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Posts posted by ideasmith

  1. I do now, but it converts to Champions Complete rather than Champions Now.


    Champions Complete is a reformatting of Champions 6E. Champions Now is the result of game designer Ron Edwards getting permission form DOJ, Inc. to start with Champions 3E and take it in a very different direction than the designers of 4E, 5E, and 6E took it. 


    To give an idea of about how different they are: 6E dropped Elemental Control but retained Multipower; while Champions Now dropped Multipower but retained Elemental Control. 6E made Endurance, Stun, and Recovery fully independent of Primary Characteristics; while Champions Now made them fully dependent on Body. 6E added Perks to handle benefits from the character's social position; while Champions Now explicitly spells out that the character's social position does not cost points and does not have formal rules. 

  2. On 2/16/2021 at 1:00 PM, pawsplay said:

    You're going to have to show your work. I basically paraphrased the rulebook without commentary. I seriously don't know what you mean by contradicts the rulebook.


    Okay, showing my work:


    On 2/15/2021 at 8:47 PM, pawsplay said:

    A conditional power cannot always be used, but when it does, has any and all of its normal effects.


    From Conditional: “works poorly or not at all”, “will not work fully or at all”, “Reduced effect (½)".


    These indicate that, if conditional is taken as a (1/2) Limitation, it only has some of its normal effects.


    Example: Subscript has 6 units of Shrinking, Conditional, Reduced effect, half effect in the presence of Examplenite. In the presence of Examplenite, Subscript’s Shrinking will not have its normal effect of 6 units, being limited to a maximum of 3 units.


    On 2/15/2021 at 8:47 PM, pawsplay said:

    .A constrained power can generally always be used, but the effects are only a subset of the possible effects of that power.


    From Constrained: “or only in a single circumstance of the hero’s other Powers’ use”, “Constrained to follow the use of”.


    These indicate a form of constrained which can allows any and all normal effects, but only if the hero is/was using her power(s) in the specified fashion.


    Example: Superscript has 12 dice Blast, Constrained, only if she used her Entangle power in her previous phase. When Superscript can use her Blast, she can use it at any number of dice, use it at any available target, and otherwise us it for anything she could use if for if it wasn’t Constrained. When she can’t use her Blast, she can’t use it at all.

  3. 2 hours ago, pawsplay said:

    It's less pithy, but my understanding is this:

    A conditional power cannot always be used, but when it does, has any and all of its normal effects.

    A constrained power can generally always be used, but the effects are only a subset of the possible effects of that power.


    This contradicts what the rulebook says. 


    The rulebook makes it clear that a conditional power can have reduced effect, and that a constrained power can have all it's normal effects (though not all the time). 

  4. While I don’t recommend rote conversions of character, I do make conversion notes between systems to improve my understanding of said systems and how they relate. You (or someone) might find them useful:




    I           CH       CH       STR, 1D6                                           Str, 1d6, Plus Flight as per Superleap

    I           CH       CH       DEX                                                   Dex*

    I           CH       CH       CON                                                  Body*

    I           CH       CH       BODY                                                Body*

    I           CH       CH       INT                                                    Int*

    I           CH       CH       EGO                                                  Ego*

    I           CH       CH       PRE, 1d6                                            Pre, 1d6

    I           CH       CH       COM                                                  special effects

    I           CH       CH       PD                                                     Defense (With Conditional if not matched by ED)

    I           CH       CH       ED                                                     Defense (With Conditional if not matched by PD)

    I           CH       CH       SPD                                                   Speed -1 (Max 6, Min 1)

    I           CH       CH       REC                                                  Body*

    I           CH       CH       END                                                  Body*

    I           CH       CH       Stun                                                   Body*

    I           CH       SK        ACROBATICS base roll                        Acrobatics

    I           CH       SK        ACROBATICS,  + 1                              Skill Level

    I           CH       SK        CLlMBING base roll                             Climbing

    I           CH       SK        CLlMBING, +1                                     Skill Level

    I           CH       SK        COMPUTER PROGRAMING base roll     Computer Programming

    I           CH       SK        COMPUTER PROGRAMING, +1           Skill Level

    I           CH       SK        DETECTIVE WORK base roll                Detective Work

    I           CH       SK        DETECTIVE WORK, +1                        Skill Level

    I           CH       SK        DISGUISE base roll                             Disguise

    I           CH       SK        DISGUISE, +1                                      Skill Level

    I           CH       SK        FIND WEAKNESS base roll                  Find Weakness

    I           CH       SK        FIND WEAKNESS, +1                          Skill Level

    I           CH       SK        LUCK                                                 Luck

    I           CH       SK        MARTIAL ARTS                                  Martial Moves and Martial Attacks

    I           CH       SK        MARTIAL ARTS +x1f2 damage             Strength, Constrained

    I           CH       SK        SECURITY SYSTEMS base roll              Security Systems

    I           CH       SK        SECURITY SYSTEMS, + 1                   Skill Level

    I           CH       SK        STEALTH base roll                               Stealth

    I           CH       SK        STEALTH, + 1                                     Skill Level

    I           CH       SK        SWINGING  1"                                    Flight, round up to next multiple of 5.

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, HtH Combat, Specific     Skill Level

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, HTH Combat, Group       Dexterity, Constrained

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Ranged Combat, Specific Skill Level

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Ranged Combat, Group   Dexterity, Constrained

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, All Combat, General        Dexterity

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Ego Powers, Specific      Skill Level

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Ego Powers, Group                         Ego, Constrained

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Movement, Specific                        Dexterity, Linked and Constrained

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Movement, Group                           Dexterity, Linked or Constrained

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Skills, Specific              Skill Level

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Skills, Group                 Dexterity and/or Intelligence, Constrained

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Skills, General              Dexterity and Intelligence, Constrained

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Perception, Specific        Skill Level

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Perception, Group                           Intelligence, Constrained

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Powers, Specific           Skill Level

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Powers, Group              Dexterity, Ego and/or Intelligence, Linked and Constrained

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Powers, General           Dexterity, Ego and/or Intelligence, Linked or Constrained

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Characteristic Rolls, Specific            Dexterity, Ego, or Intelligence, Constrained

    I           CH       SK        SKILL LEVELS, Overall Levels, Overall    Dexterity, Ego and Intelligence

    I           CH       PW       ARMOR, PD and ED                            Defense, Resistant

    I           CH       PW       ARMOR, PD or ED                              Defense, Resistant, Conditional

    I           CH       PW       CLlNGING                                          Surfaces/Clinging 1d6 Str per 5 Str

    I           CH       PW       DAMAGE RESISTANCE vs. hand-to-hand Defense Upgraded to Resistant, Conditional

    I           CH       PW       DAMAGE RESISTANCE vs. physical      Defense Upgraded to Resistant, Conditional

    I           CH       PW       DAMAGE RESISTANCE vs. energy                        Defense Upgraded to Resistant, Conditional

    I           CH       PW       DAMAGE RESISTANCE vs. all             Defense Upgraded to Resistant

