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Everything posted by SCUBA Hero

  1. Re: Multiple Power Attacks: Abused? Good Deduction roll, Killer Shrike. The Ultimate Brick, p. 7, 'Strength and Endurance': "On the other hand, this rule does not apply to STR-based attacks (punches, HAs, HKAs, and so on) with the Autofire Advantage, to the use of STR to Sweep one or more targets, or to any other situation or game element that would allow a character to make two or more STR-based attacks in a Phase. In those situations, the character has to pay END once for each attack."
  2. Re: Carpenter's Tools and the Hero System Toolkit Heh. I was talking on the phone with my mother recently, and she told me that my sister's daughters (4 of 'em, ages 10 through 6) found my old Legos during their last trip to Grandma and Grampa's. I had left a van and motorcyle put together like you described putting the X-wing together. Apparently, they were amazed that you could put generic pieces together with no plan and make things like that! Try to find the generic Lego sets today. They're all specialty X-wing type kits. Feh! [/Grumpy old SCUBA Hero]
  3. Re: Multiple Power Attacks: Abused? Doh! That's probably it. I'll look tonight. Thanks.
  4. Re: Multiple Power Attacks: Abused? Thanks, Zanthis! I just found that piece of the FAQ and was going to post it here, but you beat me to it. I'll still go through the books tonight though, Killer Shrike.
  5. Re: The big arcade competition Can I come over and play Defender? ::wistful puppy-dog-eyed smilie::
  6. Re: Multiple Power Attacks: Abused? It's in one of the recent books - Dark Champions??? I expect it'll be in 5ER as well...
  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings [The Last Starfighter] Kara Zor-El: How many reasonable posters are left in the NGD? SCUBA Hero: (preparing to bring the SCUBA-Sub engines to full throttle) Including you? Kara: Yes. SCUBA: One! (Full throttle engaged) [/starfighter]
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Mountain Dew --- caffeine --- Hyper-Man!
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER That's classified.
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER And right you are! Thus, PAID IN FULL communications protocols require the triple ENDITENDITENDIT to signal the end of a memo. Otherwise, suppose you thought ENDIT was a command to actually end the world? The consequences. . . (shudder)
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I have this image in my head... American Idol. Darth Vader as one of the judges. William Hung doing his 'She Bangs' number. He finishes. (The only sound is the ominous breathing of Vader. Then, he speaks.) "Impressive, Hung one."
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... In our Champions game, my character (Kendrick) is sort of a mystical Merlin reincarnation type of guy. He's middle of the road in resistant defenses, unlike the team's two *really* tough bricks. So, we're fighting some Mecha. Kendrick gets hit. Other Player: "You took *how much* BODY??? Me: "Kendrick's not really built to stop 57mm armor-piercing shells..."
  13. Re: Musings on Random Musings All right, I'm putting Breakfast in America in the CD player tonight!
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Doug, Way. Way. Way. Over the line.
  16. Re: The cranky thread MWAH HAH HAH HAH HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!........erm, I mean, of *course* I'll use it responsibly!
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