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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. Re: Order of the Stick I called him as a a while back IIRC, so I'm feeling smug .
  2. Re: Lex Luthor Is Worse Than Useless
  3. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Ok, watching the Westminster Dog Show. Normally I put up a thread about it, but I missed the opening night and had to catch up on my DVR. Now we're at the end of the Sporting group on the second night. My labs NEVER win, but some of the spaniels are looking good I must admit.
  4. Re: Order of the Stick "Typical"
  5. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I saw Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. A fun flick, though nothing great
  6. Re: Order of the Stick Given the 'fate' that awaits Belkar, I'm wondering if it won't be taking the form of a certain Albino lizard priest
  7. Re: Order of the Stick I agree with him about the Chihuahuas .
  8. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... http://www.buzzfeed.com/mattbellassai/the-40-greatest-dog-gifs-of-2012-6z51
  9. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... There are a lot of interesting studies on man's effect on Dogs, some calling it the longest running eugenics experiment in the history of the world. The modern dog has an almost innate understanding of our facial expressions and body language that it is downright amazing when you think about it. They've been conditioned to think of humans and their other pets as their pack. You may sometimes try to dominate in the pack, but eating fellow packmates is normally frowned upon
  10. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Perhaps NOT quite appropriate to this thread, but I do feel it is needed in a 'public service announcement' kind of way
  11. Re: Ares Saves the World! Doctor Downfall- "I find your magical or "Cosmic" intrusions into the realm of physics OFFENSIVE! Who defines a 'weapon'? Do you know what an 'explosion' is? If a nuclear reactor is used by terrorists, does it become a weapon and become in engulfed by this 'effect'. What of the energy it provides to nations then? Nevermind that, Culturally speaking, You have opened the box and slapped the cat before its state has been fully determined. The War god wants to take the consequences out of global war perhaps to encourage carnage on a massive scale while hedging his bet against mutual annihilation, is that it? Simpletons! You have opened the gate way to a new arms races of bio weaponry, chemical warfare, and other methods of mass destruction and we are FAR less prepared to control that. Further more, you have just prevented my nuclear winter fail safe against global warming I was going to launch if nothing was done by 2018... congratulations on your shortsightedness. I suppose now -I- must earn a boon from this Kosmos to undo yours. So, what must I do? Slaughter chickens around some monolithic circle while dancing nude under a lunar event? BAH!" He'd try to determine the details of HOW 'Ares' earned this boon, and then would seriously consider going back in time to prevent it or change the outcome. When he returned and nukes were back at the cost of Dinosaurs ruling Alberta, he'd have to consider if he needed to go back and try again (He might be tired and leave as is then)
  12. Re: Order of the Stick Math is HARD... in more ways than one
  13. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I caught up on my DVR to catch the latest (in the US anyway) episode of Young Justice. Seeing L-Ron working for Despero instead of Magna Khan was a bit jarring to old school sensibilities, but Mal Duncan gets to stand up as "Earth's Champion!" in a scene that made me smile
  14. Re: The cranky thread Sorry for your family's loss, Marcus
  15. Re: Order of the Stick Bone ridden bastards, rude much?
  16. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Presented without context: "It's not a party if I have to wear pants"
  17. Re: Order of the Stick Yup! Great as it is to see the recap, better Rich take it slow
  18. Re: Champions Villains Volume 4: Fan Favourites I had a great deal of fun with 'Sovi-Yeti', a villain who used to work for the USSR and bitterly resents the loss of Soviet Dream. He ages a bit slower than normal people, but not so slow that he's not feeling age creep up on him. He's rather bitter about American superheroes laughing at him when he commits crimes still wearing the hammer and sickle underwear and hat. Not that he needs the modesty with all the fur, but he considers himself civilized.
  19. Re: The Villain City Don't forget the fun options of subtle (or not always so subtle) mind control or magics that mimic same, or even blatant transformation. I recall Kulan Gath 'taking over' NYC by creating a magic field that transformed everything (And everyone) that came into it to fit the pocket reality. The military couldn't do anything about it because their tech failed, and their soldiers became warriors in service to the evil sorcerer as soon as they entered. One doesn't have to go Stygian age stuff to pull it off. Imagine a pin stripped suit wearing 'Boss' from the early part of the twenty century with his own piece of the jade mirror of reality shifting a section of modern day Chicago to instead reflect a gangster paradise where Tommy guns were the latest firearm and every cop suddenly was on the take. Your heroes might have the strength of will to resist long enough to find his magic mcguffin and restore everyone, but in the mean time they find themselves living a pulp adventure
  20. Re: The cranky thread I'm sorry for your friends, CC... damn, wish I could do more than say that
  21. Re: The cranky thread I don't mind being angry, it's being angry and utterly powerless to do anything about it that twists my gut up.
  22. Re: Question: What makes a team leader? Some players get their PCs thrust into leadership roles over and over again whether it is due to 1) They're good at it They're the only ones willing to do the work in that department or 3) they tend to make those sorts of characters. 4) habit I recall a campaign quote someone else posted "I'm not the leader, got it? Ok. Now here's what we're gonna do..." Character wise, a leader has to have a strong mix of empathy, tactical knack, and above all he has to have earned the respect of his team. HOW he earns that respect may vary and it ain't always easy.
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Videos How tired am I of my connection double posting in these forums? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avpFGlv7iw8
  24. Re: A Thread for Random Videos If I ever find the right lady, I may try to sing this as I propose... It'll probably help if I'm drunk
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