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Everything posted by Tech

  1. Re: Sharper than a Cottonmouth's Tooth I have yet to purchase it due to financial reasons but years ago, I created my own COBRA group, consisting of the following villains: Asp (normal appearing lady with poisonous skin, doesn't want powers) Boa Constrictor (modified from Adventurer's Club version) Cottonmouth (villain with artificially changed jaw to a snake jaw) Moray Eel (snakey looking villain) King Snake (wooboy, is this old. From some Champions module with Sneak Thief, Glacier, Armageddon, Air Hammer, etc Anyone remember this?) Cobra-Khan Visitor prince from another world who's decided to help Cobra take-over the world for amusement factor. Can create snakes out of thin air and it's not even magic.)
  2. Re: So I ran my Island of Dr. Destroyer one off... This sounds like one of those A+ episodes most players/GM's would love to have been a part of.
  3. Re: How to build a curse? Drain vs Characteristics (some or all), which in turn will lower the skills based on those characteristics. Add drain vs. skill levels (or negative skill levels or however you want to do it). This should create the effect you are looking for.
  4. Re: Gun multipower I would go with a -1/4 for a modified Extra Time: Delayed Phase. This disad doesn't take away any action from you, you still end up with a full phase. It's just that the power activates on the Dex x1/2 (If your Dex was 24, you'd attack on Dex 12). Losing 1/2 a phase seems a comparable equivalent.
  5. Re: Robots and more robots Does anyone else have robots/androids that they've created for villains, other than what Hero Games has created? I'm sure some of you have written up stats for robots Mechanon may have created. What self-respecting megalomaniac wouldn't have mechanical slaves assisting him or her in the quest for world domination or at least, a robot to be sent out for the weekly junkfood binge for the agents.
  6. Re: Robots and more robots I didn't say it was perfect. The point of the disadvantages was to ensure that it's possible that a Haymaker could cause BODY to it. Any Energy Blast would likewise be more likely to damage it. Lowering it's defenses would make it take more Stun damage. The high BODY takes care of things such as it being dropped in acid, which according to Champions II, is a NND EB which did BODY. We still use this in our campaign. The rewrite of it will change how this robot is written anyways. The robot's high INT enables it to outthink superheros. Although not written down, it's loyal to Destroyer. Again, it's not perfect but it's a GM tool and it really only matters to me. As the quote goes, "As long as it works."
  7. I've heard alot about how people view Dr. Destroyer and the various power levels GM's play him at. I thought I'd throw out one of the robots Destroyer's created. The players groan when they see this one. It's still in pre-5th edition rules so I'm not putting down the costs. Of course, I intend to update this to 5th edition. This 'robot' is more of an android but hey, so what. Although it's primary purpose to to guard, it has also been used as a tank. The picture I used was from an old 'The Avengers' comic. It's the issue where Ultron has sent a robot to Henry Pym's lab to acquire Ad Resin X and Ad Resin Y, the Wasp meeting it during the night. If anyone knows what issue I'm talking about, would you be so kind as to post that picture. GUARDIAN DRONE 80 Str DISADVANTAGES 20 Dex Distinctive Features 48 Con 2x BODY - Energy Blasts 20 Body 1 1/2x BODY - Physical attacks 30 Int 2x BODY - Electricity 20 Ego No sense of Smell 30 Pre 2d6 Stun/Phase - Magnetics 4 Com 3d6 Unluck 35 PD Hunted by Hero Group 8- 35 ED Experience pts/Villain Bonus 5 Spd 24 Rec 96 End 80 Stun MULTIPOWER u. 16d6 EB at 1/2 End u. 6d6, 6 Def Entangle, 6" rad, 1 cha. u. 8d6, 8 Def Entange, 4 cha u. Stretching 8" at 0 End u. Tunneling 14", 15 Def at 1/2 End u. 6d6 AP EB, 10 pts Resistant Piercing at 1/2 End (From Champions 2, subtract your ED by 10 pts before halving. The resistant aspect of it means that even Resistant defenses are affected.) Damage Resistance 18 PD, 18 ED Full Life Support Sonar Power Defense 7 pts Lack of Weakness 5 pts Flash Defense 5 pts 5 Lvls with Grab 3 Lvls with Punch 2 Lvls with Multipower
  8. Re: What was you most powerful Attack vs. Supervillian??? Btw, the hero has gotten engaged and has retired - and with him goes the ultrapowerful villains who hunted him.
