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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. Twirl your mustache and tell her there's nothing she can do to stop others from caring 'mwhahahahaha!'
  2. Well, if we continue to rip on an 'evil avengers' angle, then they could have their own Quinn Jet. Steelwolf could easily pay for it all. I imagine it would have better cloaking tech to keep govt agencies from tracking it to their base (Which would have to be more secret than an open mansion)
  3. Hey, don't sell your part short. Moral support means something and she's a sensitive enough soul to appreciate it
  4. I'm thinking they certainly wouldn't be standard level villains. *nod* The purpose is largely that they seek to actively ruin what superheroes treasure just to show them. We're talking a group that might interupt a battle between another supervillain group and the heroes only to help double team the heroes and leave them to the tender mercies of their original foes for amusement. At least, that's one idea (Though I know PCs hate being prisoners) Thank you for the praise. I'm not sure when/if I'll be able to do the write ups. I also realize I left out the counterparts for Hulk, Vision, Hawkeye and many others, but I figure I only need so many at first. Besides, these were the ideas that sprang on me
  5. I'll add my concerns and well wishes.
  6. Strategos The Cynic- He wields a high tech harpoon like weapon that is nearly indestructible. Add to this a brilliant tactical mind, physical prowess that would make Olympic athletes envious, and hand to hand skills honed by a life time of training, and Strategos is rightly feared despite having no obvious superpowers. Strategos the Cynic believes that all is ultimately driven by selfishness, that each being is at their core out for themselves and do things for their own advancement and pleasure. In a very real sense, anti-idealism IS his idealism. Thus, he finds the very concept of superheroes offensive. There is no true justice, there is no 'greater good', and those who consider themselves as champions of such causes (Most superheroes) offend him greatly. Indeed, thanks to Strategos' leadership, one of the chief reasons for SPITE's existence is the bedeviling and humiliation of superheroes. While he's not above killing superheroes he'd much rather show the world how utterly useless such fools are. "Justice is just a cry for revenge and control. Truth? That's the story with the most muscle behind it. Compassion? That's a fancy word for not having the guts to do the dirty work." Mister Big- The leading expert in size alteration technology, Mister Big wears a face plate like mask with the expression of smug confidence etched upon it, and has a fancy suit (Made of highly resilient materials despite the appearance) that changes size with him. He fancies himself an alpha male type, but the seemingly supernatural command he exudes is actually artificial. Built into his face plate mask is a device that allows him to influence weaker wills than his own. Most Men defer to him, most women find themselves eager to please. Though there are limits to how far they will submit (depending on their own ethics plus mental fortitude) this allows Mister Big to enjoy bullying non supers with near impunity. In combat, he can grow to a massive size... though if he goes a full fifty feet tall, he finds his energy reserves draining quickly. He works with Spite for the sheer joy of showing off his combined intellect and physical prowess, and because he likes getting Little Lady, his wife, nice things. At one time, he was a much nicer man, until Little Lady 'improved' him. Even brainwashed as he was, he's no fool, and suspects what happened, but as he considers the 'old him' a weakling , he certainly bears no grudge. "My IQ dwarfs yours, my strength increases at my whim... let's face it, I'm bigger than you in every way that matters, and it's true: Bigger IS Better. I am the better man." Little Lady- Often referred to in conjunction with her husband as in 'Mister Big and the Little Lady", Little Lady benefits from her husband's size changing tech able to shrink down to doll size easily (And smaller for a short period of time, though it is draining). She tends to change her costume frequently, but the faceplate mask she wears remains the same, with the engraved pout upon it. Said mask allows her to influence causing most men eager to please, even fight over her, and most women to feel inferior. Before she met her husband, she was a spoiled debutante and heiress. Her father tried to teach her responsibility by putting her in charge of an R&D company. Two scientists came to her attention, one of them was an old man studying the human mind and how it responded to 'external signals', the other was much younger, and in her view, MUCH more handsome...the future Mister Big, with his size changing theories. Angry that her father expected her to work, it soon occurred to her that she could instead use the two discoveries to her advantage and get the life of excitement she'd always craved. Arranging for the death of the first scientists, she had her future husband (An easy seduction given her natural manipulation skills) adjust the late professor's work. Then she used it on HIM, and improved him, making him more assertive, commanding. Indeed, she found herself excited by the arrogance she instilled in him rather than repulsed. At last she had a mate worthy of her, one who loved her enough to give her everything she wanted not just by buying it, but by force. She had made him into a monster, and she adored what he'd become even if sometimes she was one of the women he controlled. "Oh you poor dear... all those powers and no fashion sense, what color did you MEAN for your hair to be again?" Steelwolf- With wolf themed designs along high tech powered armor, Steel Wolf probably has the most versatile arsenal of all the SPITE members. He has more than one suit, each tailored different in some way, and is smart enough to try to prepare in advance. Lasers, missile launchers, even chemical