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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Since EVERYONE can sweep it isn't underpriced. If EVERYONE has something, or can do something, the effective cost of said something is 0.
  2. Alright if I repeat anything anyones already said I apologize. If you are going to have these type of effects in your game you should (or I believe could would be a better term) make good and evil part of the campaign paradigm. So characters should take distinctive features for good and evil. Thus you can simple limit yopur AE: power that it only works against evil or good characters (-1/2).
  3. Thats all special effects. He still got hit, still took damage. So obviously he could be that fast . It's all interpritation. Superman's really suppposed to be invulnerable...but I've seen him take stun and on occasion body.
  4. Barry Allen could be a 6 spd W/levels for sweep, multiple move by/through and area effect powers. No where does it is say he has to be a 12 spd. Though it is a viable option.
  5. JLA. Period. I must say though, the Xmen are a better "Team" than anyone. They practice team work, tactic and Scott has a very keen strategic mind. Unfortunatly for them, the JLA aren't a team so much as a force of nature that has favored plot status.
  6. Really you need to scale games in hero? Wow Glad someone told me.... (Sorry for the sarcasm )
  7. How about a Flash, AE: Radius (W/lots of Hexs, maybe mega scale), personal immunity, always on, 0 range, only effects people who look at character, blah blah blah. From here GM's fiat will dictate that the character doesn't need to make attack rolls. You can also link a create light power (images in FRed) to it, since the character is illuminating.
  8. Yes yes, 8 years of university and my spelling is still atrocous (sp?). Still I meant that Multiple move by's and such have been around for a long time. I'm well aware of there inclusion in FRed. Right track eh...I've been here for awhile .
  9. How about applying an activation roll to all spells in the area, 13-. Now add some twists, if the character misses by less than two (so a 14, 15) the spell simply fails. If the character fails by two or three (16, 17) then there is the standard side effects rule, and if the character rolls an 18, wierd shit happens. Now if the character barely makes his activation (13, 12) his spell goes off W/10 few active points. If he rolls an 11 or 10, his spell goes of as normal, if if he makes it by even more you could add 10-20 active points as dice or area effect or whatever. You could even say that the better or worse he makes his magic skill roll (if aplicable) by, that that effects the above table. From here work out a table (for efficiency) to define how much a character makes or misses by and the system effect it has on his spell, then for every two he makes his magic skill roll by it moves up one slot on the first chart. Mix this and spice it to your flavor. As far as the random effects, they don't need to charted, just wing it. Instead of a 4d6 lightning bolt you summoned the pissed of acient dragon Gods Bane. ave fun with it.
  10. Well, I don't personally care for the system either, but I've a lot of experience W/it. Yah, levels and classes suck, but combat worked fairly well, Attacks of Opertunity were hit and miss though. Lame system or not, when you mine coal you may find diamonds.
  11. I would say that's the best way of doing it. That is exactly what the penetrating advantage is for.
  12. Rick


