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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. What really gets me is that this was supposedly the 'safe month'. Hell, Its why I figured I could run a superdraft. Even then, I decided to make sure we kept going on weekends too to 'finish it up before anything could go wrong'. More fool I.
  2. The year from Hell continues after all. (Actually, well over a year and a half, coming on two ?) I swear, if I weren't such a coward I'd live up to my handle entirely and go create a new life on some other part of the globe. And no, there's not much I can talk about...part of what makes it so damn frustrating.
  3. I still love that commercial. "Hey you misspelled the..." "Ehh!"
  4. Cackhand & Crook - These two mutant brothers look a great deal alike, but their powers couldn't be more different. Cackhand has energy projection and manipulation with his left hand as its source. He can make constructs or simple but powerful blasts. He tends to be more direct than his brother. Crook has all the skills of a master thief, but his power steals only health. With a thought, Crook can spread illness and disease. Fortunately, folks tend to recover after an hour, but he has shown the ability to escalate it to the point of death at least twice. I believe that's five New Country: The Netherlands, Four Heroes
  5. Rich is a master of storytelling. This was just so lovely. Tarquin couldn't be more wrong about Elan, he's grown a lot in this. And yes, he got to throw his father's earlier comment back at him "You'll live." And I can't help but smile at the next to the last panel. Tarquin truly sounds afraid there to me.
  6. Lemming, to say Cancer sucks would be a vast understatement. I am sorry
  7. My sympathies as well, L.Marcus
  8. Assault, I think you get to pick the next country?
  9. Any marketeer who doens't know how to cash in on accidental audiance shouldn't be in the biz imo. Then again, I'm not a marketing guy, but still, such untapped potential
  10. Well, I was thinking they'd want at least 10 for a start, they are trying to balance out the Tiger Squad and it's huge! I imagine some countries will be lucky to put forward one, and others will put forward at least three. Sorry for my slow response btw. Holidaze
  11. I kind of like the compatability with the non experts idea folks are swinging around. There could indeed be some grumbling from 'real agents' who are a touch envious that some file clerk can now fly
  12. The Men's Human Rights Movements have drawn some very wounded, very bitter, and even some hateful individuals. Of course, Feminist movements have done the same for decades (Feel free to Youtube some of "Girl Writes What?"'s videos...even if you don't agree with her she makes you think). That doesn't excuse deliberate sabatogue of the reporting system. If they worry the reporting system could be abused, then there were better ways. It kind of reminds me of the recent Men's Human Rights Posters torn down in Vancouver by feminists. We need calm discourse, not destruction and censorship. Both sides need to disassociate themselves from their extremists as best they can, but just like I can't keep the Westboro scumballs from calling themselves "christian" you're not going to be able to stop some truly damaged or even outright mean people from declaring themselves Feminsts or Men's Rights Activists. Indeed, both groups often seem to cover for their members. I still remember excuses being made for the Vagina monologue's "good rape" comments by some who delcared themselves feminists. It's hard, but we need to judge the issues, not just the people championing them. EDIT: And , as always, we have to avoid 'Broad Brush' syndrome
  13. Excellent! But she bailed on Tarquin? And I hope folks don't forget he's still on the #$#$ing ship
  14. Actually, the Dimension Bomb going off would work for a good supplement to a lot of these options I think. Nice (if possibly grim) idea, Skjam
  15. Just what I was looking for. Thanks. Sorry, I was putting up a second post when yours came up. It sounds like you were already ahead of me in more ways than one. Interesting thoughts on the "Process survivors" there. One other thing i thought of, and as an encouragment, what if the process had a chance of curing cancer, or regrowing limbs. What if that which didn't kill you litterally could save your life and make you stronger than before? It might have folks taking a chance as it might count as a 'phenomenal' result as you said. It's been a long time since I've read Gurps supers, but I think I have an old copy laying around somewhere. I may have to dust it off
  16. Let's see A few more thoughts... Option #1: Change the numbers if you like...make it ten out of a hundred thousand if you like. It may seem a little 'sir, yes sir' for some players, but if you need to expand, remember government workers can include mailmen and ladies at the DMV. How would a marine feel fighting beside a super powered meter maid and/or census taker? Heck, a senator's daughter could have undergone the process. Does she get coddled despite her new found nigh invulnerability? And does she see such treatment as her due, or does it royally tick her off? Option #2: In some ways this is the laziest option in my opinion, but probably the one i expect most players will like. You make your character anyway you like, and mean while, the NPCs the govt tried to empower have gone evil, or nuts and the govt needs you to fix their