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Everything posted by Gauntlet

  1. Hope Everyone had a Great Christmas and will have a Great Upcoming New Year.
  2. I do see that this discussion has seem to have gotten some people up in arms.
  3. I am also finding that if you are putting the extra to the healing power so that it damages Undead, then it cost probably at least double making it rather expensive to heal your fellow teammates and cost more END (Unless you wish to make it cost no END but that makes it cost even more). And something else to add, if your game requires characters to make magic rolls then it doubles the penalty if not more as that is based on the total cost of the spell.
  4. First, I have never seen a party in any Fantasy game that didn't have a healer, so yes it definitely can be frequent. Of could, if you run a game where you do not have healers, then reduce it. Second, knockdown on average is three hexes per dice after the first two dice. This is going with the 2d6 that is taken away from the knockback. So if the player spent 30 points or more for his base healing, it will probably due knockback on an average roll. Third, as for Defense, it is a disadvantage, there is none. Fourth, how is building a complication harder to do then a power. In truth, it is extremely easier.
  5. I had added that you can also state in the Undead's Complication that they also take knockback from the heal. The Complication would be as follows: 20 Physical Complication: Healing Spells Do Damage Rather than Heal (No Defense) and Do Knockback as Well (Frequently; Greatly Impairing) And as for BODY wise for the damage/knockback, it would be the exact same amount as BODY Healed.
  6. Would it just be simpler to just add a disadvantage to undead stating that they take damage from standard healing spells/powers. Heck if you want then to take knockback from the healing then make that a disadvantage on them as well. This is something that should be handled by the GM, not the player.
  7. This is Very Very Very Very True and the way it should be. I hate it in D&D where if you hold your action it changes you in the list of when you go, making it so that if you hold your action you are penalized for it.
  8. Another option could be to use Damage Reduction Stun Only while only allowing a limited amount of PD/ED to be purchased and not allowing Armor and/or Combat Luck. Damage Reduction without being valid against Killing Attacks and with the "STUN Only -1/2" Limitation isn't too pricy. You could even include the Limitation "Must be Aware of Attack -1/4". The costs below. Combat Roll - Low Physical Damage Reduction, 25% (10 Active Points); STUN Only (-1/2), Must be Aware of Attack (-1/4) 6 Points Combat Roll - Medium Physical Damage Reduction, 50% (20 Active Points); STUN Only (-1/2), Must be Aware of Attack (-1/4) 11 Points Combat Roll - High Physical Damage Reduction, 75% (40 Active Points); STUN Only (-1/2), Must be Aware of Attack (-1/4) 23 Points You could even have it purchased as a Custom Talent rather than as a Power.
  9. Not sure about the short games for me and my group. Problem is that we spend at least an hour (or three) just Bull S%$#ing before gaming. We normally start the session at 3, but don't start gaming until 5 or 6, and we usually go until 1 AM to 3 AM. But of course we don't have any problems with people who just can't be there for those hours, so if you come in late or leave early, not a problem.
  10. For me personally it might have been a bit dismissive but I realize that just because I feel something is dismissive it doesn't mean that it actually is. For a Video Game player, they like tactics and combat. They aren't as into the general roleplay in between combats. In addition to what you stated, if they are not going to be able to make it, please let me know so I can run the game appropriately.
  11. I would assume that most GMs would prefer Storyline players verse Video Game players, but that is just me. It is quite possible that the GM might enjoy good combats so Video Game players may be more to his/her liking. Any GMs out there have any comments as to what type of players they like to have?
  12. I have found that even in Champions games when you start adding all the extra combat additions such as Hit Locations, Disabled, Impaired, Critical Hits, Call Shots, and the like, even high defense Bricks find that they have to pay attention to what they are doing, especially if they are of the typical variety of having low DEX and SPEED. Had them fighting the IHA and when the Sniper put a Armor Piercing Round through the head of their big bad brick removing him from the combat from just short of 500 hexes away meant that every character went for cover to try to look for the sniper. All of this was while in combat with a bunch of troops disguised as VIPER Agents. Got nasty real quick, and they were 450 point characters.
  13. Of course, a ton of it depends on your players. Do you have Storyline Players or Video Game Players?
  14. Strange, I love to put comedy, intrigue, suspense, and even sometimes horror into my Champions games. Having them just some superheroes fighting some supervillains gets pretty boring rather fast.
  15. You may love a STUPID Campaign, otherwise known as... Super Twirps Undertaking Personally Injurious Duties It is a Superhero based game but is like The Tick. One of the major rule changes in it is that characters do not have a BODY Characteristic, so yes, they cannot die. And of course getting the GM and other Players to laugh is how you gain XP.
