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Christopher R Taylor

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Everything posted by Christopher R Taylor

  1. Other than "good guy has to escape from prison" stories, I think comics were better off back when they just didn't bother wondering what happened to arrested bad guys. There are too many ethical questions and undesirable ponderables coming from the entire concept.
  2. Yeah for super high regen guys, in a Hero build its defenses that have the special effect "regeneration" for most cases. They just regen so fast the damage is negligible or ignored.
  3. Its also resistant, so the cost is higher for rPD. But because its a random amount. It can absorb up to 6 but most likely will be 3.5, so you get a discount on the price. I think Damage Negation was an unnecessary complication and addition nobody was asking for, but its somewhat useful in some build ideas.
  4. I think DOT, flash attacks, and extra time would have to be reworked for a system that deleted speed as a stat.
  5. Yeah I like Zach Snyder's work, and he's a very skilled director with a fascinating vision, but the wrong choice for Superman's uplifting, inspirational themes and messages.
  6. You don't need to buy microwave popcorn, just regular popcorn and a paper bag. Put 1/3rd cup in a paper lunch sack, throw it in your nuker; takes around 2 minutes but it depends on your microwave, you'll have to experiment a bit to find the sweet spot but then you're set.
  7. If everyone's speed is the same then the only significance of the number is how often people get free recoveries.
  8. I've never fixed Speed, but I have been in games where all the heroes and bad guys tended to be within 1 point of each other, which is pretty much the same thing. Combat goes somewhat more quickly and regimented, because everyone moves more or less at the same time, but you lose a lot of interesting interaction and flexibility. Speed is a good representation of someone's combat training and overall ability fighting. Someone with even 1 more point of speed can be much more effective in combat, and several points makes a huge difference. Taking that away does reduce the interest in combat, and removes a lot of options and flexibility that might otherwise be possible. I don't recommend it particularly as this will tend to remove one of Hero's key distinctives.
  9. Superman was only tolerable as a character because of his moral code which prevented him from crossing certain lines. The indestructable, handsome, all-powerful hero is really unlikable and impossible to relate to unless he specifically limits himself with a code of behavior which is appealing. Drop that and he's a terrifying, marauding alien stomping around on earth, unstoppable and unlikable. He's only heroic by happenstance, not will or design. He may save the kitty from the tree for a little girl or he may burn the tree to a cinder while fighting someone else, frying the little girl, too.
  10. Yeah as I've said many times before, people who don't like Superman loved the new movies. People who were actual fans, hated them. Its like having a James Bond movie where he's a boat rental agent in Hawaii who has adventures saving sharks from nets and its all exciting and epic. People who know nothing about James Bond might love it but fans will yell what the hell was that crap??? You can make the movies Snyder made, just don't make them about established characters with over a half century of lore. Its okay to make some changes for the shift in media and your story. Thor without red hair? OK, meh. Thor without a hammer, from Brazil, who solves crimes with his buddies Rick and TC in a helicopter? No.
  11. Yeah I'd go with a variant on presence attack or persuasion. In fact, I'd expect the player to role play it "what do you mean your plan? You never had a plan!" then boost it with a roll to get the villain to start talking.
  12. One of the parts of stories that is consistently satisfying is watching a hero who seems utterly without options, totally trapped and pinned down... finding a way to triumph anyway. Superman over the decades has done this over and over (Batman, Spider-Man, etc as well): how to defeat the bad guy without murdering them. This is the entire premise of the writing of Stephen Moffat (Dr Who, Sherlock): put your hero into impossible situations and yet they triumph. Man of Steel set out deliberately to have him murder Zod. The writing wrote him into a corner where it seemed like that was his only option, so its more gritty and badass, its EPIC! (sound of pounding music). The negative zone projector is destroyed! He can't banish them! Take that, old Superman stories! A good writer would have come up with a way for Superman to stop Zod and protect the city without murder. A lazy one has him twist the guy's head, despite being unable to stop his head from turning because he's so strong (??).
  13. You could use a transform cosmetic blank film into film with images, but really Lets not get silly
  14. A better approach would be to just pretend none of that awful crap ever happened in the last two Superman films and just fire off Justice League with a different tone. Don't even bother explaining; its just Justice League now. Nobody will miss the other stuff except people who pretty much hate superhero films anyway. Continuity is supposed to be a fun feature, not a set of chains forcing you into specific actions. At most it ought to be a callback or a reference to a previous film, not a forced continuous single story.
  15. That's what I figured, its basically what I am trying to do but with a better budget and more people Maybe once I get everything done I can do a kickstarter for a box set or to launch the full set. Each book takes me a year or more to do though, so it may be a while.
  16. I think DC lives in terror of Cloony/Schumachrer's Batman And Robin being their legacy. So they are striving with everything they have to never have a single moment like the old 60s Batman show.
  17. Buy it vs liquids because some of those cheeses are quite runny!
  18. I really think Booster Gold could be DC's answer to Deadpool: not rated R but a goofy, funny guy that plays a different side of heroism than the grimdark angst fest of betrayal and failure.
  19. Sure, but the limitation on it is what my namesake mentions above: The Area Effect is an advantage, but it offers nothing advantageous, it actually limits what you can teleport through it.
  20. I almost never have told a player they cannot have a given power, because it makes me have to think of different concepts and challenges to deal with what they built. Like how to deal with the immortal guy who takes no stun damage and regenerates (tie him up, etc; he spent nearly all his points just to have that), or the guy that gave everyone Mental Defense Aid (since everyone has MD by default in my campaign). There are some powers that are really obnoxious and difficult for the campaign. Speed drain is one, such as katal3 mentioned. Power Pools I'd give people a time limit and strongly suggest they have a list of powers in advance to pick from rather than on the fly because they slow the game down and make the character spend all the time not active on their phase building the "perfect" power. But I don't like saying just flat "no" if I can possibly help it.
  21. Isn't Narosia basically the same concept, a re-skinned Fantasy Hero? But with a bigger budget than me?
  22. Yeah I don't really understand why though. Usable against others/by others doesn't specify size. Teleport doesn't specify size. Just this one construction. Again I agree it seems to make sense, But again, the power as written teleport's mass, not size. Two objects of the same mass: one the size of a BB and the other the size of the empire state building; both can be teleported without regard to their area, only their mass. That's how I understand it and how the rules are written, even in the description of UOO, its about mass, not size. I get the concept behind the Area Effect: it simulates what you see in images and concepts of a gate: a circle x size, you can't get an elephant through. But that seems to me to be a limitation on teleport, not an advantage. You're not making the teleport more powerful by putting the size restriction on it, you're making it less powerful.
  23. "Joll-hroce" I guess. But the customer can pronounce it any way they want
  24. This is what my "Player's Handbook/DM guide*" will be for my Jolrhos campaign. Its going to be a fully released game, using 4th edition as a template for layout and simplicity, but using 6th edition rules with some house rule changes that are specific to the campaign. Assuming I can get the okay from Hero, and can get it written. Also planned is an introductory adventure and set of characters to drop people directly into the game as easily and quickly as possible. *What they'll actually be called I'll figure out when I get to the final writing of course.
  25. While Area Effect makes sense in a visual way, the nature of teleport doesn't involve size, just mass. If you can be ported, you can be ported. So a 400 cubic foot balloon and a block of concrete are both going, no matter their relative sizes.
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