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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. Maybe they're hoping to get a part in 21 Jump Street films?
  2. I got some excellent advice when I put up this thread http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/64822-es-lebe-die-freiheit-german-resistance-champions/
  3. My Paladin *redacted* your mom! It was good but it wasn't lawful! *Shoves inner 14 year old back in the box* Ahem, I know a bit what you mean. In general, we like to think 'our' group knows better than to fall into traps of prejudice and the like, whatever 'our' group might be. But humans are just that, and anyone call fall into those traps especially when we lower our guard against it I suppose.
  4. If I had the money, I'd love to visit Poland.
  5. EXCELLENT! Sorry, at this stage of things, anything that sides with Public Domain has my favor. IP laws have just been too abused
  6. Random musings... 1.Speaking of musings, I'd pay good money to get my muse back. I haven't been able to truly get any real writing done in what feels like a long time. I've always had trouble with wrapping the end of a story up, but for the last few months, even getting started is a chore. 2. My politics are so out of sync with (as far as I can tell) most of my fellow Tennesseans it's getting scary. I can't afford to move, and I don't want to, but it is depressing as hell to find out I'm probably going to be in a state that will be zigging every time I want to zag for at least another generation. 3. The news from Missouri has alarmed the hell out of me but at the same time, I'm not surprised. I've always had some anti-authoritian aspects to my personality, and cops rolling around in military grade vehicles does not help. Part of me wants to start a rant thread on the whole thing, but I fear it would just turn into a flame war, and besides, what good will it do? Don't get me wrong, I've got little liking for selfish jerks who loot while others are trying to protest and I AM trying to keep an open mind until I get all sides of the story, but I really don't have faith in 'the system' anymore. 4. Comic books have been too damn expensive for awhile, and they're getting more so. I like our local comic book shop vendor and would hate to quit on him. I'd also hate to lose track of characters I love....so I guess I need to either toughen up or pay up
  7. I'm with LL on this one, the JOKER smiles, doesn't make him cute
  8. Agreed. The whole thing certainly reminds me of the saying about never getting to know your heroes TOO well though.
  9. Death Tribble is a stunt double for the Doctor Who show
  10. Thanks for the link, Cygnia. This is one story I really hope the whole truth comes out on. I don't condone rioting, but I don't condone a lot of what I'm hearing of the police there either. Some of the actions law enforcement there is taking stirkes me akin to trying to put a fire out with dynamite Oh, an opinion piece by Leonard Pitts Jr is up. As I've said numerous times, while I don't always agree with him, I always find him insightful http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/08/12/4286081/leonard-pitts-jr-this-is-not-just.html
  11. In our continued "What the hell was THAT??!!" moments...
  12. Related http://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2014/08/reporters-arrested-in-ferguson-193914.html?hp=t1
  13. TKD moonlights as an Elvis impersonator at Justin Beiber concerts. Many thank him for returning artistic integrity to the area
  14. From what I read of Vondy's post, he wasn't complaining so much about folks choosing to live as another gender, but rather their reshaping language ie the 'cis male' label. I think he saw it as one sign of the dangers of Political Correctness when it is used to control the conversation rather than allow true discussion. I think one of us is misreading him there, maybe it's me. *Shrug*
  15. Heh, definitely But my point is that "anonymity" and distance are better than booze for false courage
  16. Oh, and, of course, there's just nasty trash talk as well ... I wish I could say I was surprised by this news. The internet really has a gift for bringing jackholes out of the woodwork. I may think Fine is wrong, I may think he is an idiot, but death threats? Those that make them only succeed in falling into one of two categories for me...1) Psychopaths and 2) (The larger group) cowards who'd never have the nerve to say half of what they say online within actual punching distance
  17. I'm not sure if that's 'cute' to my mind, but it is gorgeous for a snake
  18. Well, I didn't press the 'like' button on Vondy's post because I disagree with him. Quite the contrary, I think he's made some great points and while I'm open to attempts to change my mind, that will take facts not simply poo pooing his commentary. THAT possible bias on my part addressed... Given what goes on in places like our college campuses in the name of Political correctness (But don't take my word for it, feel free to check out http://www.thefire.org/) and other places as well, I'd say that Political Correctness IS used to stifle legitimate debate quite often. In short, it has done some good but its also been used as a weapon to attack opponents rather than the points they make. Which, considering human nature, is hardly a surprise. There is nothing we will not twist and warp given time IMO. A man shouldn't lose his job just because he used the word niggardly to describe how the budget would need to be handled. Nor should legitimate complaints about how women are portrayed in video games go un-examined and simply thrown in the 'Oh, it's just PC nonsense' box. If ignorance leads to confusion in either of these situations (Or situations like it) then it is the ignorance that needs to be addressed by means that are rational and respectful ( without sacrificing either to the other's extreme) In all things, moderation all that. But pessimist that I am, I think the middle path is the narrowest and often marked closed.
  19. I'm glad a new one was up. Free is free so I can't really complain, but I DO enjoy getting my OotS fix
  20. I wouldn't be either if I were you (Or, for that matter, if I were in the group). My sympathies, I've had jackass DMs before, but nothing to that magnitude
  21. L Marcus once used his Scandinavian Luchador powers to save Earth from six foot long hyper intelligent meerkats. If not for his strategy of drawing them to peek at his shiny wardrobe and then bopping them on the head with an atomic slam, they might have succeeded in their plan to impregnate Adam West with larvae that would have caused him to swell to grotesque size in a mere month. At the end of that month, Mr. West would have exploded into a thousand radioactive radioactive Pauly Shores that would then devoured all media that wasn't related TO Pauly Shore, leading the planet to devastation and insanity among the masses. Which, goes without saying but I'll say it anyway, would have left us easy pickings for the alien Meerkat conquest!
  22. Elan with Banjo combo would be hard to resist as an action figure, I admit.
  23. Okay, liked the suggestion they were thinking of changing the city name from Starling to Star
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