    I           CH       PW       DANGER SENSE base roll                    Awareness, Ignores Flash and Concealment, Analysis, Permits Abstractions

    I           CH       PW       DANGER SENSE, + 1 to roll                 Skill Level

    I           CH       PW       DARKNESS  1" radius, per                    Darkness, 1" radius

    I           CH       PW       DARKNESS  Impervious to normal sight  Darkness, Completely prevents one senses perceptions

    I           CH       PW       DARKNESS  Impervious to Ultraviolet Vision             Darkness, Affects All Senses

    I           CH       PW       DARKNESS  Impervious to Infrared vision                 Darkness, Affects All Senses

    I           CH       PW       DARKNESS  Impervious to Radar                            Darkness, Affects All Senses

    I           CH       PW       DARKNESS  Impervious to X-ray vision   Darkness, Affects All Senses

    I           CH       PW       DENSITY INCREASE                          Density Increase + Constrained Strength

    I           CH       PW       DESOLIDIFICATION  BODY per phase   Desolid, round up to next multiple of 2 body

    I           CH       PW       EGO ATTACK                                     Blast, Ego-Based, Severe, Invisible Effects

    I           CH       PW       EGO DEFENSE                                   Specialized Defense: vs. Ego-Based Attacks*

    I           CH       PW       ENERGY BLAST                                 Blast

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, Enhanced Vision  Awareness, Analysis

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, Infrared Vision     Awareness, Analysis

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, Ultraviolet Vision  Awareness, Analysis

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, Telescopic Vision Awareness, Analysis

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, Microscopic Vision                Awareness, Analysis

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, X-Ray Vision       Awareness, Analysis, Separate

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, N-Ray Vision       Awareness, Ignores Flash and Concealment, Analysis, Separate

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, Enhanced Hearing Awareness

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, Parabolic Hearing Awareness

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, Active Sonar                        Awareness, Analysis

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, Passive Sonar     Awareness, Analysis

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, Discriminatory Smell              Awareness, Analysis

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, Tracking Scent    Awareness

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, Radio Hearing      Awareness, Analysis

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, 360 Degree Vision Awareness, Analysis

    I           CH       PW       ENHANCED SENSES, Radar Sense       Awareness, Analysis

    I           CH       PW       ENTANGLE                                        Entangle 1d6 and 1 DEF per 1d6 and 1 DEF

    I           CH       PW       EXTRA LIMB                                      Extra Limb

    I           CH       PW       FASTER-THAN-LiGHT TRAVEL            Flight, Expanded Scope: Space/Interstellar

    I           CH       PW       FLASH                                               Flash, 1d6, Area Effect (1 hex)

    I           CH       PW       FLASH DEFENSE                               Specialized Defense: vs. Flash,

    I           CH       PW       FLlGHT                                              Flight, round up to next multiple of 5.

    I           CH       PW       FORCE FIELD                                    Force Field round up to next multiple of 2.

    I           CH       PW       FORCE WALL, 3 hexsides                    Force Wall: 3 Hexsides per 3 hexsides

    I           CH       PW       GLlDING                                            Flight, round up to next multiple of 5., No Endurance Cost

    I           CH       PW       GROWTH                                           Growth

    I           CH       PW       INVISIBILITY                                       Invisibility

    I           CH       PW       INVISIBILITY to Infrared Vision             Invisibility, Includes Awarenes

    I           CH       PW       INVISIBILITY to Ultraviolet Vision                           Invisibility, Includes Awarenes

    I           CH       PW       INVISIBILITY to X-ray Vision                  Invisibility, Includes Awarenes

    I           CH       PW       INVISIBILITY to N-rayVision                 Invisibility, Includes Awarenes

    I           CH       PW       INVISIBILITY to Radar                         Invisibility, Includes Awarenes

    I           CH       PW       INVISIBILITY no fringe effect                Invisibility, Remove Close-Range perception and Targetting perception

    I           CH       PW       INSTANT CHANGE same clothes                           Instant Change, Specific Outfit and back again

    I           CH       PW       INSTANT CHANGE any set of clothes    Instant Change, Any Outfit

    I           CH       PW       KILLING ATTACK (hand-to-hand), 1d6     Blast, 3 to 5 dice Piercing, Severe, number of dice depends on whether you wish to emulate the Stun Multiple, Champions Now does not provide extra dice from strength.

    I           CH       PW       KILLING ATTACK (Ranged) , 1d6                           Blast, 3 to 5 dice Piercing, Severe, number of dice depends on whether you wish to emulate the Stun Multiple,

    I           CH       PW       LACK OF WEAKNESS                         Specialized Defense, vs. Find Weakness*

    I           CH       PW       LIFE SUPPORT may breathe under water.                Life Support, Vs. Water or similar conditions

    I           CH       PW       LIFE SUPPORT needn't breathe            Life Support, Vs. Gasses Breathed

    I           CH       PW       LIFE SUPPORT immune to absorbed gasses            Life Support, Vs. Gasses Absorbed

    I           CH       PW       LIFE SUPPORT space/high pressure.      Life Support, Vs. Vaccuum and High Pressure

    I           CH       PW       LIFE SUPPORT need not eat or excrete. Life Support, No Required Biological Functions

    I           CH       PW       LIFE SUPPORT extreme conditions                        Life Support, Complete Life Support

    I           CH       PW       MENTAL ILLUSION                             Images

    I           CH       PW       MIND CONTROL                                Mind Control

    I           CH       PW       MIND SCANNING                               Awareness, Ignores Flash and Concealment, Analysis, Permits Abstractions; Expanded Scope: Planetary

    I           CH       PW       MISSILE DEFLECTION, thrown objects   Missile Deflection, Conditional

    I           CH       PW       MISSILE DEFLECTION, bullets and shrapnel            Missile Deflection, Conditional

    I           CH       PW       MISSILE DEFLECTION, Energy Blasts    Missile Deflection

    I           CH       PW       POWER DEFENSE                              Specialized Defense, vs. Drain and Weaken*

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, STR                          Weaken Strength

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, Dex                           Weaken Dexterity

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, Con                           (Attack Power), Lethal, Strike

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, Body                         (Attack Power), Lethal, Strike

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, Int                             Weaken Intelligence

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, Ego                           Weaken Ego

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, Pre                            Weaken Presence

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, Com                          special effects

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, PD                            Find Weakness

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, ED                            Find Weakness

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, SPD                          Weaken Speed

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, REC                          x

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, End                           Drain

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, Stun                          Blast, Severe, Strike

    I           CH       PW       POWER DRAIN, Powers                      Negation, Strike

    I           CH       PW       POWER TRANSFER, End                    Drain, Transfer Option

    I           CH       PW       POWER TRANSFER, Power                 Negation, Strike; Power Pool, Special Circumstances (copies powers Neutralized)

    I           CH       PW       POWER TRANSFER PD or ED             Find Weakness, Usable by Others; Defense, Constrained (Only 3 per die of find weakness)

    I           CH       PW       POWER TRANSFER, STR                   Weaken Strength; Strength, only up to what has been Weakened lately

