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Everything posted by Kenn

  1. Re: Only to affect secondary characteristics? Fine. You've been cheated by that quirk in the system. Suck it up and exploit some other quirk to recoup your losses, or find another system. In Champions (ie super heroes) there is a disadvantage that gives you points for keeping your characteristics low. It's called Normal Characteristic Maxima. I'd suggest looking into it.
  2. Re: What are "vitals" Are you gonna drink from that cup?
  3. Re: Only to affect secondary characteristics? Yes, I was being sarcastic. It was meant to illustrate that there are various inequities in the system that tend to follow a certain amount of logic. If you're strong, physical stuff is easier for you. If you're smarter, mental stuff is easier. And cheesy "solutions" like buying characteristics only for the figured characteristics, or my uber-cheesy only to buy up INT skill rolls would do more to damage the system then anything they are "correcting."
  4. Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Package Deals With a 75 AP cap, I'd recommend making the STR only +55. To better allow some variance between Daxamites.
  5. Re: Only to affect secondary characteristics? To add fuel to the fire, one way or the other... Buffy and the Frailman Buffy 20 STR 10 20 DEX 30 20 CON 20 15 BODY 10 10 INT 0 14 EGO 8 15 PRE 5 14 COM 2 6 PD 2 6 ED 2 4 SPD 10 8 REC 0 40 END 0 35 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 4" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 99 3 Enhanced Perception (+1 to PER Rolls for All Sense Groups) Powers Cost: 3 5 Analyze: Agility Skills 12- 4 Navigation (Land) 12- 5 Paramedics 12- 5 Tactics 12- Skills Cost: 19 Total Character Cost: 121 Pts. Disadvantage 0 Normal Characteristic Maxima: No Age Restriction 15 Psychological Limitation: Code against Killing, Common, Strong 5 Hunted: Bad guy, Less Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish Disadvantage Points: 20 Base Points: 100 Experience Required: 1 Total Experience Available: 1 Experience Unspent: 0 vs Frailman 10 STR 0 20 DEX 30 10 CON 0 15 BODY 10 13 INT 3 14 EGO 8 15 PRE 5 14 COM 2 6 PD 4 6 ED 4 4 SPD 10 8 REC 8 40 END 10 35 STUN 10 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 4" LEAP 3 Characteristics Cost: 107 7 Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6 (10 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) Powers Cost: 7 3 Analyze: Agility Skills 12- 2 Navigation (Land) 12- 3 Paramedics 12- 3 Tactics 12- Skills Cost: 11 Total Character Cost: 125 Pts. Disadvantage 5 Normal Characteristic Maxima: 40+ Years Old 15 Psychological Limitation: Code against killing, Common, Strong 5 Hunted: Bad guy, Less Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish Disadvantage Points: 25 Base Points: 100 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  6. Re: Sell me on "Galactic Champions"? Ring-ding-diddle-eye-oh. Ring-ding-diddle-eye-oh.
  7. Re: Building the Animated Justice League Still won't convince me he can lift more than, say, 1000 lbs. (21 STR). Now can someone show me how to write-up a dead horse, seeing how we're prone to start beating on it?
  8. Re: Is it really so wrong? How about Freddie Bear... He's an anthropomorphic Teddy Bear that stalks children through their dreams in a striped shirt and beat-up fedora. On Elm Street.
  9. Re: Only to affect secondary characteristics? Here's an idea: +3 INT, only to boost INT based skills(-1) (1 real point) After all, if I have a character with 5 INT based skills, and an INT of 10 that I have to pay 25 pts. to have them each be 12 or less (5x3 for the intitial skills, 5*2 to increase them each by 1), but the other player who has the same five skills only had to pay 18 points (3 to increase his INT to 13, and the same 15 for the same initial skills.) Why should my unintelligent character have to spend 7 more points to be just as skilled the kind of smart character?
  10. Re: Only to affect secondary characteristics? With all of this talk about STR and CON, why isn't BODY being mentioned, as it also impacts at least one of the affected figured characteristics. For the record, a character who spends 34 points for a 20 STR, 20 CON, and 12 BODY and zero points on his figured characteristics will have a 4 PD, 4 ED, 8 REC, 40 END and 32 STUN. The guy with 10 STR, 10 CON and 10 BODY will have to spend 34 pts on his figured characteristics to have a 4 PD, 4 ED, 8 REC, 40 END, and 32 STUN. The guy with 15 STR, 15 CON, and 12 BODY (19 pts.) will spend 15 more points (gee, for a total of 34) to get to 4 PD, 4 ED, 8 REC, 40 END, and 32 STUN. I'm sure this could be used to prove that the system's broken. I don't think it's broken. Personally I think it goes back to the idea that any person engaging in a physically demanding endeavour that, yes, the strong healthy guy is going to have an easier time of it then the frail guy. And... I might add since we're comparing stats in a vacuum, the frail guy probably will have an easier time coming up with appropriate physical limitations as Disavantages to offset the points then Joe Quarterback. But then one gets into what other Disadvantages they might take... which leads into the question of "If you're playing in a game with a 75 point maximum on diasadvantages must one take 75 points of disadvantages, or can one stop at 60 or 65?" There's so much variance with how people can do, Point Balance is a rough guide, not an exact science anyway.
