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Everything posted by phoenix240

  1. Duets were pretty popular in comics, two characters that shared mutual goals and usually a theme that shaped their powers, code names and appearance. I thought it might make a fun game to come up with some of these pairs. One poster suggests the names then others offer their suggestions in as much detail as they like. Full character sheets are not required (but would be cool) but generally an origin and power summary that conveys the duo's theme is a minimum. After some time, the person that suggested the name picks the winner and that post picks a name and so on. Bonus points for tying your suggestion into the others (enemies, hunteds, rivals, etc) If anyone is interested I'd like to start. Razzle and Dazzle.
  2. I thought I'd toss this up here since it might be of interest. Vote early and vote often!
  3. Would PSLs to offset the Pulling a Punch Modifier work? You could even call the Power "Used to living in a world made out of cardboard..." or something similar. I'd imagine characters with Disadvantages like Crushing Grip probably can't Pull their Punches or suffer an increase Penalty.
  4. Howard Wallowitz Estimated Characteristics: Straight 8's for physicals, Intellect 12, Ego 11, Presence 8 Comeliness 8* Figured as calculated Skills of note: PS: Engineer +1, Science Mechanical Engineering, Sci: Robotics, Electronics, Mechanics, KS: “Geek” culture, Lang: Klingon, Sindarin, (basic conversation) International Sign language French, Mandarin, Russian, Arabic, Persian, Japanese, (Fluent conversation) Computer Programming, Mimicry, PS: Dungeon Master (Pre Based) +1 Systems Operation, Inventor Disadvantages of note: Psych Lim: Lecherous (later trades for for In Love with Bernadette or at least buys it down), Psych: thinks he has the Seduction skill, he does not. Physical: Nut allergy. Psych: Insecurity particularly Intellectual *Again based on other character's reactions to his appearance in the show both his actual appearance and odd fashion sense.
  5. My headcanon has Cheetara able to maintain Quicksilver (mainstream Marvel universe) like speeds over land for extended periods and demonstrate higher level almost Flash level for short bursts like combat conditions. I remember her pulling off some impressive speed stunts in the original series but she couldnt' do things like circle Third Earth in a few moments.
  6. A race that would be over before the starter shot fully cleared the barrel.
  7. Are you using Fifth or Sixth Edition?
  8. Thank you. I haven't heard of that movie before but it sounds like fun.
  9. Amy Farrah Fowler Noteworthy items Char: Int 12-14, Com: 8* Skills:Science: Neurobiology, Anatomy), Animal Handler (primates, rodents), KS: Canterbury Tales Disads: In Love with Sheldon (Uncom, Str), Crush on Penny (uncom, Mod), Wants to belong socially (uncom, strong) *Hollywood "ugly", based on in setting reactions to her appearance not the actress that depicts her.
  10. I can see where its debatable either way. You do become immune to more and more damage but its from a single source: your own power which could be seen as a binary state: You're either immune to your own power or you're not. If you're power is Aided or otherwise enhanced do you do you become less immune to it?
  11. Yeah, you really have to take the rules as guidelines in many cases especially Advantages and Limitations (Disadvantage and Complications too).
  12. That seems a little steep unless the sibling conflict is going to be a major part of the game.
  13. I didn't get that impression and its certainly not what I was saying. My issue was that the Disadvantage while being fairly hefty is, in some campaign styles, not really that disadvantageous. In that it doesn't really restrict the PCs actions to the degree that 20-15 points Disadvantage usually would if it mainly comes down to "My character won't go out of their way to kill even if its convenient or to their benefit" taking situations like self defense or defense of another. Speaking personally, in most of my games I consider that to be more or less the default of a psychologically healthy human being in modern Western Society so that wouldn't be worth any points. An actual Code vs Killing would have to create more of a issue, more often to be worth anything.
  14. I agree. There's a difference between making a character that isn't player character optimized and designing someone to be killed. The line is going to be somewhat subjective and depending on the game in question but ever encountered character isn't going to fit neatly the campaign PC creation guideline sheet. As far as role playing CvK I consider being cautious with potentially lethal powers against unknown opponents part of the role playing the psych limitation, a larger part than not finishing off helpless opponents.
