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Everything posted by phoenix240

  1. Recoil is the most disturbing non comedic looking Stretching character I've seen. He's not only in the uncanny valley that guy has a summer house there.
  2. That's the conclusion that we came too in our group campaign. We couldn't deny strength to escape from a giant "hand" of animated rock or a forcefield construct to grab and suspend someone in the air, both potential sfx of TK so doing so for "psychokinsis" is a power Advantage for a sfx. Psychokinsis is some times depicted as just being psionic force like an invisible hand (or fist) and we decided that the last problemetic default for our setting since its pretty balanced.
  3. Oh! I recall that. Just not the name. Thank you
  4. As a GM do you allow a character being held in the air with Telekinsis to use their Strength to escape (which is RAW, IIRC) despite of the idea that (for some sfx anyway like Psychokinsis) they have no "leverage"? Do you reduce or penalize the attempt if you do?
  5. yeah, it would make it harder to act covertly in your secret ID, might reflect a job with higher than normal levels of responsibilities and obligations, more people watching you and asking question, etc.
  6. What have the winners been so far?
  7. Hello again. Got a bit distracted but I'm back. Really happy to see this thread is still going on.
  8. I loved her "Not Another Teen movie! I had now idea she was a Champions character. Sorry, my inner 11 yr old demanded it.
  9. Does anyone know of a good set of guide lines for converting characters between M and M 3rd to Champions? I recently purchased a number of "Acts of Villainy" supplements and want to switch them over.
  10. Interesting picture. I'll have to think about this one.
  11. I think I'd call this guy "Ice Age"
  12. Name: Peter Darwin (Formerly: Horst Mueller) Hero name: Redstar Background: The advent of the superhuman (usually placed shortly before the beginning of World War 2) lead to an arms as the various national powers attempted to harness the powers of these exceptional beings. Over the course of the war the notion of creating superhumans grew popular. Germany quickly moved into the forefront of the nascent field due in no small part to sheer ruthlessness. Subjects lives were spent like water and a litany of horrors performed in hidden laboratories the name the Reich. But surprisingly few successes were produced but other projects produce at best one or two "Super Soldier" (American G.I., Union Jack and Monsieur Valiliant) or teams of highly trained, well equipped but "natural" super beings (see Force America or the Kingsmen). On the other hands, those projects, while enthusiastic and aggressive were pursued with at least some degree of ethics and humanity so the human toll in lives and number of twisted failures was far far less. Still, the German efforts did achieve its aims for the most part. The boy that would be known as Redstar" was one of first. The product of an already extant eugenics program his exceptional physical aptitude was clear even from early childhood and back by a sharp mind. Further testing indicated that boy possessed even more potential, laying dormant in his genes. So began an endless battery of tests, treatments and experiments designed to lock that potential accompanied by relentless indoctrination design to engender loyalty and a fanatical patriotism in the subject dubbed "Esienmenche". The project continued over most of the war but the being that resulted exceeded even his power hungry creators expectations, a superhuman that might even rival Free Spirit in raw power. But it was all in vain. The Reich lost, the war ended with the victorious Allies forces marching across Germany. It was a Russian force that found the secluded facility where Esienmenche lay, deep in suspended animation. They seized him along with everything else on the project and the entire incident was covered. The would be Esienmenche was lay, almost forgotten, in a secret bunker for decades. Until during the Cold War, a cadre of official stumbled across the record of his discovery and decided to try and utilize him as an asset. His mind was very carefully probed by psionic agents who constructed a new persona and insert new memories based on his original conditioning but with loyalty turned towards Soviet Union. At first, Red Star as he came to be known, was a great success. Powerful, charismatic and loyal, he made a perfect status symbol and figurehead for the Soviet Union and soon he was made head of the national metahuman team: October Guard. But shortly before the Proprietor Wars the Guard came up against the villain collective known as Anarchy Alliance and the telepath "Mind****" used her power to shatter the intricate and delicate that had been constructed, revealing Red Star's life as a life and flooding his mind with a mixture of horrific flash back to the Nazi labs and fragments of what little childhood he'd actually had. After brutal battle that left most of his team incapacitated, the insane metahuman headed to London, bent on carrying out a delusional mission to conquer England. He was met a