  16. On thing I do think that Hero does well, is allowing all of their earlier versions be available and even supported. If you do have a group of new players, you could even have your game utilize an earlier version that may be a bit simpler. Then in the future, go to a newer version if you feel it is necessary, or stay with the older one, who cares as long as you and your players are having fun. And to add, the problem I see with invisibility is what to be invisible to. So does it mean that if you have invisibility to sight, does that mean that someone who can attack with hearing can hit you? Also, just because you are fast should it mean that you are also immune to mental attacks?
  17. Not sure if a conversation like this has been done before but I thought it would be a good idea to have a discussion as to what are the best ways to start a new campaign. It of course does not matter what type of campaign, Superheroes, Fantasy, Horror, Spy, Space, whatever, but what should the creator of the campaign look into so that his game has a good start. My first thought is that the GM should make sure that the players he has available are interested in the type of game he is looking to start. And if not, could it still go on with some minor changes or is he/she completely off the mark.
  18. But I believe we are forgetting, Champions is a ROLE-PLAYING Game, not a Comic or TV show or Movie. The purpose of it is to have fun, making a story is just a portion of having fun. While The Flash may be completely unhittable to the point that even a Phalanx system that shoots a 1000 rounds a second cannot hit him, that is not something you would have in a game. Characters have to have vulnerabilities and be able to be hit and knocked out, and even possibly killed. Without this what is the point of playing if there is no chance of losing.
  19. Well if you want to state that your speedster has no way of being hit by a bullet (even with a 3 with games that consider 3 to always hit and 18 always miss), then give him Desolification (0 END, Continuous, Always On, Not Through Barriers, not when unconscious, and possible not when stunned) with the special effect that he always dodges the attack. That way there is no chance at all for the attack to hit him. Now you might mention what about Effects Desolid. I usually will not allow that advantage while at the same time making Desolification have a realistic effect that can affect it. In the case of a speedster's Desolification the way to affect him/her would be Area Effect or Mental Attacks. But all in all, it depends on the power level of your characters. Should they be WORLD OR EVEN GALAXY PROTECTING HEROES, their power level will probably make it rather easy for them to have such things as they most likely will be over 800 points. But should you have your characters be kids just learning their power, then definitely not as they will probably be only 300 points and many times even lower. All in All I believe that Desolification will be less expensive then buying up their DCV to an overwhelming level.
  20. Sometimes the regular PD or ED should work against spells. Should the spell be something that is definitely real, which could even just be regular fire, the in this case their ED should be in play. But if you want to have that magical fire attack that can burn even that creature who can survive in lava, then add the AVAD Advantage so that they only get their ED that is magical in nature. Normally in 6th Edition the AVLD Advantage is not as high as it is in earlier Editions. The only thing I would state that in your game the "Does Body" +1 Advantage is not required. This would make an AVAD attack be able to actually be purchased in a heroic campaign. This would mean that the AVAD Advantage where the target can only use their magical ED against the attack, only be a +1, not a +2. In addition, should the caster want a spell that does not do BODY, they can add the -1/2 Limitation "STUN Only" which would drop the cost of the spell even more.
  21. I have had plenty of speedsters who when moving most attackers need less than an 8 to hit, and in many combats they take no direct hits. The only way they are hit is either with Area Effect or Mental attacks. Problem also is that having a high DEX, SPEED, and DCV uses up a pretty good amount of points. Making it rather hard for them to also have high defenses for the campaign they are in. Plus, even in the Flash comic, he gets hit by a direct shot once in a while. And sometimes even in comics you get that marksman who is so good, he can hit a bullet with a bullet!
  22. I definitely have to agree with you. There is no reason for randomness as there are plenty of things a character, or villain, can do to keeps things interesting. Many people don't realize that just because you have a DEX of 25 you do not have to go at DEX 25. Many times it is a good idea to hold off to see what your opponents are going to do or to allow you to work with one of your team members. In addition, just because you go in Phases 3, 6, 9, & 12, it does not mean those are the only phases you are allowed to act in. You can hold your Phase 3, to phase 4 or 5. Once again this can cause opponents problems because you are not going in the same phase or will allow you to better work with one of your teammates. Heck, when I use VIPER, I definitely have the agents not acting in their regular phases, that way if there is a number of them they can be attacking the heroes in every phase, not just 4, 8, & 12. Note: I do know this is something I have said before but I believe it is something that can be said twice as I have seen a lot of players, especially new ones, who do not realize this is available.
  23. I have had a number of characters go from Hero to Villain, and yes they definitely need to have both a power increase with in many cases new powers coming into play. Had a regeneration character who was a little crazy in the first place go to try to infiltrate a villain institution but rolled an 18 on his acting roll. Well since he was a "Method Actor" he didn't fail, he was so good at his acting that he began to believe that he was the villain he was pretending to be. With that change he started using a lot more rather nasty gadgets and a number of mob skills. Was a problem for the heroes for quite a while.
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