    I           CH       PW       POWER TRANSFER, Dex                    Weaken Dexterity; Dexterity, only up to what has been Weakened lately

    I           CH       PW       POWER TRANSFER, Con                    (Attack Power), Lethal, Strike; Body, only up to what has lost to this attack lately

    I           CH       PW       POWER TRANSFER, Body                  (Attack Power), Lethal, Strike; Body, only up to what has lost to this attack lately

    I           CH       PW       POWER TRANSFER, Int                      Weaken Intelligence; Intelligence, only up to what has been Weakened lately

    I           CH       PW       POWER TRANSFER, Ego                    Weaken Ego; Ego, only up to what has been 'Weakened lately

    I           CH       PW       POWER TRANSFER, Pre                     Weaken Presence; Presence, only up to what has been 'Weakened lately

    I           CH       PW       POWER TRANSFER, Com                   special effects

    I           CH       PW       POWER TRANSFER, SPD                   Weaken Speed; Appropriate Speed, only up to what has been 'Weakened' lately

    I           CH       PW       POWER TRANSFER, Stun                   Blast, Severe, Strike

    I           CH       PW       POWER TRANSFER, REC                   x

    I           CH       PW       SHRINKING                                       Shrinking

    I           CH       PW       STRETCHING                                    Stretching

    I           CH       PW       SUPERLEAP                                       Flight, round up to next multiple of 5.

    I           CH       PW       SWIMMING                                        Flight, round up to next multiple of 5.

    I           CH       PW       TELEKINESIS                                     Telekinesis, round up to next multiple of 2d6

    I           CH       PW       TELEPATHY                                       Telepathy

    I           CH       PW       TELEPORTATION  15"                         Teleportation, round up to next multiple of 5.

    I           CH       PW       TELEPORTATION, 2x mass                 Teleportation, 2x mass

    I           CH       PW       TELEPORTATION, 2x distance             Teleportation, Expanded Scope, Regional

    I           CH       PW       TELEPORTATION, 1 location                Teleportation, Additional Location

    I           CH       PW       TUNNELING                                       Tunnel

    I           CH       FR       ELEMENTAL CONTROL                      Elemental Control

    I           CH       FR       MUL TIPOWER                                   Constrained

    I           CH       AD       REDUCED ENDURANCE                    No Endurance Cost, or special effect

    I           CH       AD       AREA EFFECT HEXES                        Area Effect (Sphere) or Area Effect (Cone), or both as distinct attacks

    I           CH       AD       AREA EFFECT RADIUS                      Area Effect (Sphere)

    I           CH       AD       ARMOR PIERCING                             Buy more dice of attack

    I           CH       AD       ATTACK WITH NO NORMAL DEFENSE Severe

    I           CH       AD       AUTOFIRE                                         Buy more dice of attack

    I           CH       AD       AUTOFIRE, Selective Fire                    Buy more dice of attack

    I           CH       AD       BASED ON EGO COMBAT VALUE                         Ego-Based, Severe, Invisible Effects

    I           CH       AD       EXPLOSION                                       Area Effect (Explosion)

    I           CH       AD       EXTRA CHARGES                              No Endurance Cost

    I           CH       AD       INVISIBLE POWER EFFECTS              Invisible Effects

    I           CH       AD       INVISIBLE POWER EFFECTS, fully invisible             Invisible Effects

    I           CH       AD       HARDENED DEFENSES                      Buy more of Appropriate Defense

    I           CH       AD       LARGE ENDURANCE BATTERY                            No Endurance Cost

    I           CH       AD       AFFECTS DESOLIDIFIED OBJECTS      Affects Desolid

    I           CH       AD       USABLE AT RANGE                            Usable at Range

    I           CH       AD       USABLE ON OTHERS                         Usable On/For Others

    I           CH       LM       ACTIVATION ROLL , 8 or less              Activation 11- or Special Effect

    I           CH       LM       ACTIVATION ROLL , 11 or less            Activation 11-

    I           CH       LM       ACTIVATION ROLL , 14 or less            Activation 11-

    I           CH       LM       ALWAYS ON                                       Always On

    I           CH       LM       ENDURANCE BATTERY                      x

    I           CH       LM       FOCUS, Inobvious, Inaccessible (IIF)      Focus, Inobvious

    I           CH       LM       FOCUS, Inobvious, Accessible (IAF)                       Focus, Inobvious

    I           CH       LM       FOCUS, Obvious, Inaccessible (OIF)      Focus, Obvious

    I           CH       LM       FOCUS, Obvious, Accessible (OAF)                        Focus, Obvious

    I           CH       LM       INCREASED ENDURANCE COST                         Increased Endurance

    I           CH       LM       LlMTED POWER                                 Costs Endurance, Linked, No Knockback, Burnout, No Range, Strike, Conditional, Constrained, Involuntary, Shutdown, Skill-Based, or Tricky

    I           CH       LM       LlMITED USES                                   Burnout, No Endurance Cost, &/or Special Effect

    I           CH       DS       BERSERK, 8 or less                            Enrage 11- or special effect

    I           CH       DS       BERSERK, 11 or less                           Enrage 11-

    I           CH       DS       BERSERK, 14 or less                           Enrage 14-

    I           CH       DS       BERSERK, Uncommon circumstance      Enrage, Uncommon or weird

    I           CH       DS       BERSERK, Common Circumstances       Enrage, Ordinary or Likely

    I           CH       DS       BERSERK, Very Common Circumstances Enrage, Ordinary or Likely

    I           CH       DS       DNPC                                                DNPC

    I           CH       DS       PHYSICAL LIMITATION, Infrequently      Physical Limitation, Occasional

    I           CH       DS       PHYSICAL LIMITATION, Frequently                       Physical Limitation, Occasional

    I           CH       DS       PHYSICAL LIMITATION, All the time      Physical Limitation, All the Time

    I           CH       DS       PHYSICAL LIMITATION, Slightly           Physical Limitation, Significantly

    I           CH       DS       PHYSICAL LIMITATION, Greatly           Physical Limitation, Significantly

    I           CH       DS       PHYSICAL LIMITATION, Fully               Physical Limitation, Severely

    I           CH       DS       HUNTED, single person.                      Hunted, One Person, Murderous

    I           CH       DS       HUNTED, small group (4 or                  Hunted, Small Group, Murderous

    I           CH       DS       HUNTED, large group (5 or                   Hunted, Large Organization, Murderous

    I           CH       DS       HUNTED, advan (agents).                    Hunted, Ordineary Resources, Murderous

    I           CH       DS       HUNTED, some supers                        Hunted, Extensive/Unusual Resources, Murderous

    I           CH       DS       HUNTED, All Supers                            Hunted, Resources Include Superpowers, Murderous

    I           CH       DS       PSYCH. LIM.., An uncommon Situation   PSYCH. LIM.., Happens Sometimes

    I           CH       DS       PSYCH. LIM.., A common situation                         PSYCH. LIM.., Happens Sometimes

    I           CH       DS       PSYCH. LIM.., A very common situation  PSYCH. LIM.., Happens A Lot