    I'm curious as to what the SFX of this is, I'm not really clear on it.
  13. I haven't plumbed every responce here, but: I'd buy GL's ring as an END reserve say 200 end 20 (you could buy this up to) recovery, only when he says cool chant and has the Battery availible (-1.5) Note that you can break the power lim into two parts: incantations and OAF.
  14. Ummm...ok...at the risk of hijacking this thread: Monte cook is no hack, and his fingure prints on D&D 3rd are some of the shining bright spots of the system. I've been fighting W/the moving after you attack on my own after playing D&D and realizing that it didn't actually destroy the combat, even when I was running a badass monk (to use most of there best abilities you need to use a full round). edited: for terrible grammar.
  15. As I've groan W/Hero over the last 11 years I've begun to see spd as an abstact that has little to do W/metabolic rates. W/hero's latest incarnation and it's two weapon fighting, spreading, rapid attack and multiple move by/throughs (I know multiple move by/throughs are old school) seams to cover a speadsters ability to do things over a mass area to multiple targets. THis is my interpritation, I don't think steve long sees the same way.
  16. As far as D&D 3rd's movement system is concerned: Given that Monte Cook was once a line editor for Hero Games ICE, is there any question as to why combat feels oddly familiar to experienced hero gamers. It was obviously heavily influenced by Hero, there is no reason for that not to recipricate.
  17. Of course I ignore it, I just told you that I ignore. Still though it permeates a good deal of the material I buy from hero. I'm 'discussing' here on this "discussion" board why I dislike it, in an open honost 'discussion'.
  18. I'll be honost W/you Mr. Long there is only one thing I want to see. You are a renouned Tolkien-phile, I believe you even authored the latest incarnation of the LoTR RPG. I want to see your write up for a Balrog, call it a Class 5 pit fiend, an Abysal prince or real big fire devil thingy, I don't care, I just want to see what you think a Balrog should be in your sand box.
  19. Just to note this isn't a rant on Steve Long, his over all vision is something I love and is responsible for me spending more money in the last 2 years on Role playing books than I had in my entire previous life.
  20. Well since I never play in the world of Hero, my opinion is greater than a grain of salt. It just rubbs me the wrong way. It seems different for the Comics some how to me. I don't think of Hero as being a comic book game. I like my fantasy literary, my space opera cinematic, my superheroes comic. IF Steve Long is trying to recreate a Marvel/DC world, then....OK, but those worlds don't try to be anything besides what they are comic books. In hero it feels like they are trying to offer us a variaty of feels and ambiance. This to me makes it feel Jumbled, we go from Conan, to Tolkien, reality, pulp, to 4 colors to Star Wars to the Legion of Super heroes. To many different tones. this is all I'm saying. Like I said I use hero for Star Wars, L5R, Halo and my own creations, so my opinions on the hero game world aren't terribly important, though I do buy almost all of their non-champians stuff.
  21. I'm fairly open about hero interpritations. I believe that how your group interpits hero is as legitamit as mine. I also have played W/several different philosophies or interpitations. Here's my question how do you interpit speed. Here's how I've used it: A) It has been seen as a pure representation of a character's ability to move their meat. So Batman was a 4-5 speed, Superman was an 8 spd. Then it flopped, well batman always has a trick, A phase to burn (abort), an action on delay, he always has time. Superman pretty much flies really fast (lots of flight) and punches stuff (I know, simplification). So Batman became the 7-8 spd and supes was the 4-5 spd. C) And currently, we don't even use speed, and we gm fiat things like haymake and and extra time (this is for hero not champs though, who knows how we'll deal W/that). Ok, one thing: I'm an old school poster here, back when Bruce was the moderator of these boards and part owner of Hero. I rember the FIRST link debate, Bats vs. Cap't debate, I remeber the up roar over FF being under costed, I was here (and participated in) for the 20 page "can you DFC against a non-AE attack or to take a shot for a friend" debate, and I was even one of the first people to respond to a Michael Nenon rant, (it was about the U.S. trafficing Nuclear arms through canada IIRC). I KNOW, how we all can be, please don't be dicks. Argue, debate critique, DON'T flame!!!! Lets fight the urge and be friends here.
  22. Damn Lord Liaden beat me to it. Ravaging isn't what you think it is. Ravish is where your dirty mind went. I to have great distaste for this one long hero continuity. I'd of much prefered to have several unconnected worlds, a multi-verse even. Sure have the Valdorian age and the Turkian age connected, but not to space opera...atleast not how it was done here. Have Champs and Galactic Champs one universe but it needn't be connected to Alien wars. It just seems like all of the champaing books are so generic (rightfully so) that this one long continuity feels kind of plastic. I know it's not financially viable, but I'd love to see someone really create something brand new for hero, champain wise.....hmmm.....let me think on that.
  23. Nah, in the EU they claim that Vaders armor is proofed against lightsabers. In my not so humble opinion , that's dumb. Luke bouncing a shot of vader's shoulder has more to do W/a bad damage roll than anything (or as in my write up prehaps suffient combat luck). Besides Vader still clutches his arm and screams in pain, mean the lightsaber cut through it.
  24. Here's mine; Hand killing Attack (Energy): 2.5d6 ALVD (Combat Luck, +1 1/2), Does Body (+1), Reduced end (0end, +1/2) (160 Active points), OAF (-1), Independant (-2), Has no effect on energy shielding (-1/2), No Knockback (-1/2), -1 stunX (-1/2), No Strength to damage (-1/2), Str min (6, -1/2), real weapon (-1/4)....Real points: 24 Notes: MArtial arts still adds DC. I have a special DC to add to the Lightsaber so that regular MA don't get out of hand. It is not unbalancing for the game world, Jedi are supposed to be BADASS. This is how it'll will look in my game.
  25. Rick

    Beam us up!

    I don't have time to write anything up but hands down; A JEDI!!!!!!!!!!!! (with fantasy magic rules dividing points by 3 or 5) Barring that Spartan 117, Master Chief, John.
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