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Posts posted by Weldun

  1. On 2/24/2024 at 3:03 AM, Steve said:

    I miss @Drhoz. It’s been too long since the last update.

    On 2/24/2024 at 12:12 PM, Sundog said:

    We've had a bunch of disruption to our games, between holidays and a few illnesses.


    You have to understand that @Drhoz works outdoors, has been on holidays and returned to work during a heatwave.

    Quotes are inbound, but my man needs some recovery time. 😉

  2. 9 hours ago, Opal said:

    Civilla also gets points for protagonist potential and hints of an internal life, tho.



    Thank you. I have the advantage of having already sketched out the family's internal politics through two other characters and campaigns, so considering where she fits in amongst that and how it relates to the campaign was fairly simple. 
    As a side note, Changelings in Pathfinder aren't shapeshifters, but the offspring of hags who are then left with humanoids (usually humans) to be raised. (https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Changeling)

  3. On 6/1/2021 at 2:08 AM, Opal said:

    ...kinda like the whole Male Gaze thing may have done with the character concepts and illos of the PCs.


    I'll grant you that on the illustrations, a fact that I often lament when I'm trying to source illustrations. But I'm curious as to where you feel the Male Gaze applies to Civilla and Ayva's concepts. Genuinely asking, because I don't see it but will admit to possibly being unable to see past some cultural conditioning. (BTW: I'm Civilla's player, so I really would like to know what triggered any alarm bells.)

  4. On 10/17/2019 at 7:50 PM, Drhoz said:
    Champions - Return to Edge City : The Valhalla Invitational

    01 - Lu Deng (Danny Lu) - Kung Fu w/ Flaming Ki powers and abilities similar to "The Glow" of Bushido's higher-ups. Owner and Proprietor of the Eight Lanterns Chinese Restaurant in San Francisco.
    02 - Makoto - Shorinji Kempo w/ Psychokinetic abilities. Three time champion of the Valhalla Invitational.
    03 - Manni - Personal System (A mix of Parkour and Capoeira). Brazillian fighter with a knack for spotting an opponent's weaknesses.
    04 - Sunblade - Personal System (A mix of Krabi-Krabong, Muay Lert Rit and Shotokan Karate). Canadian fighter of mixed Japanese and Thai decent.
    05 - The Paindancer - Professional Wrestling. Dirty fighter and general jerkface.
    06 - Junzo Izumo - Sumo. Disgraced Sumotori w/ gambling problem.
    07 - Tabytha- White Tiger Kung Fu w/ Pyrokinesis. Tiger Moreau.
    08 - Winter - Obscure but vicious style. "Wolf Moreau"
    09 - Bobby Coffin - Personal School of Boxing. Disgraced Boxer.
    10 - Elliott Espinosa - Western Kickboxing. Fun-loving Florida lad with an interest in occult mysteries.
    11 - Green Dragon - Kung Fu. Martial Arts Supervillain.
    12 - Shogun - Personal System (Gingaken). Leader of the Zone Gang, Bushido, and master of "The Glow".
    13 - Fang - Snake-style Kung Fu. Mysterious warrior in identity-concealing costume.
    14 - Rikki - Mongoose style. Member of Project Mongoose to boot.
    15 - Zack - Savate w/ minor telepathy. Moreau Honey Possum. (?????!!!)
    16 - Ghost Shadow - Taijustsu. Weeaboo and Ninja of the Six Teens.


    If some of these seem familiar, it's because some of them were heavily cribbed from Susano and Killer Shrike's respective sites along with a couple of adapted characters. TBH, I'm now a little muddled on which ones are which exactly, so feel free to chime in if any seem familiar.

  5. On 4/10/2018 at 12:20 AM, Netzilla said:

    Faceless -- This is a plan where our psych lims cannot get in the way.

    At least it's better than one campaign where we were lucky to not trip each others enraged disads. And that was usually when we found out that the group vehicle's "hunted by team gadgeteer" had tripped, meaning that a random system wasn't working because he'd scavenged some component for his latest prototype. Seriously, we ended up installing a floor hatch flanked by sturdy handles because of how many times the motive systems weren't working. Yes, we had resorted to using our brick and the "flintstone-matic" drive.


