line of... sight?.... is all Clairsentience offers, really- well, and some range, I suppose. Which makes me wonder if its base price is equal to buying "Indirect" and "increased range" for a sense or sense group, and if not, why are there no complaints about that?! and that leads to me wondering if telescopic equals out to an equal amount of increased range.... (Given that it increases by multiples of 10, I am willing to bet it doesn't- which makes me wonder if it equals Megascale for a sense or sense group..... Ugh! How do those folks who worry about 'perfect points balance' get to sleep at night?! ) And I like this- again, right up until I wonder if it steps on N-Ray's toes, and the cyxle starts all over... Agreed: not the thread to discuss this, but it is starting to bug me a bit....
  17. Oh yeah- that I remember! Thanks!
  18. We played a _lot_ of 4e, amd even more 2e with 4e assets. I swear to you, I absolutely cannot remember Powerhouse at all (and as far as I know, I have all the official 4e stigg and a fair chunk,of third party stuff from the various magazines, etc.). Where can I look him up (when it is not so far after bedtime)?
  19. Thing is: I have a PDF I made myself- my very first scanning project. I didnt want to sacrifice any of the books I liked, so it came down to Ninja HERO or Champions Presents- both of which I had multiple copies and noether of which were particulalry appealong to me. Note that this was my "how does this creating-a-PDF-stuff actually work?" Kind like when that Luca guy wanted to teach himself how to build videogames, so he made a Super Mario rip-off for the Apple IIe. It is _not_ a good pdf (though it is perfectly readable), and I _believe_ it is complete (as the book didnt appeal to me much, I didnt pay attention to a lot of the details, as I was focusing on how to clean and center images, hiw to xompile a clean PDF that wouldn't fill an entire CD (yeah; it was that long ago). I always thought I would eventually do all my 1-4e books, once I got beyyer at it (I feel I am pretty good now, and stand on the Western HERO PDF as my best work to date), but time, kids, jobs, and the raw expense of the project as older books become increasingly difficult to source in excellent condition, and it never happened. If someone can tell me specifically what is missing from the current PDF, I can check my own (not good) PDF. If it has all the missing material, I will be glad to send it along to Jason, and they can pull out what they need and inject it into their (likely better) extant official PDF.
  20. The space missiles will have incredible thrust. The space torpedos will have little space propellers on the rear.
  21. Serious question: does absolute range sense give you the range to a hex that you cannot see? If it doesn't, then you will need Lightning Calculator and KS: Geometry, and possibly KS:geology. Thus, you could determine the range to a point halfway up the cliff (which is visible from your vantage point), know about what the grade of a cliff in this region (KS:geography?) Is likely to be made of, what sort of slope it is likely to have, the likely grade of the earth between you and the base of the cliff, the slope of the rubble that is likely to be at the bottom of the cliff, then calculate the likely point of th3 base of the cliff based on your other knowledgeable, range sense, etc. And if there is no open hex, does safe blind teleport allow you to appear inside the entangle if so doing inflicts thorn damage, poison, etc, or does it bounce you back / prevent teleport, of does it move you several miles up or down the river to a safe spot? I ask because I read 6e _once_, and decided that I am not going to use it, and therefore have never re-read it. Except for range sense and time sense and eidedict memory. Zero END, and if you are using the old school version, the but-in is less than 40 pts, making the initial END cost even less, if you are willing to go slowly (but safely).
  22. Same with old school / alternative Desolid, actually. The only difference between the two was that tunneling went against DEF and desolid went against BODY. Well that, and desilid would have to take a custom modifier to leave a hole.
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