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Everything posted by Kenn

  1. Re: What Age are we in now The only ages where there is any really clear marker of demarkation is between the golden and silver ages of super hero comics. And that's because there was a definite period when super hero comics were in a noticable decline, and because the comics industry then focussed on other genres. War comics, crime comics, humour comics, horror comics, romance comics, and science fiction comics all had an upswing in sales while super hero books were getting cancelled all over. And then the Comics Code came and hurt the production of some of these (horrow, crime, war) and so there was a second age of super heroics. I'm not convinced that there was a huge stylistic change between a 1949 Jay Garrick story and a 1954 Barry Allen story. It was just on which side of the lull in super heroics the story appeared. We haven't had that kind of lull since. The early 70s came close just because a relaxed code did mean more horror and crime books could be done again, and again some of the other genres came forward while super heroes were cut back. But has that happened since?
  2. Re: Multiform, OIHID or just sfx? I only think multi-form is right if the character has multiple forms with which they can adventure. If it's a "puny" human with a single super powered form I tend to favour the Only in Hero ID approach. Between "Hero ID Only" or the "Visible"/"Linked" options... The costs are probably fairly comparable (Visible is uslaly 1/4, and so is OIHID; linked starts at a 1/2 but gets reduced if the base power is usually on. Visible/Linked is probably a shade more accurate to the SFX. Hero ID Only makes it more obvious that there's a powered form and a normal form without having to read the whole sheet. I'd use OIHID.
  3. Re: Clinging damage shield I don't think Clinging is the power you want here. Clinging isn't a power that one character uses to affect another. I believe either an Entangle or Telekinisis built with Damage Shield would be more appropos.
  4. Re: Discussion on costs of Characteristics No. It's not just you.
  5. Re: Discussion on costs of Characteristics I wasn't trying to imply that the situations were fully comparable. Only that it's possible to forsee consequences without actually trying something. I do not need to try playing with a reconfigured characteristics system to recognise that to reconfiguring the characteristics system would be disasterous to my campaign; that the benefits would be negligible, and the complications high.
  6. Re: Capacitor style power A character called Backlash in the RCU has this kind of power, at a potentially disturbing level. http://www.rcuhero.net/hsheets/backlash I only made the "Attack cannot exceed largest attack that has hit Backlash" a -1/4 limitation though. I also made the attack be at 2xEND (so there's a rough correlation 12d6 EB needs 12 END). I also allowed for special powers to be placed in an elemental control because they really do represent one ability.
  7. Re: Discussion on costs of Characteristics QFT, and repped.
  8. Re: Speak to the Dead At which point, the converstaions would probably be mostly of the "What happened to me? Why can't I feel my (insert body part)? I want to see (reference to significant other or family member)." Anyone else see the "Torchwood" episodes "Everything Changes" and "They Keep Killing Suzie"? Other ways to build talking to the dead: Psychological Limitation: firm believer in the Catholic faith Psychological Limitation: regularly prays to saints as well as God.
  9. Re: Every Myth Is Not True My concern would be that it shuts off some types of origins for characters. If you have a unified origin in mind for the campaign, or your players don't mind, it's not a problem. But some players tend to favour the "Fantasy" side of super heroes while some favour the "Sci-Fi" side.
  10. Re: Deaf, Dumb, and Blind http://www.rcuhero.net/scsheets/pinballwizard.htm
  11. Re: Speak to the Dead Assuming that Derek's correct that the goal is gaining information, than the desired power is probably Clairsentience with the "postcognition" adder, and probably with "extra Time" and "Incantations" (okay it sounds like real conversation, but with someone who "isn't there"). As far as "what a dead person might say"... the power is really "Speaking with the spirits of those who've died" which pre-supposses a) people have spirits and that they hang around Earth for a while after 'death'. If spirits tend to go elsewhere... there might be an activation roll on the power. Adjustable, probably, over the passage of time. JUST died... no roll. Died here ten years ago.... 3 or less. If you don't think people have spirits/souls what have you or believe souls depart immediately for Judgement or have some other speific view that as a GM is your to enforce, you should disallow the power.
  12. Re: Block vs Dodge What about Marital Block vs Marital Dodge? No. Not "Martial". "Marital."
  13. Re: Best and worst jobs for Superheroes "Okay... I'm taking off my blouse... This looks like a job for DANCETEN-LOOXTHREE GIRL"
  14. Re: Repackaging Character Disadvantages Which is why it should be discussed between player and GM up front.
  15. Re: New Disadvantage Idea: Phobia I find the suddenly running for it method a little clumbsy for some phobias. I have acrophobia. I'm mickeyed and put on a plane. I come to. To run for it... I go where? I have agoraphobia. I get out of a car in a meadow and the car drives off. Running for it, I'm still in a wide open space? I think a Psychological Limitation with the Total option tends to work better. It covers the madly running away AND curling up into a ball response.
  16. Re: Stupid things Sean thinks of on the way home This is why I take the rules about END cost and visible special effects with a grain of salt. A grain of salt with a 31 STR Min.
  17. Re: Android Resistance I was recently converting an NPC 4th edition android into a 5th edition playable character. I gave "him" +10 EGO, does not affect EGO rolls, not usable against mental powers vs the machine class of minds. It may have been cheaper to buy DECV levels and Mental Defense, both with the limitation about machine classes of mind. I also gave "him" extra PD and ED only vs STUN, to represent that he is harder to STUN without having to make his outer shell out of some miracle metal. Could have used Damage Reduction, but this seemed more direct. The only Robotman homage I ever worked on was really a Battle Angel Alita homage and can be found http://www.rcuhero.net/hsheets/lyta.htm
  18. Re: Characters favorite manuever Emerald Knight - Defense: Missle Deflection at range... repatedly. Ofense: never had to punch or shoot anyone.
  19. Re: What Age are we in now The Umbr Age.
  20. Re: Name that flag-suited hero! Captain Columbia (after one of the old appelations for the U.S. and our national mascot pre-Uncle Sam; there was a federal district between Maryland and Virginia that was named after it.) Captain Washington Captain Yankee (or Captain Yank)
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