  15. The Ultimate Stuffed Tony Burger: Fresh ground Black Angus beef stuffed w/ Trinity (sautéed onions, peppers, celery), Conecuh sausage, 3 cheeses & jalapeños then glazed w/ our Creole BBQ sauce, topped w/ candied jalapeños, Conecuh bacon, sharp cheddar, smoked gouda cheeses & a fried egg. Served w/ one side & pickle. Served at the Hungry Owl. You feel kind of tired and cheap but really good after having it. So its sort of like sex. ... What?
  16. Is it? I haven't seen the shot before. Is its from something?
  17. Detect: Female humanoids taking a shower (Mental, Targetting, Ranged, Telescopic, etc) :-D
  18. How does the character know "Their opponent is a weakling and can't take the hit" if they haven't fought them before, never seen them in take a hit, etc? They have no meta game knowledge of the opponent's character sheet and how many characters in the source material look tougher or weaker than they are? Is there anything about Supergirl, for example that screams "I can bounce artillery off my chest" aside from the S on her shirt? Player characters don't get to read character sheets in setting. That's what holding back, doing lower dice, etc, is meant to simulate. Testing your target to see if they can take it before you shoot them in the face with a full power 14d6 Quantum Blast on the assumption that because its a game, they can take it. Even their damage output isn't a definitive indicator. "Glass Cannons" are pretty common in comics (Cyclops and Storm being good examples). Skills and other abilities that represent experience and research can help too. KS: Metahumans, Analyze abilities, Detects, etc. Stun Only attacks are possible or Grabs, Entangles, etc. Or don't get a full on Total Commitment CvK, get a lesser value or a different code that depicts their feeling on lethal force. I described a couple earlier. Honestly, I don't think the Total level of CvK is as common as thought outside of very silver age four color comics and stories meant for younger audiences. Almost every published superhero has killed or been willing too at some point in their history. but of course, how much is personality and how much is different writers is open to debate.
  19. True. Not every depiction of a character is going to be the same. Because Comic Book Batman has a CvK doesn't mean every movie Batman will have one or at the same level. That's really my point if you take something Common, Total Commitment then its going to be extreme by definition. There's only so many "Buts" and exceptions you can layer on before it should be reduced to a lower value.
  20. To put it a different way, the characters I've mostly seen with CvK aren't "playing in genre". It means more then writing CvK on your disadvantages list then proceeding to blast away at full strength any and all targets with the certainty they can take it regardless of if they are an armored behemoth or a slender girl in a body stocking, going all out with autofire and explosive attacks because no bystanders will be hurt (or that doesn't count because you're not "deliberately" trying to kill anyone) or the ever popular "They'll live." i wouldn't suggest just spring something like the Gilt Complex (I do think its heavy handed) but you should definitely talk with your players and let them know how you feel CvK should be played and will be handled AND that not all opponents are going to be built to PC specs. Some will be more vulnerable, some will be tougher and you can't rest assured on the game mechanics to shield you from consequences.
  21. Exactly. Its 15-20 points of Disadvantage/Complication that rarely comes up. Not being able to commit premeditated murder to make your life easier just hasn't been a common enough issue in any games I've played to be worth that much of a complication. No you can't beat your Hunted to death but you're rarely in the position to do that and not be known as a murderer, few characters have that kind of personality in the first place and finally it doesn't "solve" anything. Either some one else will take their place or there will be other challenges...or the game ends. I don't believe in "Screwing the players" but I do think if you get a Disad/Complication it should be tested and to some degree (based on its value) limit the character's behavior. I generally haven't found that to be the case with really high end CvK at the Superhero level. Its' "genre appropriate" in the sense several characters in the source material appear to have it but then they also face situations where it actually means something and take pains to curb their behavior. IME, that's not been true as the rpg venue, not as much as player assume automatically the opponents are "balanced" and thus hard to kill. I'd go so far to say that in a truly 4 color cartoon violence only campaign Cvk is worth nothing. Its a Everyman Disadvantage that's rarely going to come up or be tested. That's perfectly fine but I'd lower the reward for CvK to something that better reflects how hindering it is or, yes, its coming to come up more than once in a blue moon. Actually, I have character without much resistance defence or sub par defenses across the board anyway. Not every one is built to campaign specs. It feels more believable to me. MMV.
  22. IIRC, The Gilt Complex was pretty controversial at the time. Some players thought it was too much of a set up since it didn't adhere to the assumption that NPC will be balanced for the campaign guidelines.
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