    I           CH       DS       PSYCH. LIM.., takes irrational actions     PSYCH. LIM.., Irrational

    I           CH       DS       PSYCH. LIM..,  becomes totally useless  PSYCH. LIM.., Meltdown

    I           CH       DS       PUBLIC IDENTITY                              Public Identity

    I           CH       DS       SECRET IDENTITY                             Secret Identity

    I           CH       DS       SUSCEPTIBILITY, Uncommon               Susceptibility, Uncommon or Weird

    I           CH       DS       SUSCEPTIBILITY, Common                 Susceptibility, Ordinary

    I           CH       DS       SUSCEPTIBILITY, Very Common                            Susceptibility, Ordinary

    I           CH       DS       UNLUCK                                            Unluck

    I           CH       DS       VULNERABILITY                                 Vulnerability

    II          CH       SK        BUREACRATICS                                 Special Effects

    II          CH       SK        CITY KNOWLEDGE                             Special Effects

    II          CH       SK        DEMOLITIONS                                   Special Effects (or Blast with modifiers, Area Effect (Radius), Separate, Constrained

    II          CH       SK        DRIVING                                            Special Effects

    II          CH       SK        ESCAPE ARTIST                                 Special Effects

    II          CH       SK        FORENSICS                                       Special Effects

    II          CH       SK        GADGETEERING                                 Control Skill for a VPP

    II          CH       SK        LANGUAGES                                      Special Effects

    II          CH       SK        LINGUIST                                          Special Effects

    II          CH       SK        PARAMEDICS                                    Special Effects

    II          CH       SK        PILOT                                                Special Effects

    II          CH       SK        PROFESSIONAL SKILLS                       Special Effects

    II          CH       SK        SCIENCES                                          Special Effects

    II          CH       SK        STREETWISE                                     Special Effects

    II          CH       PW       ENERGY ABSORPTION                        (Ability), Constrained: Only up to amount of Damage Taken (before Defenses) In this Encounter

    II          CH       PW       GADGET POINTS                               VPP, Must Include Required Limitation (Focus)

    II          CH       PW       LIGHT ILLUSIONS                              Images, Group Effect (Targets Able to See)

    II          CH       PW       PRESENCE DEFENSE                        Presence, Constrained (Defensive Only)

    II          CH       PW       REFLECTION                                     Missile Deflection; Blast, Adaptive Effects, Reactive

    II          CH       DS       ACCIDENTAL CHANGE                       Instant Change; Involuntary, No Voluntary Use

    II          CH       DS       DEPENDENCE, Very Common             Dependence, Ordinary

    II          CH       DS       DEPENDENCE, Common                     Dependence, Ordinary

    II          CH       DS       DEPENDENCE, Uncommon                 Dependence, Uncommon or Weird

    II          CH       DS       Vulnerability                                        Vulnerability

    II          HQ       DS       INTERFERENCE, 14 or less                 Unluck or Special Effects

    II          HQ       DS       INTERFERENCE, 11 or less                 Unluck or Special Effects

    II          HQ       DS       INTERFERENCE, 8 or less                  Unluck or Special Effects

    II          HQ       DS       DNPC, Infrequently (8 or less)               Unluck or Special Effects

    II          HQ       DS       DNPC, Occasionally (11 or less)            Unluck or Special Effects

    II          HQ       DS       DNPC, Frequently (14 or less)               Unluck or Special Effects

    II          HQ       DS       DNPC, Competent                               Unluck or Special Effects

    II          HQ       DS       DNPC, Normal                                    Unluck or Special Effects

    II          HQ       DS       DNPC, Incompetent (A normal              Unluck or Special Effects

    II          HQ       DS       PUBLICITY, Little known (8 or less)                        Public Identity or Special Effects

    II          HQ       DS       PUBLICITY, Well known (11 or less)                       Public Identity

    II          HQ       DS       PUBLICITY, Household Word (14 or less) Public Identity

    II          HQ       DS       UNLUCK                                            Unluck

    II          HQ                  Location                                             Special Effects

    II          HQ                  Area                                                   Living and Working Spaces

    II          HQ       PW       Armor                                                 Force Wall

    II          HQ                  Laboratories                                        Labs

    II          HQ                  Computers                                          Libraries or Databanks

    II          HQ                  Concealment                                       Concealment or Invisibility

    II          HQ                  Power Plants                                       Special Effects

    II          HQ       PW       Weapons and Traps                             Weaponized

    II          HQ       PW       Powers                                               Powers

    II          HQ                  Communications, Hi-range radio reception Special Effects or Awareness

    II          HQ                  Communications, VI s I phone               Special Effects or Telepathy

    II          HQ                  Communications, TV/Radio broadcast     Special Effects or Images

    II          HQ                  Communications, Satellite link               Special Effects or Awareness/Images/Telepathy

    II          HQ       PW       Sensors                                              Awareness

    II          HQ                  Agents                                               Special Effects

    II          HQ                  Danger Room                                      Exercise and Training

    II          HQ                  Robots                                               Special Effects

    II          VH       PW       Maximum Velocity (MAX), Flight            Mobility, Flight

    II          VH       PW       Maximum Velocity (MAX), Ground                           Mobility, Flight

    II          VH       PW       Maximum Velocity (MAX), Tunnelling       Mobility, Tunnel

    II          VH       PW       Maximum Velocity (MAX), Teleport                          Mobility, Teleport

    II          VH       PW       Maximum Velocity (MAX), Water           Mobility, Flight

    II          VH       PW       Defense (DEF) For 1 side                      Hardening

    II          VH                   Body Pips (BODY)                               Special Effects

    II          VH                   interior S1ze (ISl) per hex                      Special Effects

    II          VH       PW       Damage (OHG:) per +1D6                     Weaponized or Special Effects

    II          VH                   Passengers (PAS)                                Passenger Space

    II          VH                   EKter lor Six􀀟 (SI Z,)                              Special Effects

    II          VH                   DCV Hodlflet (DCVM)                           Special Effects

    II          VH                   Mass (MASS)                                       Special Effects

    II          VH                   Knockback Modifier (KNB)                    Special Effects

    II          VH                   Common Radio                                   Special Effects or Telepathy

    II          VH       PW       Ejection Seats                                     Telekinesis

    II          VH       PW       Electronic Countermeasures                  Invisibility

    II          VH       PW       Extra Limb                                          Extra Limb

    II          VH                   Fire Extinguishers                                Special Effects

    II          VH                   Floats                                                Special Effects

    II          VH                   High Altltude                                       Special Effects

    II          VH       PW       Orbital                                                Life Support

    II          VH       PW       Power Jacks                                       Life Support

    II          VH       PW       Radar Reflectors                                 Invisibility

    II          VH                   Radio Control                                      Special effects or ???