    On 10/6/2017 at 2:12 AM, RDU Neil said:

    Quick question about Savage Worlds. I haven't played it in years, but it didn't scale very well. A system built for pulp style action adventure really didn't work well for Supers, even though I loved the Necessary Evil concept. For example: PCs vs. a tank. Yes, it would be a major deal for a party of typical SW adventurers to take on an alien war tank, when you have a team of supposedly powerful supervillains who can't even damage the tank due to "logical" armor levels, that was really frustrating. Essentially, to have characters powerful enough to hurt a tank that was scaled to be "realistic" vs. typical SW characters, the PCs would be brokenly powerful to anything else.

    The reason I ask, is that Rifts has the "anything and everything" concept that is basically what a supers world is like... so how does it scale, say, one person playing a cowboy and someone else playing a power-armored space soldier, and a third playing Thor?  That kind of thing seemed to break SW in my experience.

    Having played it for a bit, I'm liking the way it handled things.

    1. It avoids the problem with base Savage Worlds characters being so one-note that they don't rate a whole two dimensions by adding iconic frameworks.
    2. Mega-Damage is just the heavy mechanic renamed with a lot of the lighter weaponry no longer counting, but interestingly this means that the idea that a few towns and settlements actually successfully survive a demon attack is believable.
    3. Many of the personal armor now use a toughness mechanic so that they always help protect regardless of the AP value.
    4. Spellcasters and Psychic need to ration themselves a bit, but that stops them from just outshining everyone else.
    5. The Glitterboy lays the smack down, but has a BIG note saying that it should also attract much of the oppositions fire.
    6. Mercs and Adventurers get a boost by being veteran characters (with the +20xp) and some extra items.

    All in all, it's a more fun and fast-flowing game.

  7. One of the things that I tend to do for my characters is keep a theme song in mind. If nothing else, it helps me keep the general mindset/energy of the character in mind and I can play it to quickly get into character.

    For the games that I'm currently playing.


    Star Wars: Mercenaries (set 5 ABY, Legends continuity)
    Cyrene Veda - Human (Mandalorian) Historian and Pilot
    Mostly for her frustration at what she sees as a pattern of revisionist history by every faction that comes to power.

    Plowed by Sponge

    Pathfinder - Rise of the Runelords
    Marcelano Alazario - Human Swashbuckler and minor Magnimaran noble.
    He is determined to see Magnimar's obligations to it's vassal, Sandpoint, are met. Even if he has to build and staff the fort himself and to hell with the black blood in his family's veins.

    Don't Stop Me Now by Queen

    Pathfinder - Skulls and Shackles
    Zeram Alazario - Half-Elven Bastard and Mindblade; Captain of the priate vessel, The Avarice
    He may carry the name, but his bastard heritage has left him yearning to make a name for himself, hopefully while involving a little healthy patricide.

    Centuries by Fall Out Boy

    Pathfinder - Jade Regent
    Ryuna Saita - Human Arcanist of Minkaian descent.
    When Ameiko suggested he join the new caravan venture, his first thought was "as you wish." (Would have taken the lovesick drawback if it wasn't implied that she was going to be right there the entire time. Disadvantages that don't ever trigger, and all that.)
    Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls



    Pathfinder - The Mummy's Mask

    Nemat of Valat (Nemat Merituzat) - Human Inquisitor of Wadjet.

    With a family history of being shrine guardians dating back prior to Kelishite suppression of faith in the Old Gods, Nemat is fiercely loyal to and protective of his adventuring party, the Covenant of Wati.
    Battle Cry by Skillet


    Does anyone else do this and, if so, what are your theme songs?

  8. There are two wonderfull words for that:



    All that I can say is that I'm having fun running these campaigns. The player for both Gillert and Flux in both cases has made characters whose morals don't exactly mesh with the rest of the table (quite accidentally in the case of Gillert), but it's left him being free to play the foil with a healthy dose of snark.

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