  9. Re: What was you most powerful Attack vs. Supervillian??? Four of the most powerful attacks occurred within one episode. An alien discovered his hated enemy had an heir on Earth. Consumed by vengence for having been imprisoned in another dimension by a past member of the royal family, he escaped. His name was Kain and sought the hero's death. Kain was in our campaign a Class A1 villain, the highest rating available for dangerousness. Kain would have easily defeated anyone in CKC. He was overwhelmingly powerful. After all, who would take seriously a villain rumored to have virtually unlimited power only to be KO'd by a hero with 50 STR doing a pushed haymaker? Kain decided he wasn't satisfied with only the hero's death. He wanted to kill off the entire family line so he went into the past to kill the hero's mom. The heros followed after discovering the temporal abnormalities, arriving a few days before Kain. The build-up was great as clues were uncovered about who would be arriving. The whole atmosphere was perfect and the dice seemed to agree, as you'll see. The hero got to meet his mom while she was a highschool girl, which was touching. Eventually the bad guy arrived and the build-up was great so that the heroes were gravely concerned and the players on the edge of their seats. The bad guy warps them all to a battlefield in a dimensional rift and the battle begins! Just as the bad guy moves to kill the heroes' mom, he leaps at Kain from above with a 7D6 KA doing 35 Body and 175 Stun. Kain was injured and angered (not out and not stunned). The hero barely manages to dodge the counter-attack. He attacks Kain again with 7D6 KA doing 30 Body and 150 Stun. Kain is injured again. Now, he's furious (again, not out, not stunned). They barely survived the retaliatory attacks. Later a different hero, friend of the royal hero, attacks and pushes - 24 KA on Kain (a good dice roll). On the outside of the dimensional rift, a different friend of the hero draws forth the Dimensional Cannon, a weapon strong enough to destroy a small planet. The heroes start to sweat as the countdown begins before it fires. They barely made it out in time followed by Kain who is hit by the Dimensional Cannon for 128D6. Kain is finally killed.
  10. Re: If AVLD, why not DVLA? The biggest problem I've found with this is best summarized in an example: Fireboy is made of living fire. The player decides Fireboy shouldn't be affected by fire and buys Desolid vs Fire as mentioned in the quote. Unfortunately, he runs across someone who has a fire EB, Affects Desolid. Yeah, you could say that the Desolid vs Fire overrules the EB, Affects Desolid but that's clunky and unfair to the person who paid extra points to affect desolid people. Although I haven't used it, the 100% Damage Reduction vs fire (in this case) is better used. Giving the D.R. a -1 Limitation brings the cost to 60 pts, same as the Desolid vs X: 120/2=60 pts. Same cost, different results.
  11. Re: noob question about END You forgot about the few of us who actually figured it out on our own and became experts, like my group who created our version of Hardened Defenses before H.D. became an official power and a few other things.
  12. VIPER does it big Some time ago, my brother did an episode called, "Let Freedom Reign". This was a major assault by VIPER (4th edition) on the Statue of Liberty to destroy it and send a signal to the USA. Fortunately, UNTIL was there to help. So many agents you couldn't spit without hitting an agent. He simply set a limit of how many agents attack a hero and did quick dice rolling, something he & I have become proficient at and speeds up games. All in all, I think I recall 200 agents or so. The players had a blast! It takes concentration & alot of preparation on the GM's side to prepare for a massive number of agents.
  13. Re: as the day approaches... I totally forgot to tackle question 2 so here goes.. Don't worry too much about the statistics being in old edition Multipowers or Elemental Controls. The point is to create an episode where the players can enjoy themselves. Don't forget to add DEF statistics to everything since nothing mentioned in it tells what DEF a particular object has. Be aware that this 500 pt Dr. Destroyer is still a match for a group of heroes, especially beginning heroes. Don't forget that even if everything seems to go against the evil Destroyer that he'll have an escape route ready, even if it's one that's not listed in the module or in other words, embellish on what's in it. My #1 biggest advice: read it thorougly and understand it thorougly. You can't be ready for the heroes if you don't know what traps and defenses the doctor has waiting for them, whether gas traps, villains, agents or something else. My #2 advice: don't be afraid to change, add or delete things from it that don't match your campaign style or your DM style. My #3 advice: let us know how things turned out. We want to know.
  14. Re: as the day approaches... Actually, he cost 500 pts exactly. The supervillains can be used as is even though they're using old edition Elemental Controls. The PC's don't need to know that. If you mean illegal in that aspect that they're using the old rules, bingo, otherwise they're not. I still have that module and the fun thing is, I actually went through that module *twice* with some creative thought.
  15. Tech