    II          VH       PW       Watertlght                                           Life Support

    II          VH       PW       NOT AIR BREATH I NG                       Life Support

    II          VH       PW       SILENT MOVEMENT                           Invisibility

    II          VH                   SMALLER THAN NORMAL                   Special Effects

    II          VH       DS       VULNERABILITY                                 Special Effects

    II          VH       DS       SPECIAL LICENSE                              Special Effects

    II          VH       DS       LIMITED ACCESS                               Special Effects

    III         CH       PW       Absorption as Defense                         Defense

    III         CH       PW       Continuing Charges                              x

    III         CH       DS       Berserk/Enraged                                  Special Effect

    III         CH       DS       PSYCH. LIM.: HUNTING,                     Special Effect

    III         CH       DS       Unusual Looks*                                   Unusual Looks

    III         CH       PW       Detect                                                Special Effect

    III         CH       PW       Detect, Sense                                     Awareness, Ignores Flash and Concealment, Constrained

    III         CH       PW       Detect, Radius                                    Awareness, Ignores Flash and Concealment

    III         CH       PW       Detect, Locate                                    Awareness, Ignores Flash and Concealment, Constrained, Constrained

    III         CH       PW       Detect, Analyze                                   Awareness, Ignores Flash and Concealment, Constrained, Constrained, Analysis

    III         CH       PW       Duplication                                          (Abilities), Separate

    III         CH       PW       Duplication, Not Usable When Duplicated Constrained

    III         CH       PW       Duplication, Only When Duplicated                          Constrained

    III         CH       PW       Damage Reduction                              Just buy Defenses

    III         CH       PW       Healing                                               Regeneration, Usable On/For Others + Body, Usable On/For Others

    III         CH       PW       Knockback Resistance                         Specialized Defense, vs. Knockback

    III         CH       PW       Mental Paralysis                                  Weaken Ego, Ego-Based

    III         CH       PW       Multiform                                            Multiform

    III         CH       PW       Neutralize                                           Negation, Conditional

    III         CH       PW       Piercing                                              Extra Dice

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, STR             Weaken Strength, Destructive

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, Dex              Weaken Dexterity, Destructive

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, Con              (Attack Power), Lethal, Strike, Destructive

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, Body            (Attack Power), Lethal, Strike, Destructive

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, Int                Weaken Intelligence, Destructive

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, Ego              Weaken Ego, Destructive

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, Pre               Weaken Presence, Destructive

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, Com             special effects

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, PD               x

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, ED               x

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, SPD             Weaken Speed, Destructive

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, REC             x

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, End              Drain, Destructive

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, Stun             Blast, Severe, Strike, Destructive

    III         CH       PW       POWER DESTRUCTION, Powers                          Negation, Strike, Destructive

    III         CH       PW       Shape Shift, Change form, look and color for             Instant Change, Variety of Persons or Forms

    III         CH       PW       Shape Shift, into living things                 Instant Change, Variety of Persons or Forms

    III         CH       PW       Shape Shift, into living or nonliving things Instant Change, Variety of Persons or Forms

    III         CH       PW       Shape Shift, Change Size                     Growth and/or Shrinking

    III         CH       PW       Transformation Attack, all-or-nothing        x

    III         CH       PW       Transformation Attack, Cumulative attack x

    III         CH       PW       Transformation Attack, 1 STUN per BODY                x

    III         CH       PW       Transformation Attack, STUN multiplier   x

    III         CH       FR       Variable Power Pool                             Variable Power Pool

    III         CH       FR       Variable Power Pool, shared Limitation     Variable Power Pool, Required Limitation(s)

    III         CH       FR       VPP, Only between adventures              Variable Power Pool, Change only with special circumstances

    III         CH       FR       VPP, only in given circumstance            Variable Power Pool, Change only with special circumstances

    III         CH       FR       VPP, No choice of when change occurs   Variable Power Pool, Change only with special circumstances

    III         CH       FR       Variable Power Pool, Restricted available Variable Power Pool

    III         CH       FR       Variable Power Pool, Restricted points     Variable Power Pool

    III         CH       FR       Variable Power Pool, Change at Any Time Variable Power Pool, altered as 0-phase Action

    III         CH       AD       Area Effect (Cone)                               Area Effect (Cone)

    III         CH       AD       Area Effect (One Hex)                          Area Effect (One Hex)

    III         CH       AD       Attack Against Limited Defenses           Severe

    III         CH       AD       Attack With Increased Knockback                           High Impact

    III         CH       AD       Attack With No Range Modifier              Ego-Based

    III         CH       AD       Controllable Continuous Attack              Separate

    III         CH       AD       Uncontrollable Continuous Attack           Separate

    III         CH       AD       Damage Shield                                    Aura

    III         CH       AD       Entangle Takes No Damage From Attack Telekinesis, Separate

    III         CH       AD       Entangle Stops a Given Sense               Flash, Separate

    III         CH       AD       Sticky Entangle                                   Entangle, Area Effect (One Hex)

    III         CH       AD       Increasing Entangle                              Entangle, Separate, Constrained

    III         CH       AD       Entangle with Backlash                         Blast, Adaptive Effects, Reactive

    III         CH       AD       Extended Area                                     x

    III         CH       AD       Extended Range                                  x

    III         CH       AD       Missile Deflection Against Others           Missile Deflection Usable Against Others

    III         CH       AD       Penetration Attack                               (Same Attack), Severe

    III         CH       AD       Teleportation vs. Others, Only, No Range Usable as Close-Range Attack to Teleport, Constrained (Not Usable On Self)

    III         CH       AD       Teleportation vs. Others, Only               Usable as Close-Range Attack to Teleport, Usable At Range, Constrained (Not Usable On Self)

    III         CH       AD       Teleportation Against Others, No Range   Usable as Close-Range Attack to Teleport

    III         CH       AD       Teleportation Against Others                 Usable as Close-Range Attack to Teleport, Usable At Range

    III         CH       LM       Activation Time half phase                    Constrained (Requires Half-Phase Action)

    III         CH       LM       Activation Time, 1 full phase                 Constrained (Requires Full-Phase Action)

    III         CH       LM       Animate Object                                    Telekinesis, Separate

    III         CH       LM       Burnout                                              Burnout, Restored Out of Combat

    III         CH       LM       EGO Power Based on CON                   x

    III         CH       LM       Entangle Deteriorates with Time            x

    III         CH       LM       Entangle with Weakness                       x

    III         CH       LM       Entangle with No Defense                     Entangle, No Defense Option

    III         CH       LM       Entangle with 1 BODY                          Force Wall, Constrained

    III         CH       LM       Single Target Flash                              Flash


  5. On 5/21/2020 at 4:11 AM, Tywyll said:

    Thanks! This is really helpful.


    You are welcome. I should mention that all of these Limitations can be special effects instead.


    On 5/21/2020 at 4:11 AM, Tywyll said:

    I wish they hadn't felt the need to change the name of some limitations (limited power has been around forever, why change it's name and make it more complicated?).


    In order to keep stuff like endurance batteries and spending points on figured characteristics from being added back in via Limited Power.


    On 7/2/2020 at 5:38 AM, Pariah said:

    My (probably overly simplistic) understanding is something like this:


    Conditional: Limits when or under what conditions a Power can be used.


    Constrained: Limits the effectiveness of a Power when it is used.


