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Everything posted by phoenix240

  1. She reminds of Madame Rouge. You don't see many "serious" stretching types. Her multipower has a really nice suite of power stunts. A very flexible character...
  2. from the Streetfighter franchise of fighting games in Hero System 5th Edition terms? Its basic qualities are its very high damage, requires him to grab the target and hoist them into position and knocks them down. It also takes a bit longer and needs room since he had to leap into the air to pull it off (how high varies from version to version). In the narrative the spinning serves to disorient the his target making it more difficult for them to escape or recover after being slammed.
  3. That's the definition but it tends to get lost in the implementation unfortunately.
  4. I guess "Child Like Mind/personality/mentality" could be a Disadvantage/Complication. It doesn't necessarily mean she's thinks slowly just she processes things differently from an mentally typical adult, has child like affectations, etc.
  5. Speed 5 is pretty high in the games I've played in, particularly for a Brick and/or someone with Area of Effect attacks. Just one of those Mileage will vary things.
  6. Always had a soft spot for Carpathia though I never had a chance to use her in a game. Didn't she have a child like mind?
  7. I always worry that, combined with a high Spd that AE is a little too powerful since the only option is DFC or Suck it up (since the chance of missing of missing an adjacent hex is negligible) and DFC is Full Phase action (and leaves the character sort of vulnerable even if its successful). Though I guess 5 isn't a high Spd in many games.
  8. I've heard that some GMs call for it too. For some games, when I'm trying for more realism (or at least verisimilitude) I ask for something more developed too, sometimes less so and more handwaved. It depends on the mood of the game so I don't feel its automatically a requirement for any given character but dependent on the GM and the desired mood. Why was trying to trace the arrows silly?
  9. That sort of thing is really campaign dependent. I like coherent explanations codified on the sheet but I don't usually demand them and assume the cost paid for the power includes where it comes from as part of the sfx. You don't need to Weapons Familiarity for powers you pay points for, after all (unless that's changed in 6th edition) and Charges that are difficult to recover are worth more of a Limitation. In any case, its bad form for a GM to require a character sheet justification for your powers then spring it on you in play.
  10. Foresight Magenta Psiren Oracle
  11. You guys are falling for the bloodsuckers' propaganda!
  12. Notice where most of the blood based dishes are clustered...
  13. Thanks, I can really run off mouth (fingers?) when I get a good head of steam going.
  14. I intend to use this thread to post character sheets for the characters chosen in the Super Image Game thread. If their creators have any suggestions or additional thoughts to add, please feel free to PM with the details. And of course they or anyone should post their own take on the mechanical side of the characters if they like. I'll be using 5th Edition as close to RAW as I can but some of my internalized House Rules might slip in. But I'm sure someone will let me know when it happens. Thank you. The current list of winning characters is: Crimson Phoenix Doppler Monsieur Vaillant, aka Mr. Valiant Captain Star Forza The Iron Militia: Hardhead, Fastshot, Sniper Sugar Skull Dr. Helena St. Thomas Phantom Geisha See the thread for more details.
  15. Congratulations, Christopher. Hm, maybe I went overboard with Lady Morpheus?
  16. Nothing to apologize for at all. Please use those pictures when you can. I like them.
  17. Name: Lady Morpheus No one knows who she is and where she comes from but her one woman crusade of punishment is unlike most heroes and vigilante she doesn't attack physically but strikes in the mind, haunting her target's deepest dreams and darkest nightmares. They are drawn into a psychic landscape where Lady Morpheus seems to have absolute control and subjected to harrowing tests that take them to edge of sanity. Those that learn the lessons the Lady teaches return, shaken, often wracked with crushing guilt and regret for their sins usually turning themselves in to the authority though some of have committed suicide, usually publicly and in a gory painful fashion as if seeking penance, crying out to the Lady for forgiveness which is the main reason the world even knows of her existence. Others are driven permanently mad. Lady Morpheus' exploits aren't without question though. Some of her targets don't seem to be truly guilty at least not of anything worth suffering they endure while others seemingly much worse seem to have little effect. Petty thieves may immolate themselves in atonement while con man that have left families destitute and homeless may only seem to suffer some sleepless night. Exactly what criteria the lady uses is unknown. Her target profile favors those who abuse others: violent thieves, domestic and child abuse and violent sex offenders, pimps, pushers, those that prey on others but sometimes her targets include prostitutes, addicts, etc, the victims of who she usually punishes. Her powers invoke the manipulation of dreams and memories. She can draw sleeping targets into what amount to an illusionary world where she can make almost anything happen but usually draws on subjects and material from her targets made for inspiration. The one thing she can't seem to do is make more than cosmetic changes to her target such as making younger or older, even as much as gender sway but their essential self remains the same. She also has a physical form in the dreamscape which is quite powerful but can be physically assault and while possessed of sharp senses and supernal means of awareness isn't omniscient;. She can be fought but is more than a match for her essentially normal, mortal targets. Her capabilities in the real world are completely unknown. Notes: Lady Morpheus is a mutant, a psychic vampire that feeds on guilt. She can sense a person guilt and draws on it while she torments them in the dream world. In reality she is demure mousy women that wouldn't drawn any attention, frail and withdrawn that works in a bookstore. Though she tries to use her abilities to do some good her power is also a curse She needs to feel on guilt and she will die. Normal food does not sustain her and the more she holds off the more her hunger grows, sometimes causing her to lash out at people she wouldn't normally target out of desperation. This starting to wear at her sanity and her conscious to the point she may snap entirely but perhaps she can still be saved. Edit: Not the best, but I wanted to at least make an effort.
  18. And nice example of it, IMO.
  19. Right now its still Boloofearth's turn.
  20. Some things are more challenging than others. I find it more difficult to come up with ideas for photographic images than drawings or the like. Not sure why. Anyway, it wasn't a complaint just wondering if anyone experienced that.
  21. Does anyone else find the photographic images more difficult to come up with concepts for?
  22. Its funny I'd have no problem with the outfit as a superhero costume but it just feels so gaudy as a "uniform".
  23. The name Telekinsis (and Psychokinsis) bring allot of baggage with them. TK is often depicted as essentially an "I win" power unless confronted by opposing TK. It can't be resisted, doesn't "miss", goes right through barriers, is LOS, etc.
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