    Show me the PC

    Forgot to mention I forgot to mention, he learned his martial arts training back from VIPER. Over the course of years with various other martial artists having come & gone through the team, he's gotten better from having trained with them. In the original very 1st edition of Champions, all VIPER agents had martial arts (Classic).
  16. Tech

    Show me the PC

    Re: Show me the PC Ack! Just call me Tech. You want a 5th ed version of Neutron of the Conquerors? My brother has Neutron and is updating him to 5th ed. Send me a private message. The Conquerors, as my brother has the group currently, consists of: Neutron, Arc, Wyvern, Ankylosaur, Spectre and Vega. The last two are added members. I must say, the picture of Vega is quite cool.
  17. Tech

    Show me the PC

    Re: Show me the PC I'm not exactly sure what you mean by his 'INT seems a little low'. Since according to 5th edition, p223-224, an average person has an INT of 8, a noteworthy & skilled normal has a 10 INT and even higher than those two, a competent normal has an INT of 13, his INT of 14 is higher. This agrees with the Champions genre book for 5th edition, p58 shows average being 6-10, skilled 11-13 and competent (just one category below legendary) being 14-20, his INT being 14 is quite fitting. He's not a genius but a good fighter and leader. Besides, PRE is one of the prerequisites of a good leader and he's got quite a good PRE. You've never heard of Player Characters & NPC's battling over names? Heh, this was the first such battle for a name but not the last. Over the course of the campaign, we've actually had about 3-8 battles of names, including villains fighting villains for their names. Of course being villains, they just keep using the name regardless of whether they lost or won. Having actually alphabatized his skills, it actually surprised me a little to see just how versatile and skilled he is. He's no one-trick-pony; he's got skills covering international problems as well as social issues, such as pollution.
  18. Tech