weapons are all ready to fire forth at his foes. He's often the first to run if things turn sour as he has a lot to lose. SPITE's mission maybe to humble and thwart superheroes, but Steelwolf has his own agenda. He wants to make sure Americans feel scared, that they're scrambling to more and more measures to take villains and threats like himself down...at any cost. Of course, that's because in his own secret ID, he's Lee Lanister, major owner of Lanister Security and Arms. His company makes half the inspection devices in the country for airport security. Anti Superhuman tech, be it to restrain or just attack, in the government's hands is probably from his juicy contracts. Of course, he makes sure most of the tech he provides has fail-safes to malfunction when used against him. Indeed, he's really not concerned about how effective his 'help' really is. In his secret ID he's got at least three major politicians in his pocket and he's making a mint. Steelwolf is just... good PR to promote the paranoia he needs. Smugly, he wonders if anyone will ever realize he's got them ALL 'crying wolf' "Hey hero, there's just one of you right? Me? I see two bridges and here I have two missiles. And there they go... Tsk Tsk, it's such an unsafe world, isn't it?" Mithras- The golden god of warriors, or so he claims. Whether truly divine or not, Mithras is incredibly strong, almost unkillable, and a skilled warrior in his own right. He heals wounds he's recieved almost instantly and a few drops of his blood can even heal his team mates in a pinch. Wielding a gladius that defies scientific analysis, he can also project dazzling bursts of light that blind most who fight him and 'carve a path between worlds'. One reporter asked him if the blade had a name. Mithras said 'Call it Mystery, for that is all it shall ever be to mortal kind'. Mithras is arrogant and violent, but that's hardly unique in the world of superhumans. He works with SPITE because he finds the 'worship' superheroes recieve offensive. Sometimes he refuses to leave a fight even after an objective has been completed, which annoys the others no end since his sword is often great for group escapes. About the only superheroes he does respect are gods or agents of gods. The rest? Pretenders at greatness. "You face Mithras the unslayable, divine god of all true fighting men. You seek to steal the worship of your fellow men? You, a mere mortal? You are not WORTHY!" Jadeline- Once, there was a superhero who could bend time and space. He was a noble man who fought for justice for all peoples, all nations. Then he died. But not before a woman gave birth to his two children. The twins inherited some aspects of his powers, but not his control. The boy found himself in a world that took forever to budge. What was minutes to some felt like hours to him, and days? A full day was intolerable. His sister did not share his power, she had her own, but their mental link meant he could at least communicate with her instantly (Which for him, meant a normal speed). Later, he developed the powers of super speed but this didn't help much. The speedster found himself depressed, melancholy, even suicidal. No doubt he would have killed himself to end his frozen torment if not for the fact his sister, equally disturbed, needed him. When SPITE found them wasting in an asylum for the super powered insane, they quickly took the two under their wing. They put him in a jade costume with lines to represent motion, hence the name. Jadeline doesn't enjoy the pain he causes, but only in fighting superheroes as fast as him has ever really found moments of joy. And, of course, his sister still needs him. Maybe one day she won't...and on the day that comes, he plans to challenge the most powerful foe he can find and try to cause a 'suicide by Superhero'. Then maybe he'll know peace. *Beating a hero to a pulp* "Move faster! I NEED you to move faster!" Shatterwitch- Once, there was a superhero (except when he was a villain) who could bend time and space (or maybe he was a no one who worked in a factory?). He was a noble man (Savage) who fought for justice (himself, his nation, his whim...) then he died (at least in THIS world) but not before a woman (Was mother a prostitute or an heiress? A homemaker or an astronaut?) gave birth to two of his children...(was there a third).. to hell with it. It really didn't matter much. Just as her brother perceived the world as barely moving, the woman who would later becalled Shatterwitch grew up seeing things differently as well. She saw probabilities, possibilities, tweaks and twists and outcomes. She saw too many of them at once. It drove the poor girl mad. When very young, she stabbed another little girl just to see how the tangent would play it. It wasn't like it mattered if the other girl died or not, after all, she was fine in the next vision over! Then the police, not understanding how little the stabbing mattered, came for her. Her brother's powers came first, but HER powers came out worse ! With a gesture she found she could break the laws of probability, she could make the unlikely likely, and the impossible possible. Her control is anything but precise, but can be quite devastating. Liberated by Spite, she can now act out her experiments in 'what might be' on the world around her. She'd try to simply imagine the sun going nova billions of years early except well, she IS fond of her brother so. Her outfit is scandalous and revealing but prone to change everytime she uses her powers. "I'm so sorry I have to kill you, I think in another world we're lovers! Thanks for a wonderful time" *cackle*
  7. Futility to help loved ones totally sucks particularly after the first year or so.
  8. Durkon comes from a long line of humble badasses
  9. I find Bricks to be the easiest to pile up on as long as the players are cool each having their sub niche. One brick might be have better defenses while the other is just a bit stronger, then add to that differences in appearance, background, and attitude and each stands out pretty well. I'd say blasters are a close second depending.