mistakes. It's kind of nice to have the govt by the short hairs sometimes instead of vice versa. Option #3: This one, you probably want to talk to the players and ask them how you want to have it played out. Do they want the memories to be exact, or scattered. Do they want the memories from a past life at all or do they just have the bodies and abilities in common and thus feel very detached from the originals? Do they resent the Govt scientists playing God, or are they loving a chance to get out of the lab and knock some heads? Are they thinking about rebelling? Option #4: Innocent men convicted of crimes they didn't commit alongside ex-scum who now repetent and those who are only pretending to be repetent certainly opens a lot of options for pcs. One could rip off the sucide squad with bombs in the base of the neck , that sort of thing, but what works in comics doesn't always work in games, and besides, I get the feeling the mass murderers wouldn't be among the team anyway. Would the ex-villains find themselves with new code names and costumes so the public was none the wiser? Or would they be facing a public that knows what they were and fears them? Option #5: "Service brings Citizenship-Would you like to know more?" There's always the chance the US government could deny these guys their chance. It wouldn't be the first time a government yanked someone around. Would there be gripes by the public about 'foriegn superheroes we can't trust, there are even aliens among them!' or would it be seen as proof the American dream could be earned through good deeds? Are the heroes doing this for just themselves, or does the deal included loved ones? Maybe that hero from a third world country doesn't give a darn about America, but he'll fight like the devil for the chance to get his kids a better life here. etc. And how do other governments feel about the US 'poaching' their supers?
  17. Hopefully I've got the polll working for this one. If it is up, it should be self explanatory. I have a few ideas on how to assemble a 'government sponsored team' and I am curious which one folks think they'd like best. Probably the best answer would be a 'mix of the above' but I left that off deliberately to force folks to make a stand
  18. Well, if this were a comic book, we could have: A fellow who who is half tibetian or half tawainese on the team (Perhaps our American if we throw one in) and told not to advertise it too much. A spy from China itself with a nice cover story until he or she is eventually discovered More than one person from the same nation
  19. Well, on the good side at least it isn't health related.
  20. I'm in a particularly bad mood today. I'm going to spend WAY too much time at my parents place putting up some #$#$ing shed. Hopefully my folks won't have some #$#ing breakdown. Two out of three times the last times I spent with them, they took turns. Even when I get back home, I will have to spend two weeks with a relative stranger (See handle if you wonder why this sort of thing is stressful for me) because the folks he was housesitting for changed their plans and kicked him out with so much as a how do you do. So while I may resent the intrusion, I'm not going to throw him out on the street either. So the holidays, which normally are okay once Christmas is actually over, are going to continue to start earlier and end later in their annoyance. Oh, and an order I placed a while back is now late. Meanwhile, two friends have been stupid and I can't help them. I'm so tired of being helpless to help loved ones that I could just puke. It's been going on for almost two years now. I honestly think its influencing my health. I'm breaking out in some sort of rash and I think its stress related. Alas, it's not in the budget to get sick.
  21. Okay, I don't know who "Dragon's Daughter" is, but she looks great. I suppose I thought anything UNTIL tried would get nixed by China on the security council, hence the end run in the fiction. Unifying the various cultures and such for a true superteam would indeed be hard. Like Assault pointed out, there's a lot of anti-Japanese sentiment to get around for some countries. But then again, the various superheroes who can seemingly barely stand each other but then unite and even grow fond of each other despite themselves is a pretty classic situation here. Which does make me wonder just what dynamic would work out best... "This is a job, not a friendship" "This is a calling, not a friendship" "Oh #$#$, it's become a friendship" or "Look, it's an American on the team after all, let's all resent him together"
  22. Back Door Backdoor is a cyberpath, not a particularly unheard of power. However, she uses her power in the pursuit of killing targets. Anyone foolish enough to leave a digital trail can be traced, anyone who has left data floating about soon finds his secrets discovered. Indeed, Back Door could probably make more money as a simple spy and hacker than an assassin, but she enjoys the thrill of the chase too much. She's been known to reprogram security in a building so what was meant to protect the target instead becomes his cage. If needed, she can manipulate data after a death to create false trails that may make the discovery of the target's actual death take weeks (Or longer) Beyond her powers, she's become quite the adept sniper and isn't bad at hand to hand, though she fully admits others on the team are her superior in that regard.
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