    Show me the PC

    Pulling out the big guns Hello, all. Since this thread seemed like it's slow, I thought I would revive it. It took me a long time to format, and even longer to upgrade him to 5th edition rules with a couple exceptions but here he is: my very first character! He was created a few days after Champions - the very 1st edition came out for the very first time. He was created before Enemies I or II hit the market. He and the supervillain Neutron (of the Conquerors) have battled for the name more than once: once was a draw and the second one, my Neutron won but that hasn't stopped the villain from contesting or using it. (Note: The Conquerors are still active in my campaign and still very cool!) His experience isn't what is would've been had I kept using him. I stopped using him for years but more recently, have pulled him out of inactivity. I left him at the original 100 Base for old times sake. Hero Name: NEUTRON Real Name: Christopher Anderson 20 Str 10 100+ Disadvantages 27 Dex 51 15 Secret Identity 24 Con 28 15 Code vs Killing 15 Bod 10 14 Int 4 651 Experience pts 17 Ego 14 596 Experience Spent 30 Pre 20 12 Com 1 27 PD 23 OCV: 9 DCV: 9 ECV: 6 27 ED 22 Pha: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 7 Spd 34 15 Rec 12 CHA: 241 50 End 1 POW: 485 51 Stn 14 Total: 726 POWERS/ABILITIES/SKILLS 31 Elemental Control 38 1. Neutron Blast: 11d6 EB at 1/2 End END - 2 31 2. Flight 25" at 1/2 End END - 2 41 2. Neutron Explosion: 10d6 EB, APx2, 10" radius (increased radius) with Hole in Center (fixed), No Range, 2 Cha., Costs End END - 17 10 N-Ray Vision, stopped by Forcefields 24 Damage Resistance 27 ED, Hardened x3 17 Hardened ED x3 10 Lack of Weakness -5, Normal & Damage Resistance 7 Mental Defense 9 pts, Hardened 7 Instant change, one set of clothes 24 Martial Arts, Classic Martial Strike +0 OCV +2 DCV 8d6 Offens. Strike -2 OCV +1 DCV 10d6 Martial Block +2 OCV +2 DCV Block Martial Disarm -1 OCV +1 DCV 40 Str to Disarm Martial Dodge ----- +5 DCV Dodge Martial Throw +0 OCV +1 DCV 8d6 + v/5 5 +2d6 HA, 0 End, only with Martial Throw 8 +2 DC, added in 4 City Knowledge: NY, Washington DC 12- 5 Combat Driving: Cars 15- 9 Computer Operations 15- 9 Computer Programming 15- 5 Contact: US Pentagon Official 6 KS: Autos, boats, planes 12- 6 KS: Computer Science 12- 3 KS: Environmental Dangers 12- 3 KS: Geography - Russia 12- 5 KS: Government Officials 14- 5 KS: Supervillains 14- 3 KS: Viper 12- 3 KS: World Politics 12- 9 Languages: English (native), Russian-idiomatic, French, German & Chinese - very fluent 3 Linguist 5 Mechanics 13- 3 Oratory 15- 3 Persuasion 15- 6 Piloting: All planes, military planes, helicopters, space shuttle 14- 2 PS: Skiing 14- 3 Security Systems 12- 3 Streetwise 15- 5 Tactics 13- 3 TF: Skiing, All Common motorized ground vehicles 14 Weapon Familiarities: Common & uncommon martial arts weapons, All small arms, Blades 8 Weaponsmith: All Firearms, Energy Weapons 14- 10 1 Overall Level 10 2 Levels with EC 3 1 Level with Martial Arts 5 1 Level with CHA rolls 3 1 Level with Dive for Cover, Pull Punch, Sweep 15 3 Levels with DECV (House rule) 3 +1d6 to Presence attacks 50 Points to Base ORIGIN: Christopher Anderson was duped, as many were, into easy money by an organization called VIPER. At the same time, unbeknownst to him, another man who would later become PULSAR had also joined VIPER. He trained to become one of their top agents and excelling in computers, became of their top computer experts. Due to his computer expertise, he was kept off actual field assignments to prevent loss of such a useful agent. All in all, he was only in VIPER for a little over a year but life was good or so he thought. In an effort to increase his usefulness, it was offered to Christopher an opportunity to 'volunteer' for an experiment, one that give him incredible abilities. This was the start of VIPER's ongoing desire to create superhumans and would lead to others who would be 'volunteered' and later, break free of VIPER. The experiment was a success and Christopher gained superhuman abilities. Unfortunately, VIPER was also a lot more careless at this point; one of the scientists blurted out VIPER's plan to use him to further their plots of world domination. The scientist also blurted out the fact that he was glad Christopher had survived since he had anticipated him dying. Christopher was outraged.. and afraid.. and shocked. This organization was nothing like he had been led to believe! He had been lied to, deceived and finally used as a lab rat. He razed the lab to the ground, letting the scientists barely escape and flew off for fear of his life. Much time passed and he found himself now working as a salesman for Superhero Insurance: buy this insurance and be protected from damage like a superhero! Yeah, it was lame but people liked the idea of having insurance in a world where people with extraordinary abilities were around. Even though he would become a seasoned and expert salesman for the insurance company, it just wasn't what he wanted. Yes, the money was good and he had a clean conscience but he wanted to do something else. He wanted to use his abilities to try to make up for what he had done. In this time, he met other people with superabilities and within a few months, formed New York's first superteam. VIPER, however, would not be betrayed and stand idle. They tried time and again to capture him but their efforts at this time were sporatic, mostly because of a great many other superbeings leaving VIPER at this time. In the few times where VIPER would actually coordinate an effort to attack Neutron, they would fail time and again, worse and worse. The last and final attack on him would fail, giving VIPER consideration to stop hunting him. Too much equipment, men and money were lost in such pursuits. What VIPER didn't know is that Neutron's superabilities would also continue to grow as well as his skill. The superhuman VIPER fought early on would pale in comparison to his current power level. Neutron eventually became team leader of the supergroup and finally found the contentment he had been looking for. Years later and a Presidential Pardon for his past crimes would allow him to concentrate on his superheroing. He has been allowed to retain his Secret Identity and continues to assist the government when called upon. PERSONALITY: Neutron has become a very disciplined superhero, well respected in the superhero community as well as with quite a few supervillains. Due to his past training in VIPER, he is somewhat rough on the criminals that he fights. He tries to show restraint but he never forgets the evil that VIPER is. He would love to see VIPER destroyed but refuses to obsess over it realizing that he may not be the one to deal the deathblow to VIPER. He takes the no-nonsence approach to dealing with supervillains: if a villain gets a little injured while in the course of being stopped from doing a crime, Neutron won't regret it. However, he wants to see criminals prosecuted and will not do things outside the law that will hurt such prosecution. However, if push comes to shove and there is no other way, he will use lethal force. Neutron takes his position very seriously and works to maintain the image of a diligent leader. Some of his teammates in the supergroup view Neutron has a little harsh or rough in his superheroing. What they don't know is that he still has many regrets and guilt about being in VIPER years ago and works hard at trying to see other lives hurt or deceived by VIPER. With his help, several supervillains have turned from their life of being a supercriminal and a couple have even been cured of their extreme abilities. More recently, he has gotten married and his marriage has helped him to mellow somewhat and let go of the past. ABILITIES: Neutron's abilities deal with Neutron radiation, allowing him to generate it as a powerful energy ray, to see through walls and virtually anything else short of a forcefield and to fly, to name a few. His most violent demonstration of his abilities is his Neutron Explosion. When using it, there is a momentary delay while he prepares to unleash his power. The effect is displayed as black waves of energy surrounding him and being sucked into him. Any villain having been hit by it before fears this, for what comes next: the explosion is extremely violent and appears to be a black & white negative of a bomb going off. Neutron frequently does a Presence attack afterwards. His abilities leave his incredibly resistant to energy attacks and in general difficult for enemies to find any weakness in his defense in combat. Neutron is incredibly skilled not just in combat but versatile in many areas, from computers to the environment.
  19. Tech