  11. Re: HERO System GOOGLE Search If you want you can add http:/www/rcuhero.net .
  12. Re: Does anyone have any idea why this is legal? Check out the parts that I've emboldened.
  13. Re: Does anyone have any idea why this is legal? Caris explained the point cost legality. I'd need to know more about the campaign to know if this was a campaign killer. I will say that this particular power would NOT allow the character to teleport behind every locked door I could put into the game. In fact, I don't know that I've ever seen a door, real or in a game, that was 1000 metres thick. They could teleport themselves and three of there closest friends to anywhere on the planet EXCEPT for a circle, 2000 metres in diameter, centered on the teleporter.
  14. Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Package Deals I tried to do a Daxamite once, but I broke my "13" on her indestructable hymen.
  15. Re: Songs that inspire(d) you to make a Champions Character There's this song by Donovan called "Sunshine Superman" and Superman and Green Lantern are both mentioned. So would anyone who's ever written either of these two up... Never mind.
  16. Re: The Candy Striper Me too.
  17. Re: Sell me on "Galactic Champions"? Maybe for some GMs or gaming group. My mileage has varied. - Allow multiple PCs per player. In my experience, sometimes a player wants to play "Thor," and sometimes he'll want to play "Ant-Man." So they can switch off. - A lot of players, especally if they only want to deal with one character, tend to gravitate to the mid-range. - The player that ONLY wants to play "Thor" is generally able to reach the "powerhouse gets himself f'd up and the rest of the crowd must come to his rescue" without his character's stupidity being plot-induced. - Go back to the source material and have the players do the same. The human, well-trained martial artist may be a combat machine in his own book, but in the group setting with power houses around, he's the team tactician.
  18. Re: Sell me on "Galactic Champions"? That's one of the conceits of "Galactic Champions" that bothers me. Anyone familiar with the Legion of Super Heroes knows that while there are some Legionairres who are truly cosmic (Mon-El, Wildfire) there are many, many others who are just at the more "traditional" power levels. Not all Galactic Champions need to be massivly powered characters. Conversly, most "not-Galactic" Champions material assumes you won't have cosmic characters in a modern day supers game set on Earth.... unless its a bad guy from CKC.
  19. Re: Not Quite Arm-Fall-Off Lad Don't forget the Incantations "SPLIT" amd "XAM".
  20. Re: "I shoot the escape pod!!!" Not the same thing, but one where a player ended his brand new PCs life part way through the session. Patrick had just rolled up his new character, as his previous one had recently become an NPC. The character group rolls into town, goes to the local tavern, and quickly meet and befriend Patrick's new PC. Woman comes into the bar with a problem. She's been beseiged by Wights. So the PC group and our new friend agree to help. We go. We beat on some Wights. We get the woman home. Then Patrick describes his next action. "I grab the maiden and kiss her long and lingeringly" And our GM looks at him, grabs his character sheet and says "And you just tongued a succubus." Thankfully, we all, including Patrick, were able to laugh at the situation.
  21. Re: Regeneration I went back to the 4th Edition way of doing Instant Change. I think I'm going to switch back to 4e Regeneration, too.
  22. Re: "I shoot the escape pod!!!" I've helped do it to someone else. We had a recently new addition to our gaming group and he was convinced he was the world's greatest. I was going to say "world's greatest Champions player" but he thought he was the greatest at most things. He convinced our GM to let him play the BadGuy, because he thought he could build a character who could beat several other characters. I was playing a captain America pastiche called Sentinel. Another friend was playing a size-and-density changer (think Hank Pym AND the Vision) called Mass Master. There were a few more players, but they aren't a part of the story. Infinity, the BadGuy, had captured the mayor and was holding him hostage on the third floor of City Hall. This was still the GM's plot, so it starts with the conuundrum of how to get to Infinity without getting the mayor killed. To this day I don't know if Doug (GM) or Jeff (Infinity) had any clear idea of how were suppossed to get to "the fight scene". Eric, Mass Master's player had an idea. Sentinel's main ranged power is a thrown concave shield (invariably with the concave part facing down). Mass Master shrinks. What if Mass Master shrunk down and held onto the straps on the inside? I was game. We ran it past Doug (in another room so Jeff couldn't hear). He said go for it. Sentinel got Infinity's attention, and threw the shield through the window at him. Of course, Infinity easily avoided the shield. Infinity missed his perception check to notice Mass Master drop out of the shield. Mass Master got big. Real big. Doug let him have the growth momentum bonuses, on top of his full strength. I don't remember (it was 17 years ago) if Eric/MM haymakered or not. He may have pushed. I remember Infinity did get some shots off (autofire RKA) and through the STUN lotto, Mass Master was knocked out, but not until after he one punched Mr. I-can-beat-anybody. It was beautiful. Thankfully, Doug had part 2 already planned out. So we just kept going. Annoyingly, Infinity apparently escaped police custody and accepted his next assignment in about half an hour.
  23. Re: What are "vitals" I think most TLA's are not Three Letter Acronymns; they are Three Letter Abbreviations.
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