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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Rick


    Hey it's nice to be apreciated .
  2. Rick

    Fading Suns?

    Here you go. http://www.holistic-design.com/Downloads/FSIntro2.pdf
  3. Rick


    In a real life sence, we'd be like Blazing suns to them, we give of so much radition that we'd probably be leathal. That's if they were native to the cold enviroment.
  4. Rick

    Fading Suns?

    I just download and read the basic source material from Holist's Web site...shouldn't be a difficult translation. Fading Suns is fairly generic Space Opera. No shoe horning, remember write up the source material, not the game system.
  5. Maybe Telepathy or mind link W/a really high Offensive ECV...Just to convey the written message. Or my favorite option GM's Fiat.....
  6. Zarglif69 wrote: "RRRRRGH!!! Dragonlance is just a product of D&D!!!! This is the same as trying to play D&D with HERO!!! If you're going to play D&D, play D&D!!! you don't have to use HERO to do it!!!" Ummm...No it's not. Dragonlance is a world in which these crazy kids want to play. They are taking a world they like and bringing it to a system they like. Dragonlance is source material, not a system.
  7. Actually I really enjoy the presence stat I've found that it does it's job perfectly.
  8. Ummmm...Ok man. Do we need to bring up the difference between a Wizards/Priests spell and your Paladin's sword.
  9. Ummm ok....then they probably should be an active participant in the fight, given that prayer is an invovled activity...incantations maybe. You should probably change the limitations on combat luck to reflect these differences in SFX. Just remember Combat luck was given a fairly specific SFX. In changing the SFX your changing the talent to a degree. As far as some sort of TK is concerned...really that's a Force Field or Missile Deflection. Far more than a "Talent" should cover.
  10. I think you missed the whole spiel Nuke just wrote I think. NND can Do body W/the correct Advantages.
  11. Yah...barely. A gm needs to deal W/these issues of SFX. Still doesn't change that if your movement is hampered you don't get the Def. Apparently your devine hand doesn't work when you're asleep (that's part of the limitation of the talent).
  12. That is true, but having just read the talent, it is described as the ability to dodge attacks. People can use however they see fit but it was designed for heroic campaigns, for characters sans armor. Divinely granted protection or psyco kinetic protection should probably be a force field.
  13. Since "Monsters" will never have seduce, persuade or conversation I don't worry about it. I think a Fire Giant could be very persuasive and get a lot out of you in a conversation.
  14. I've always thought that once a character goes to non-combat movement (the true test of fleet footedness) they were out of phase and moving on every phase.
  15. Since combat luck is based on being able to move about freely: I can see a GM limiting its use when in a situation that a character has limited movement. In armor a character has restricted movement, so it follows that the characters Combat luck wouldn't work. Now a wizard using some sort of force field is a little trickier.
  16. Oh we don't make any such limits in our L5R campaign. It's all based on appropriateness and over all effect. We also divide all spell real costs by 5 and all quasi magical abilities (Chi powers, Tattooes, special abilities, Diasho awakening ect ect ect) by 2. So a straight RKA 1d6 NND, Does body, spell would cost 9 points or a special power would be 22 points. That's not incl,uding any other advantages or Limitations.
  17. I've been imagining that most of these NND attacks have been of the Does Body (+1) variety. Which is very fantasy hero like.
  18. Well it, as you said depends on the game. Is every henchman evil, is every monster evil or every fantasic creature of the wilderness? If the only thing you ever fight in the game is evil than yes that is not an appropriate defence. I think though that most people will realize that the fight a lot more than just what is considered evil in their world. I've a hard time believing that anyone plays in such a world, where you only fight "EVIL" enemies. Even in D&D most people are supposed to fall into the nuetral alignment (Though this has failed some what in practice in their materials), with only the truly virtuos or vile falling into either extreme. That is why whenever you set these types of lims or advantages you need to look at your world. I've always seent he term common defence or set of uncommon circumstances to mean "Reasonable". Obviously this is just my interpitation. So for NND Gas attacks, if someone has a rebreather or a gas mask or doesn't breath than they aren't effected. Where as if someone writes up a power that is say an NND Kryponite blast defense of not being kryptonian, you should realize they are telling superman that the defense is actually, "not being you" (he is the only kryptonian) and that this power write up may be inappropriate.
  19. What agian makes NND a useless power advantage?
  20. Hell yah combat luck is really common in my planned Star Wars Campaign. To the point that I'll charge 1 point for +1 resistant defense (PD or ED), so that everyone doesn't have the same amount of resistant defence.. Jedi, other heroes and important bad guys like Sith darkjedi and bad ass bounty hunters will all have Combat luck. Storm Troopers and Battle droids, no combat luck.
  21. Just as a side note I dig the Inkyo Avatar Shinrin.
  22. In that case I'll shut the hell up...
  23. It limits the usefulness of the power. An eb can effect everyone, so an eb that only effects evil characters limits the usefulness of the EB, thus making it a limitation. You can't use it against animals or nuetral characters, or for that matter what if you have to fight the good guys....
  24. Really I thought that was the only way to do it now...(sarcasm) Of course it's the only real way to do it and make magic accessible to players in a way that lets a wizard compete W/a warrior, or to allow characters to blend arctypes. Other wise the point costs just get to restrictive, or you end up giving spell caster an extra 50pts or so...which is wjhat dividing the points does anyways.
  25. Actually mines an ALVD against combat luck, but it also has a (-1/2) limitation, doesn't effect energy shielding.
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