    Show me the PC

    Re: Show me the PC I was noticing that although this has been viewed over 2000 times, that there are less than 200 entries. Hmmmm... is it us, it is our supers, is it the blue cheese and onion sandwich I had for lunch? (I'm kidding!)
  20. Tech

    Theme music

    Re: Theme music Theme music? Oh yes! Currently, I have burned a 2 CD set called Champions Music. It currently contains 58 different pieces of music. I even put a picture of two of our heroes, a different one on each CD. Each theme is for a character, hopefully representing that particular hero. On the end of CD 2 are a few pieces of music for villains, even one for Dr. Destroyer! Let's see, where have I taken them from? I thought about listing the music by category such as Television, Videogames but it got too difficult so I'll list what I can: A-team theme, 'Why Should I Worry?' from Oliver & Co (Disney), the old I-Spy theme, Wild Arms theme, various pieces from Final Fantasy 7, the skating music from A Charlie Brown Christmas, Voltron cartoon ending music, many various classical pieces, music from Tail Spin, musical pieces from Suikoden 2, Ashton from Michael W. Smith, Superman Theme, Superpowers Team theme, music from Lunar & Final Fantasy Tactics, theme from Dungeonmaster: Skullkeep videogame, music pieces from Tenchi Universe, Robotech, pieces from Sailor Moon music, pieced together music from The Prince & The Pauper (Disney), theme music from the British tv series 'Tripods', The Borg theme from Star Trek for Mechanon, the Planets music 'Mars, bringer of War' for Dr Destroyer, Justice League Unlimited theme... and a whole lot more and continues to grow. I had theme music for Leech but switched out that piece for a different piece for Slug. I had a piece for Darkon but eventually dropped it also. It might get to the point where I need 3 CD's but it's not there yet. Putting together the theme music took countless days of searching through various CD's, shows, etc., to find just the right piece for a certain hero or villain. I haven't had time yet but I also (hopefully) intend to put together music to assist in the mood of an adventure. All in all, a tiring process but one I'm pleased with. I could try to list each piece but I don't know the names of a lot of the classical pieces I selected. Hm, maybe my music major friend could help me.
  21. Re: The "Whoops" Thread Our very first superhero team, still relatively new, like 75 xp or less I think, is running out of a villain team base. Why? It's blowing up due to self-destruct if memory serves me - it's been a long time. Everyone is saying while running through the base things like: "Let's find a way out of here." "Let's find a jet or something." "Yeah, he's gotta have something to move all this equipment in here." "I'll take anything so long as we don't get blown up." It's obvious what their intent is and everyone knows it. They finally find a large helicopter, get in and... someone FINALLY decides to ask: "Um, does anyone know how to pilot this thing?" Well, as they say, necessity is the mother of invention. They made it but crashed upon landing. Still one of the funniest things the players (myself included) ever did.
  22. Re: Called Shots and Champions You got that right!
  23. Re: Superhero Images Bumpity-bump-bump, look at Frosty go. Gotta post more images here but most have to be transferred. Oh well.
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