    On 7/7/2020 at 1:51 PM, pawsplay said:

    Conditional is "only when," constrained is "only what."



    My understanding is:


    Conditional: “only when” where the “when” is not overly influenced by the hero or his usual associates.


                          1)“only when” where the “when” is actions of the hero.

                          2)You don’t get all the options you would normally have for using this power.

  6. Character Name

    A character based on a fictional character or real person may not have the same name as that character.


    Density Increase

    Per 2x mass, permitting simultaneous effect on other characters and objects: +5 Power Points

    Usable as a close-range attack to affect a target: +15 Power Points



    Per 2x mass, permitting simultaneous effect on other characters and objects: +10 Power Points

    Usable as a close-range attack to affect a target: +60 Power Points



    Per 2x mass, permitting simultaneous effect on other characters and objects: +5 Power Points

    Usable as a close-range attack to affect a target (this use costs Endurance every phase): +15 Power Points



    Per 2x mass, permitting simultaneous effect on other characters and objects: +5 Power Points

    Usable as a close-range attack to affect a target: +15 Power Points

    See Usable On/For Others below.


    Instant Change

    Per 2x mass, permitting simultaneous effect on other characters and objects: +5 Power Points

    Usable as a close-range attack to affect a target (this use costs Endurance every phase): +15 Power Points



    Per 2x mass, permitting simultaneous effect on other characters and objects: +5 Power Points

    Usable as a close-range attack to affect a target (this use costs Endurance every phase): +15 Power Points


    Specialized Defense

    There are five forms of Specialized Defense, each of which affects multiple powers and each of which is purchased separately. These replace the forms of Specialized Defense in the rulebook. If more than one of these apply to a given attack, they are all applied to that attack.


    Corporeal Integrity:

                Versus Drain: Negates the highest-value die

                Versus some Weaken (those which weaken hero’s Strength, Speed, or Dexterity): Negates highest-value die

                Versus Density Increase, Desolid, Growth, Instant Change, and Shrinking: Hero Counts as 2x mass

                Versus some Negation (those which negate hero’s physical power): Negates highest-value die


    Locational Stability:

                Versus ordinary Knockback:-1d6 hexes (read the value showing on the dice)

                Versus High Impact: negates the advantage and the ordinary Knockback rules are applied

                Versus Desolid, Telekinesis and Teleport: Hero Counts as 2x mass

                Versus some Negation (those which negate hero’s movement power, including Surfaces): Negates highest-value die


    Mental Cohesion

                Versus Images, Mind Control, and Telepathy based attacks: Negates highest-value die

                Versus some Weaken (those which weaken hero’s Ego or Presence): Negates highest-value die

                Versus some Negation (those which negate hero’s mental power): Negates highest-value die


    Obscured Weaknesses

                Versus Find Weakness: Negates highest-value die of an attack enhanced by Find Weakness           

                Versus some Negation (those which negate hero’s defenses or sensory concealment power): Negates highest-value die


    Sensory Resilience

                Versus Flash: Reduces the duration of Flash by 1 Segment

                Versus some Weaken (those which weaken hero’s Intelligence): Negates highest-value die

                Versus Invisiblity: Hero Counts as 2x mass

                Versus some Negation (those which negate hero’s sensory or communication power): Negates highest-value die



    Expanded Scope

    Expanded Scope on Flight is always on 5” of flight. Expanded Scope on Teleport is always on 10” of Teleport. There would be no benefit to purchasing more “, though other adders might be applicable.


    Usable On/For Others

    The basic version is also usable for Elemental Defense.

    The basic version with Invisibility generally does not work on unwilling, conscious targets, and is therefore generally not usable for preventing communication between enemies.


    Power Pool

    A character with a Control Skill may also have one or more Routine Uses at a cost of exactly one point each. A Routine Use has the same build (including modifiers) and special effects each time it is used, and takes up points in the pool according to this build, even if not being used at full power.

    If using a Control Skill to create an array that consists entirely of one or more Routine Uses, no skill roll is needed.



    The OCV/DCV penalties for being grabbed are the same as the penalties for grabbing, but are  not cumulative with them. (That is, grabbing an opponent while already grabbed by that opponent is at -1 OCV/-2 DCV not -2/-4.)


    May only be done while maintaining Grab. Target takes damage based on attackers Strength used. No attack roll is required, but attack action and Endurance cost apply. Modifiers for Grab apply.


    May only be done if maintaining Grab, and target is no longer grabbed after being thrown. This follows the same rules as throwing an object. If the target hits a suitably hard and immobile object or surface, damage is inflicted based on the attackers Strength used. Softer or more easily moved reduce the damage taken. Modifiers for Grab apply.


    Movement Attacks

    Move-Through and Move-By each allow making a full move while attacking. Your velocity is equal to the number of inches the hero can move this phase. Failing to pay full required Endurance will lower the effective velocity, but being stopped – or stopping – short of one’s full movement does not.

    Move-by: Once the attack is made the hero finished moving, with no special restrictions from having attacked.


  7. 16 minutes ago, Michael Hopcroft said:


    But if your special effect is a shield, and someone takes away that shield and you can;t use the power unless you get it back, how is that not a Focus?


    How often does Captain America's shield get taken away? IIRC, almost never. If that's how often it gets taken away, than it is not getting taken away enough to count as a Focus. Of course, special effects are supposed to more or less balance out. So this sometimes getting taken away should be balancing out benefits that the character is getting from the special effects.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Michael Hopcroft said:

    Now that's a concept I don't quite grok yet. What is the ratio, what does it measure, and what in-game purpose does it serve?


    It's intended to keep players from applying Limitations when they should be applying special effects. For example, few of any player characters should have a Focus, but it's fine for a power to be based on a shield, or suit of armor, or whatever. 

  9. This May help: Most (not all) of the actual mechanics are in chapters 6, 10, 11, and 15. Some important rules that are elsewhere concern the ratio (of point total without limitations to point total counting limitations).


    I prefer designers notes to tacking on a lackluster setting. 


    For whatever reason, this game got me excited enough to write up a page of house rules for it. That doesn't happen much anymore.

  10. When I get interested in an RPG, I write house rules for it. When said house rules reach a certain point of development, I seek feedback on them. So here’s a thread for Champions Now house rules and some Champions Now house rules under construction for folks to react to. 



    The hero may decide what he is creating an illusion of after rolling the dice and adding up the total, but must do so before the GM announces the level of effect.


    Mind Control

    The hero may decide what the target is being commanded to do after rolling the dice and adding up the total, but must do so before the GM announces the level of effect.



    The hero may decide thoughts to attempt to read or send after rolling the dice and adding up the total, but must do so before the GM announces the level of effect.


    Elemental Defense

    Choose a category of special effect, such as ‘poison and drugs’ or ‘magic’. Against that special effect, the hero receives the following protections:

    - The hero has 1 point of resistant defense per level of Elemental Defense against such effects.

    - The hero has 1 die of each form of Specialized Defense per level of Elemental Defense against such effects.