  10. A very morbid part of me wants to start a betting pool on which area will succeed in starting the next major war first.
  11. I really like this concept, Steve
  12. This is why I watch the Daily Show. It can obsess, but at least it's entertaining
  13. I'm not a kid anymore, but trying to pressure video game designers to portray the video game heroes the way that article does sounds like a good way to lose sales. Like the others said, escapism is part of the appeal.
  14. Okay, I don't normally watch the Oscars, and I didn't this time either. But the flub Travolta made wasn't hard to stumble onto with even a causual internet crawl. For those of you hadn't heard, he introduced Idina Menzel (of "Wicked" and "Frozen" fame) by the name of Adele Dazeem. While it appears thousands had the question of 'Who the #$#$ is that?" or "How could he mangle it that drasticly?" I had another question that came to mind. How could I turn this mysterious Adele Dazeem into a secret Identity for a Superheroine? So, the following questions for any of you who haven't just shaken your head and clicked to another thread by now... 1) What is Adele Dazeem's profession/day job? Sure, she could be a singer or other performer, but maybe Miss (Or is it Mrs? Could there be a MISTER Dazeem?) Dazeem has a career further away from the source material? Maybe Adele is a news blogger/reporter, an astronaut, or a wealthy heiress? Maybe Adele is still in High School and is new to superheroing. 2) What's Adele Dazeem's background? I read somewhere that Adele is a French first name, but I'm sure other countries have it. Dazeem sounds arabic to me, but what I don't know about Arabic names could fill a huge book. So, is she an American of French Arabic descent? Maybe she's of another heritage entirely? It could affect both her looks and outlook, or she could be just another all American gal with an odd last name. 3) What are Adele Dazeem's superpowers? Oh sure, what comes to mind is either Ice and Cold powers, or maybe sonic powers...the former thanks to a certain movie that got a lot of Oscar attention, and the latter for ...well, she's inspired by a verbal typo about a talented singer. But maybe our Adele is physical powerhouse, or wielder of arcane magics? Maybe she has no powers, relying on gadgets, training, and/or writer's fiat to get her out of a jam? 4) What's her origin? Tied to her background, I'm talking more on what empowered her and/or motivated her to be a superhero? Was the Dazeem family attacked exciting a broadway musical? Was she a geeky nerdress who loved science and ended up having a radiation accident of her very own? Perhaps she's an alien of the outer space kind "Last of the Dazeem Line sent to a backwater called Earth" 5) What's her superhero name and costume? Obviously a lot will depend on what powers and abilities she has, but still, the visual aspect of a superhero's costume can say a lot about her. 6) The last question that comes to mind is who her supporting characters are? Does she have family she stays in touch with? Co-Workers , are they a big part of her life? Friends are always nice and we'd hope she has some.
  15. I'm afraid I've been anything but reliable for the game I am in, so I couldn't start another. But thanks for the kindness.
  16. Wow. A bump for a thread from 2005. Feeling Necromatic, QM?
  17. Arrow has been even better this season, in my view. With the exception of the character of Laurel who really got annoying (and even SHE might be on the mend) all the characters have been engaging. A few are underused, but that's hardly a problem. Some villains didn't translate as well as others, but that's par for the course on these things. It's got soap opera elements and a lot of eye candy for the ladies but if you can deal with that, it's also got some kick ass action , decent actors and some good shout outs now and then for the geeks. For example, they have already mentioned KORD industries more than once, and IIRC, they're going to eventually introduce Ted. Whether he'll actually be the Blue Beetle, I don't know. As for the Flash stuff, I saw the episodes where they had Barry on a visit. I thought the actor managed to portray him as quite likable and a bit nerdy...which suited Barry fine to my thinking. What they've shown us of the suit looks great! And I loved the 90s Flash Damn, I had a huge crush on Amanda Pays which may have biased me.
  18. Bluecloud2k2 is the owner of a lonely heart said heart misses the chest it used to be in
  19. Puberty Love plays whenever the Ravenswood supers make a guest appearance
  20. Arrow continues to be an excellent show. Truth to tell, I'm enjoying it more than I am Agents of Shield. One of my major complaints, the character of Laurel (Who has been acting like a brat even not counting her addiction problems) is apparently finally being salvaged or at least sidelined so she won't annoy me as much. I'm not the biggest Deathstroke fan, in fact, I really find the character overused in the comics, but this take on Slade Wilson has been excellent. On the other hand, How I met your mother is about to piss me off. I don't know what twit decided to add 'drama' to Ted's already overlong quest for a love that lasts, but I'd like to kick them in the shins . I'm seriously tempted to just read spoilers on line first, and if my suspicions are confirmed I may never bother to watch it.
  21. The even more infamous Hulk Shower Scene (Niagara Falls had to close) NT: Truly bad casting choices for Avengers 3!
  22. Death Tribble recently tried to Annex the town of London, Tennessee and demanded it yield, or at least change its name to 'Wannabe, TN'
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