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Everything posted by Robyn

  1. Re: Dark Champions the Anime Series Lawful Evil? Lawful Good. Just like Darth Vader. Well, less like him, now that the first 3 movies have come out.
  2. Re: Cluttered Universes In theory you can take a Play4Sure media file and run it on Windows Vista
  3. Re: Genre Conventions 2: What is Cool? Glancing over the variety of answers, I've come to realize that an understatement effect may be in play here. Quoting from the OP: The idea I was trying for here is that it's worthwhile to repeat the "This is cool." statements uttered by others, because it enables the GM to identify them as sentiments endorsed by the group, not just by one player. Whereas thinking "It's been said." and that this is enough will understate the sentiment. So, yes, I could use this thread (and other such questionnaires) to assemble a list of what sorts of things people find fun in each genre. But that's not what I'm after. I'm hoping for more of a poll/vote; particularly articulate people may want to express something themselves, even when described by previous replyers (repliers? people who replied?), but the important part is chiming in to say "Me too!" so you become part of a group (and the individuals who did express what they liked don't feel quite so lonely ).
  4. Re: I finished reading 5th Edition, Revised Not the "GM is final arbiter of the rules" I was looking for, but Christopher may have been just paraphrasing from memory.
  5. Re: I finished reading 5th Edition, Revised That's fair How about ideas? I seem to have made it into someone's sigline for the 3rd Law of HERO, though I distinctly recall attributing that to you
  6. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero "All I ever wanted was to live a normal life, but people won't leave you alone if you've got superpowers. They automatically assume that you've got to be either a hero or a villain, and, if you're not known as a hero, you must be one of those sneaky villains who are managing to conceal their deeds from the world! Every unsolved crime in the area got pinned on me, and finally I realized that I would have to declare myself, one way or another, just to end it. Becoming a villain didn't seem very helpful, so now I make a habit of thwarting them every once in a while, just to maintain my reputation for not being a villain." "Not all heroes can maintain a secret ID, you know. Some of them have to wander around in costume, where everyone can see them, or sneak around and try to hide so people don't cluster and gawk and stare and cheer. It's bad enough trying to catch the villains without them being able to keep an eye on the 'Celebrity Spotlight' radio that constantly updates hero sightings, and clear out of the area whenever a hero is spotted nearby. I'm just trying to numb everyone to the sight of spandex by doing my part to flood the streets with people dressed like a superhero."
  7. Re: I finished reading 5th Edition, Revised That text you quoted from 5ER? It's not in the 4th Edition sourcebook. Which, to me, pretty much proves the point he was making to ghost-angel:
  8. Re: I finished reading 5th Edition, Revised Well said, and thank you (Rep forthcoming). It's one of those general truisms that needs to be pointed out
  9. Re: I finished reading 5th Edition, Revised It's possible to add that context without, as you tried to do ("ignoring the Mechanics of the System"), removing the example from its existing context. A magical effect applied by the Gods
  10. Re: Is Find Weakness mispriced? Compaq, on the other hand, has a great deal to answer for. Screw the screws, I say
  11. Re: Reading FRED for the First Time Not proud. Just . . . appreciative of how bad it could have been
  12. Re: I finished reading 5th Edition, Revised 5ER gives "claws, fangs, bladed weapons such as knives, and laser swords" as examples (also "bullets, arrows, lasers, flamethrowers, and throwing knives"), but these don't matter. A game world could easily incorporate some other group of attacks as "Killing", and the mechanics would lead to NPC perceptions following after such a shift. Specifically, the mechanics that let some defenses (resistant) apply to all attacks, and other defenses (normal) apply only against some attacks. Against the resistantly armored targets, all attacks are protected against to some degree; but, against the normally armored targets, some attacks go right through, and this will be noticed by characters in the game world, leading to a conscious perception of the difference between Killing and Normal attacks (as well as an awareness of which defenses are "better"). The mechanics, as they are, cause this separation to naturally evolve in the game world.
  13. Re: The klutzy government liaison
  14. Re: I finished reading 5th Edition, Revised I never understood 4th as well as I understand 5th now (and even that isn't much), so it may be that only my lack of understanding (of 4th) was responsible for it not being confusing to me I did find this.
  15. Re: Reading FRED for the First Time Now, that's an interesting thought. Some questions may have come up only because I didn't read the other chapters, but how many more questions would I have come up with after reading the other 6 chapters?
  16. Paging Mightybec Just don't ask what "Sheep Shearing" is a euphemism for
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