    - Against such Severe attacks, if they are stopped by  ‘one textual power’ or ’one special effect’, and the hero has more points of Elemental Defense than there are dice in the attack, the hero is unaffected by the attack. Otherwise, use the normal rules for Severe attacks.

    - Against such Teleportation attacks, the hero is unaffected by the Teleportation attack.

    Cost: 10 per level of Elemental Defense, with benefits as listed above. Despite no costing Endurance, Elemental Defense may nevertheless be placed in an Elemental Control; all other requirements for Elemental Controls still apply.

     No END cost.


    Area Effect

    - Subtract ½  from Advantage value if the affected area must be centered on the hero, unless the power already has no range.

    - Subtract ¼ from Advantage value if one corner of the affected area must be in or adjacent to the hero, unless the power already has no range.


    Add Negation and Weaken to the list of Powers this Advantage can be applied to.


    Add Negation and Weaken to the list of Powers this Advantage can be applied to.


    Add 1 to Advantage value to make power aimable at any target. (This replaces the reference to Usable Against Others.)


    Subtract ¼ from Advantage value if Power counts as a distinct maneuver for such purposes and Find Weakness and Skill Levels. The maneuver the Power is attached to must be Punch, and this only applies to the ¼ version of Strike, not the ¾ version.

    Treated As Having Redundant Limitation

    A power with this advantage is treated as having a specified Limitation (or Limitations) for purposes of determining whether all the powers in a framework have that limitation or for purposes of meeting campaign parameters. Limitations which are only redundant due to another advantage may not be chosen. 

    Advantage value: Total Limitation value of Limitations power is treated as having.

    Modifiers, meet Frameworks/Power Pools

    The required Limitations Limitation may also require advantages, such as Separate.



    If a player wants to spend experience points in the middle of an adventure, roll 3d6, add the hero’s Radiation Factor, and add 10 if the hero is dying. If the result is at least 20, the hero’s experience points may be spent. If the result is at least 40, the hero may be rewritten. This does not affect whether the hero is dying, even if the hero gains abilities which would have prevented the condition.


    Determine the hero’s Base Radiation Factor by dividing the hero’s unspent experience by five and then rounding.

  11. Conditional and Constrained are, well, a bit vague about just what is and isn’t appropriate. So I thought it would be useful to set up a thread of possible examples for discussion. Here are some to start with:  


    All Powers                          

    Constrained/Counts Towards Pool Limit


    Constrained/Only Up to Amount Hit By (Before Defenses, 5 Power Points per Body)


    Conditional/Requires Available Earth


    Conditional/Requires Available Fire


    Conditional/Requires Available Metal


    Constrained/Only up to Body Inflicted by Specific Attack


    Conditional/Not vs. Kinetic Attacks


     - Conditional/Only vs. Cold


     - Conditional/Only vs. Fire


    Conditional/Only vs. Kinetic Attacks


    Conditional/Requires Available Plants


    Constrained/Needs Updraft to go Upwards


    Constrained/No Direction Change Must Arc and Land


    Constrained/Only Along Surfaces


    Constrained/Only In or On Water


    Constrained/Requires Swing Line


    Constrained, Sounds Only


    Constrained/Only While Possessing Target

    Mind Control            

    Conditional/Only Affects Animals


    Constrained/Only Possessed Target


    Constrained/Only to Inflict Emotions


    Constrained/Only to Possess Target


    Constrained/Only to Stick to Possessed Target


    Constrained/Downwards Only


    Constrained/Only to Move Water


    Constrained/Upwards Only


    Conditional/Self Only


    Constrained/Emotions Only


    Constrained/Only Possessed Target


    Constrained/Only Up to Surface Thoughts


    Constrained/Only With Animals


    Constrained/Receiving Only


    Constrained/Sending Only


    - Constrained/Only to Transmit Commands


    Constrained/Only to Possess Target

    Weaken (Ego)          

    Constrained/Only Possessed Target

  12. First, More Questions:


    What does 25 hexes of Flight/Expanded Scope do that 5 hexes doesn’t? 


    Can you take Find Weakness with Presence Attack. (The rules say “single, specific attack”)


    Which Powers are visible by default?


    On 3/11/2020 at 10:27 PM, unclevlad said:


    Yeah...there's by/for others, depending on whether the recipient of the UOO gets it passively, like most defenses, or actively like a Flash, UBO.  

    Reactive is limited to defensive powers.  The sense of Usable vs. Others you're noting is, this semantically seems to mean UAA, usable as attack.  THAT is not supproted.  So the correction is to rewrite "Usable vs. Others" as the power name, by/for.  Now it's fine.  Reactive Missile Def UBO?  Expensive as heck but feels entirely sensible to me.


    On 3/11/2020 at 10:56 PM, nitrosyncretic said:

    Hm. I see that Usable vs Others isn't there on page 99. So here's a rationale I can see. The text says that "The extreme version is usable for any power, conceived of as conferring control over the power and its endurance cost on the receiver.... (Confers: +1 Advantage)" So one could say that the receiver is the person with the reactive power. 


    This would let us design a reflection power as 6d6 blast, Adaptive Effect: input required (1/4), Reactive (1/2), Conferred on reflector (1) [Active Cost 82], Missile Deflection must succeed (1/2), for a real cost of 66.That would give the character the ability to reflect any bullet, beam, or force shot at them to a maximum of 6d6 and target any target. Kinda pricey, I agree. But you do get to shoot anybody.


    If we only want to shoot back at the originator, the power might be 6d6 blast, Adaptive Effect: input required (1/4), Reactive (1/2),[Active Cost 52], Missile Deflection must succeed (1/2), for a real cost of 35, which is much more doable.




    This raises more questions than it answers:


    Is this instead of being able to lend the power  to another character, or as well? If as well, Do you have to take the advantage twice to get both benefits, or will taking it once do?


    Whatever the answers, it is weird to conclude that Advantage A can have unrelated effect Y, just because the rules say Advantage B has that effect. And giving someone else the same power does not equate to giving oneself a slightly different power.

    I now consider this enough of a mess that I’m house-ruling it in any game that I run. Possibly  ‘Add 1 to Advantage value to make power aimable at any target. (This replaces the reference to Usable Against Others.)


    On 3/12/2020 at 3:47 PM, unclevlad said:

    The point is that, as the advantage is written, yes...the control of the power belongs to the recipient.  So you can't build a Teleport, Regional, with a fixed location of "the entry yard of the supermax prison" and force the villain straight there.  Yeah, fine, you can try to grab him then teleport but that still allows the chance to react.  A "teleport someone against their will" doesn't.


    You seem to have missed one of the additions for Teleportation. The one that reads: “Useable as a close-range attack to teleport a target: +30 Power Points”

  13. On 2/27/2020 at 1:15 PM, unclevlad said:

    Perhaps.  What I'm getting is a sense of trying to force-fit things.


    I didn’t invent this for Champions Now. It’s Something I already came up with for Hero System, because I don’t like the bookkeeping for Hero System Absorption.



    But there's one big aspect here...all those limitations start impacting your ratio.


