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Everything posted by SCUBA Hero

  1. Re: What are the most annoying player habits!
  2. Re: Drains of Doom? Check out these spells
  3. Re: Drains of Doom? Check out these spells From the FAQ: "Q: The rules state that a Continuing Charge in a Power Framework remains in effect even if the character switches the Framework to another power. Is there any limit to this duration, or could a character with a Framework establish several powers with lengthy durations (say, 1 Day)? A: There’s no limit under the rules, but obviously the GM should monitor this sort of power construct for abusiveness. The intent of the rule is to allow interesting and logical powers (such as smoke grenades in a Multipower of weapons), not to provide characters with huge amounts of power cheaply." So it is rules-legal to switch slots and keep the Continuing Charge going. As a GM, I'd rule it abusive and disallow it; use Force Field instead.
  4. An American who knows the Canadian National Anthem is most likely a hockey fan.
  5. As for me, I knew how good JmOz is with the Hero System, I figured he wanted something a bit more random than a straight Energy Blast. I still like my idea (go figure ). I may use that sometime.
  6. Re: Proving a point Energy Blast, Stun Only (-0), and then an Activation Roll on the Stun Only.
  7. Re: Re: Re: Interrupt... Yes, a normal Block between same-SPD characters works. The counterstrike lets you have as many attacks as times you are attacked by others; I envision it only for uber-martial artists. I like that, too. The ultra-uber-martial artist is so good, you get whapped just as you come into range. Another possible Limitation is 'Only Verses Mooks'. That way the martial artist hero wades through the faceless minions and gang members, but it doesn't help him against the main opposition.
  8. Re: Interrupt... One thing that bothers me about the 'counterstrike' using Damage Shield is that it only works against a successful attack. That's fine for a character covered in spiky bits, but it seems backwards to me for a martial artist - he should get the counterstrike against an unsuccessful attack, representing a block/counterstrike or interrupting the attacker's strike. To create this, remove Damage Shield and add Trigger at the +1/2 level (same price!).
  9. Set it up as a Multipower with two Fixed Slots; one doing Normal damage and the other doing Killing damage.
  10. Not quite; the STUN multiple cannot go below 1. So the possible results are: 1 1 2 3 4 5 16/6 = 2.67 2.67 is the average.
  11. How about Sixth EXpansion? 'Have you bought a copy of SEX yet?' 'No, but it's first on my list!'
  12. Re: "Realistic" fantasy Use Harn.
  13. Spreadsheet received. You da Monkey Genius! You da Monkey Genius!!!
  14. I'll look it up tonight, but I think they are NND - Does BODY, with the defense being the appropriate Immunity *or* the appropriate anti-venom. I think that allowing a Limitation for the carrier attack must do BODY is debateable; I was more pointing out that it fits with DOJ precedent.
  15. I think that 'Weapon Must Do BODY' is given the same -1/2 Limitation for animal venoms in HSB. I'd say the NND Defense would be the appropriate Immunity to Poison (hmm, what would that be for a psychic poison or Mental Defense, or something similar).
  16. Would I allow it? Certainly, given that the assassin already has a 60-point Multipower. I'd think a straight 4d6 HKA would be a lot more deadly in a FH game. IOW, given the power level already possesed by the assassin, I don't find it unbalancing (particularly with the 'Weapon Must Do BODY Damage' Limitation.
  17. Regarding Terra Nova's previous Penetrating question: 2d6+1 KA, with a roll 6 and 1; isn't the Penetrating damage 3, not 2? From the FAQ: "Q: If you have a 1-point Killing Attack, how do you apply Penetrating to it? How do you apply Penetrating to Killing Attacks with half dice (e.g., RKA 1 1/2d6)? How does Penetrating interact with the Standard Effect Rule? A: For a 1-point KA, Penetrating means it does 1 Penetrating BODY automatically."
  18. Steve, Does the Deadly Blow Talent (FH, p.105) change if the character uses it with a weapon that has Advantages (+1 Stun, AP, and so on)?
  19. Markdoc, Excellent work! I'm slowly digesting it. I have, off and on, tried to convert Spirit Magic into Hero system; I took somewhat of a different tack. Would you mind if I posted some of my ideas to compare and contrast with yours?
  20. For the math gurus out there: I'm looking for something (ideally an Excel spreadsheet) that I could input a number of d6 and a range (e.g., 11-, 28, 42-47) and have it spit out the probability. Any takers?
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