collection of local metahumans including Big Ben, Paladin Hard Knight and Lady White. Working together, the heroes managed to contain Red Star long enough for Witch to make contact with his broken mind. She attempted to heal him but the damage was too much and there was too little to work with and less time. She was able to contact that small core of original nature, the boy inside that just wanted to be a hero and a champion of the people and awaken it. Horrified by what he'd done, become and what he'd become and aware this rationality wouldn't last, Redstar turned his power inward and was seemingly consumed in a blaze of crimson light. It wasn't until several days later that childless couple Edgar and Sally Darwin found a young boy wandering the streets, dressed in rags with no memory of how and who is was. Puzzled but quickly endeared by the charming child they took him with them to their country home. They knew they should report the child to the authorities but they had become very attached him and couldn't find any reports of a missing or abducted child so they eventually explained him as the child of a cousin who'd passed away. They named him Peter `It was long after that the boy began to display unusual abilities: greater strength and speed than a child his age should have. He was really enthralled by superheroes, watching any and all stores about with the rapt awe. Sally eventually made him a costume of his own, fashioning it to the boy's instructions all in red (Peter's favorite color). As suited the symbol on the chest, he's begun called himself "Red Star" though no one has made the connection yet. Personality: Red Star is a typical little boy in most ways. He's very bright, energetic and creative with a love of superheroes and adventure. Peter is very aware of his physical superiority and treats his playmates carefully. He truly wants to live up to his idols (and the mollify his subconscious guilt over his past). Unfortunately, his past life is not totally forgotten. Memories surface as nightmares and inapplicable emotional reactions triggered by sights, sounds, people, etc that remind him of his pasty. His adopted parents are considered counseling but so far these moments haven't been dangerous just a little odd. Powers: As an adult, Red Star had the classic array of super powers: Incredible strength, stamina, speed and endurance. He could lift nearly a hundred tons and easily withstand military grade weapons. He could fly at mach speeds via an unknown mechanism and project concussive bolts from his hands and eyes powerful enough to wreck armored fighting vehicles. By drawing on some inner reserve he could momentarily enhance his powers, heal himself and even demonstrate some minor psychokinetic and psionic abilities such as psychometry and moving objects at a distance. One his more unusual powers came from the control he has over his physical make up: he can control his appearance down to the color of his eyes and tone of voice. This control is mostly subconscious and seems to respond his emotional states, needs and the expectations of those around him meaning his appearance is exceptionally striking to a virtually superhuman degree. He mav have even greater potential. Some of his handlers theorize that all his abilities are psionic in nature. Peter has only manifested a tiny amount of these abilities. He is faster, stronger and more hardy than any child of his age should be, a match for many adults but not quite superhuman outside of relative comparison. Sometimes he gets "feelings" about people, objects and places, small flashes of intuition and other vestiges of psionic abilities. He hasn't manifested any sign of his energy generation or shapeshifting abilities so far and his resistant to injury hasn't really been tested by anything outside of normal childhood risk (to which he's proved to be immune).
  13. I'll give it to Monsieur Vaillant. The next picture is yours, wcw43921
  14. Would you all prefer to wait for the deadline (Sunday) or that I go ahead and give it Monsieur Vaillant?
  15. I guess you could model them as a Grab then throw to the ground? Oh, okay! sorry, was a bit dense there.
  16. She's looked pretty good and its like there's a French themed superhero trend this morning (see the Image game). I'm curious why you decided to go with Martial Multipower over Martial Maneuvers and Damage Classes.
  17. You guys are creative. And just a wee bit demented.
  18. If no one posts anything for an image before the deadline that next slot is up for grabs, first come first serve. If there's only submission it wins by default.
  19. Thank you! For the next round:
  20. There was something about the Asesino's that never quite clicked with me. I guess they seemed a little random and off beat. They had sort of a horror them going, I suppose. Hm, maybe if I shuffle some of the members it might work...
  21. I need a few low end C-lister type villains that would work in the Colorado area, particularly around Denver, canon, Champions U. or homebrew are fine and I don't need full character sheets. Capsules or even suggestions are fine. Thank you!
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