    I’ve only suggested two Limitations here, and  a single character isn’t that likely to want both. Let’s look at the one for absorption. It’s a ½ Limitation which won’t be applied to the associated defense(s). So a starter version of Sebastian Shaw can have up to 174 Active points of with said Limitation, while a heroic version thereof would be limited to 114. This seems quite sufficient. 


    On the other hand, the ratio does seem to get in the way of building possession (Deadman, Jericho). I have not, however, priced a solution out yet to be certain of that.

  14. 10 hours ago, unclevlad said:

    On the Instant Change, this one was brought up during the Kickstarter.  Ron's answer...same price.  If you backed the Kickstarter, see update 39.


    Thank you.


    9 hours ago, nitrosyncretic said:


    I added answers I know to the first post.


    For Negate, Weaken, and spending End during Recovery -- I don't know. I'll have to ask.


    3 hours ago, nitrosyncretic said:

    Ron has confirmed that recovery does not allow expenditure of endurance. It also reduces one's Dex for defense to 6 and turns off any powers that require endurance. He said that it was an intentional design decision he made while aware there were no longer any free post-12 recoveries. 


    I haven't asked him about Weaken and Negate. 


    Thank you! You have answered six of the questions and are working on at least two more.


    About that ninth question (actually the third one that I asked).


    You added some information about Reactive, which may have been intended to answer my question. If so, then my question was not worded clearly enough. Would it add clarity if I pointed out that Champions Now has no Advantage by that name?

  15. Thank you for the useful info and errata. It cleared up questions I had. It happens that I have still more questions. Could you answer, or get answers to, these questions:



    Can this be applied to Negation or Weaken? They fit the description, but are not on the following list.


    Can this be applied to Negation or Weaken?


    What counts as having the “Usable vs. Others Advantage” for purposes of determining whether the reaction must be directed at the attacker?

    No Range

    By “Illusions” do you mean “Images”?

    Attack Powers

    When can a character use multiple attack powers in the same attack? Never? Always? When special effects fit? Something else?

    Using an attack power is presumably a half phase action which counts as an attack. But since it doesn’t seem to say that in the rulebook, I thought I’d double-check.


    Can a character spend Endurance when making a voluntary recover?

    According to page 25, says that combat value drops when one takes a recovery. Does this actually happen, and if so, what are the details?

    Instant Change

    Is the cost for ‘into a variety of forms’ really the same as ‘into a single form’? That is clearly what the rules say, but I can’t help thinking it must be a typo.

  16. 10 hours ago, unclevlad said:

     I'd be pretty hard-ass about any limitations someone wants to put on these, myself.  


    10 hours ago, unclevlad said:

    Absorption...what are you applying the Conditional/Constrained to, 

    To whatever improves as you get hit. So if the hero gets stronger as she gets hit, buy additional Strength and apply the limitation to that.

    10 hours ago, unclevlad said:

    how do you mechanically execute the "points go to",

    The ability that the limitation is applied to is the ability that improves as the hero gets hit.

    10 hours ago, unclevlad said:

    and how do you express fade rate?

    Well, a few minutes’” is about how long a fight lasts. So let the hero keep the goodies for the rest of the fight, give her time for a few more actions, then it goes away. I put some thought into that time period.

    10 hours ago, unclevlad said:

    HA and HKA are generally Strikes.  

    HA can also be Strength with Constrained. Which is what you do when making a Blast into a Strike is pointless.

    9 hours ago, unclevlad said:

    So recognize:  Hero System is pretty much a fine-grained supers simulator.  Champs Now is NOT.  Deliberately.

    Your choice of wording is worth noting: “Hero System is” rather than “Champions was”.

  17. 9 hours ago, Pariah said:

    One of the powers that she has is invisibility, but only to ultraviolet vision. How would one go about building that?


    By asking the GM to consider it one of the character's special effects.  


    8 hours ago, unclevlad said:

    Effective teleporters are VERY tough to pull off...not that teleport is that bad, it's the memorized locations at 5 points per, and no way to bundle (6E, buy 2x the number of locations for 5 points each...that's not available here.)  


    Did you catch the rules for re-assigning memorized locations?



    8 hours ago, unclevlad said:

    And the powers options aren't as extensive;  there's no Aid


    But there is Usable by Others. That does a lot of what Aid could do.



    8 hours ago, unclevlad said:

    or Absorption, for example.


    But there are Conditional and Constrained. Whether ‘up to amount of damage (before Defenses) character got hit with in the last few minutes’ counts as Conditional or Constrained depends on how much control s/he has over this.

  18.  I thought I'd adapt a character I first built for 4th edition, and started building for other systems I came across to help me understand them. This character is intended to be visible, famous, and inspiring.






    -15 Physical Limitation: Easily spotted in the dark, In certain situations, Debilitating/Negating
    -10 Public ID
    -15 Psych: Loves to be noticed, Happens a lot, Opinionated
    -10 Dependent NPC, Whichever reporter(s) is underfoot this time Normal, Occasional
    -10 Dependent NPC, Whichever member(s) of her fan club is covering this time Normal, Occasional
    -05 Dependent NPC, Whichever employee (s) of her family is underfoot this time Normal, Occasional
    -05 Dependent NPC, Whichever member(s) of her family is underfoot this time Normal, Occasional
    -10 Susceptibility to Darkness Fields Uncommon
    -15 Vulnerability to Darkness Attacks, Single Specific
    -20 Hunted: Gloom, Individual, Superpowers, Manipulative
    -20 Psych: Seeks Peaceful Resolution/Offers Parlay/Surrender to Opponents, Happens a lot, intense
    -15 3d6 Unluck


    Powers & Skills:

    24 Pep Talk, 2d6 Recovery Transfer, 30 Active Points, Reversed Direction (Transfers from Limelight to target) (-1/4)

     [7 END]


    30 Multipower, Lightray Form, 30 Active Points

    06 15” Teleportation, 30 Active Points,  [6 END]

    04 Missile Deflection, 20 Active Points,  [4 END]


    15 Luck, 3 dice




    13 STR 3 [3 END]
    11 DEX 3
    18 CON 16
    10 BDY 00
    18 INT 08
    17 EGO 14
    60 PRE 50
    20 COM 05
    3 PD  00
    4 ED  00
    06 SPD 49
    18 REC 22
    36 END 00
    26 STN 00


     Char 171 + Powers/Skills 79 = 250 = 100 Base + 150 Disadvantages






  19. Re: APG II Commentary/Discussion thread


    ... or to the rarest where there literally is no difference between Social and Physical combat (the only example I know of is Spacestation Adamant; here the English Light Rulebook).


    Not as rare as you might think. i count six professionally published games I own dead-tree copies of that don't have combat-specific rules. (Polaris (Ben Lehman in Nostalgia Studio, 2005), Baron Munchausen (Hogshead Publishing, 1998), and four games from the No Press Anthology (Snowball by Alexander Cherry, Pretender by Kirt Dankmyer, WTF? by Daniel Solis, Cell Gama by Mike Homes, and Over the Bar by Ben Lehman), anthology published in 2004 by Luke Crane).

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